
The Hairess and the Vampire: Love in Shadows

As science advances and myths of vampires, witches, and warewