
The Handsome Stranger

Michael_George_6870 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Shit! I'm Fucked!

After what seemed liked hours of deep drug induced sleep, I woke up bitter as usual as now I was out of the trance, the trance the drug probably put me in.

There I was again, cold as I usually am away from the pretty warmth and beautiful pictures of a dark-skinned angel flirting with me and me actually smiling.

I scan around the dim lit room a very familiar scenery, I stare at the clock hanging above my quite unnecessarily large bed as I very rarely slept on it as I much preferred my current position on my favourite couch and my feet hoisted on my Victorian walnut side table I had kept there specifically for that purpose.

It also did other things like it was atop it I kept my ashtray and my laptop after a night long work and finally my sleeping pills.

My head snaps sharply towards my right as I heard my old oak door creak as the knob was turned and pushed from the outside.

It was my maid, she walks in on her usual uniform with her cleaning utensils she had a tall straight figure, a very fine one that she never shied to show it off, she had her hair tied up to a rough bun.

Even a toddler could smell her dense smell of arousal as she walked in, she knew very much there was almost nothing to clean in my room as I rarely spent time in it. I'd only stay rooted in this chair like a throne of mine only getting up occasionally for an alcohol refill from the expensive collection of liquor I had in the corner of my room.

She knew this fact yet she never passed up a chance to give me what lay beneath her skirt and her innocent face. "Good morning Sir Grayson" she greets with a low nod not once gazing upon my essence, but I only stare out the window that I sat in front of, right out at the dawning sky. She doesn't wait for a response as she knows by now not to expect any but she goes about her business anyway.

I catch glimpses of her as she reaches for the big bed trying to straighten its rumples. Very aware of how much she's revealing under her dress, inviting me to the very reason she walked into this room in the first place. I stood up from my seat in front of an exclusive view of morning dawning on this place I wish I could be nowhere near, galloping my way towards her dragging my cross-faded body all the way closing the space between us, catching her stolen glances as I did so.

She had been expecting me, I could smell the uneasiness in her being, her body stiffened, part probably out of sheer fear and the other part probably would be because of the thoughts of what I'd do to her when I finally get close enough to her.

I hear her heartbeat grow louder and she stood frozen only fidgeting with my duvet in her hands, while I stand right behind I figure towering right above her, leaning into me as she felt my presence behind her and pushing her ass into my groin area.

"Get on your knees" I demanded in a low growl and watched her from on high as she quickly obeyed and turned to face me so that she now looked up at me through her eyelashes. Immediately as if she understood the meaning behind my emotionless glare she undid my buckles sliding my pants as well as my boxers down my waist, my full length coming into view causing her to gasp at the length though unaroused. Almost immediately she wiped away the innocence in her eyes as they were replaced by raw lust raging through her ragged breaths as she lapped every inch of my length.

She gave such unbelievably bad head for so much lust in her eyes, but the picture of my dark-skinned angel creeps into my mind as I close my eyes. I pictured her gracious face while she was in the place of this succubus, lilcking in and sucking at my resting manhood and that thought was enough to jolt my cock to stiffened life as I grew hard in the hands of my maid as she let out a quiet chuckle as if celebrating a victory she never had.

"Get up" I scowled at her and she obeyed willingly, immediately scurrying to her feet. Immediately turning her around roughly, bending her over pressing her face into the mattress, with the same speed I raised her dress above the small of her waist, no undies found. I invaded her and hammered her continuously as the thought of my dark-skinned angel ravaged through my mind. I slammed into my maid mindlessly, her moans muffled by the mattress as she wriggled violently after what was probably her third orgasm l couldn't care less, I was nowhere near satisfaction.

She asked for it. I slammed on and on into her quivering pussy without no mercy until the ring on my phone caught my attention. So I withdrew from the sweaty mess of a maid in front of me. "Get out" and out she went, arranging her dress down her legs.

After arranging the slack of my pants, I go on to pick the phone from the old multipurpose side table by the window. As soon as I saw the ID read 'Dilian', I drop the phone back to the table and head straight for the shower in the bathroom turning it on, I stand there quietly as the water falls cold on my dark hair seeping quickly down my face unto my bare chest.

After a quick cold bath, I step into the walk-in closet directly opposite the bathroom door. Not roaming or thinking too much I pick up a black turtle neck, a black coat, pants and a random wristwatch from my expensive collection and a black testoni to match. With a rough rustle through my hair and my look was complete and perfect.

The heels of my shoes mildly audible as I walk through the hallway to the staircase and down the flight of stairs clicking on each case, causing dillian and the other men that stood by the case to stare up at me as I neared. "Took you long enough" dillian said with a smirk curling up his lips "must say we're sorry to disturb your fun" another man said from behind the pack of men in front of me "William" I said "Sir Grayson" he replied with a respectful nod of his head. The rest of the men also did same and paid their respects, well except from dillian who instead smacks my shoulder with that same annoying smirk drawing on his face.

"Shall we? Sir Grayson?" He said with quite high levels of sarcasm in his voice, but I ignore it and lead the men outside. Cars lining up in convoy from different brands just outside the door. "Morning Sir Grayson" my butler greets, while I duck and seat in the closest black sports car to me. I wasn't a fan of the convoys and all those other stuff, only makes me travel slower.

Buckling my seat belt by the drivers seat I could hear dillian shouting orders to my men from outside before everyone were in respective cars. The roar of my beautiful ash Bentley flying spur makes for the go signal as I zoom out of the estate gates, so does the rest of the cars most of which were jeep and Benz.


Without knocking I push open large doors that opened into a room that choked with the smell of cigarettes that mixed with the woody scent the hung in the air of the office. Three men sat at the table, all had their eyes glued on me as I walked in. "Grayson!" The man from behind the table grins as his eye lit up as he stood up, walking around the table and around his guests with open arms towards me. "Father" I greeted in reply with a small smile on my face before he threw his hands around me kissing me greetings before ushering me to the couch, but I only seat after helping myself to a drink. Dillian seats beside me as well after he shared his greetings as well.

"This is important time" one of the men sat opposite the man I call my father say as he kind of accesses me, but I only smirk raising my drink to him. "The council wants to hope you're ready?" He continued with a question, "more than ever" I replied without wiping the smirk all while not breaking the stare.

Later today I was to take the throne, I was to become king of all seven realms. Kings and nobles from around the world will be in attendance. My father decided he had enough of his years of bathing in blood and was time to retire. Don't get me wrong, he's a sweet sweet old man when he's not killing someone, skinning someone or feeding on someone at least. Leaving me to continue with all the fun with dillian by my side.

The thought of uncontrolled chaos brought a sinister smirk to my face, even I could tell I looked dark as nigh the way I smiled.


                             AMBER'S POV

"Amber where are your sisters?" My mom's voice rings loud in my ears from where she had asked us all to meet. For some reason that it seems only didn't know about, everyone was buzzing and excited about something, well except for dad and my brother who were out on business as usual leaving the women alone at home with guards stationed up and about the whole house. "Tilly! Lora! Let's answer to our mother" I scream as they both giggle at each other "yes amber" they said simultaneously before literally hoping down the stairs.

Inside the greenhouse, at the very last end of the box of different colours and species of beautiful plants and flowers, my mom sat at her favourite resting spot. The green house was always full with healthy beautiful flowers and plants although most of them were used for concoctions and potions. I liked their beauty even more when they were lethal plants.

"Girls" my mom starts while taking a sip of her tea. Her aura radiated of so much grace and class, the way she lifted the mug of tea to her perfect nude lips, the way she stared endlessly into the plants through her light grey eyes, a little sparsely populated lashes but long and beautiful to the way her hair fell effortlessly. I could only imagine yours truly struggling to put my hair in a perfect bun, the thought brings a quiet chuckle to my lips

"Is something funny Amber?" Mom asks as she noticed my little giggle "No, please carry on" I said to her apologetically.

"A new king is to be crowned tonight, our family will attend the ceremony" Mom continued. I had almost forgotten. Apart from the presidents and governors known by most of the world, there was an inner government one for non-human race. Dad had told us about it when we were a lot younger.

"Prince Grayson is to be crowned king" she continued, counting her words between her occasional sips of her chamomile tea. 'The' Prince Grayson. He had a lot of rumors around him, same saying he wasn't of royal blood and that he was adopted, some even went on to say he was not of this land at all, but not many knew so much about him so a lot of his tales were rumors. The only stable rumor of him were his ruthlessness in the way he killed those in his bad books and how immensely intimidating he was. In fact, some said he looked like the devil himself whenever he was in battle. The so many rumors of him came crashing in my mind, to think he was the new king was a scary concept, not like the current king was a lot different though.

"Prepare yourself Amber, you will contest to be his maiden at the event" she said.

Seconds lapsed before my brain could understand what my mother had just said. I raised my eyes previously glued to the floor to my mother in confusion to meet her gaze already on me. Oh my God! She's not fucking joking. Although her soft features remained unfazed her voice was much firmer. Mom was quiet plenty, not one to joke around such a really really dark humour, though I really hoped she was.

As I recall all the rumours again my mind ran an entire relay race as I stood confused 'what the fuck?' 'what the fuck!?' I screamed in my mind. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!


Glad to see you made it to chapter 2. the story kicks off from here on.

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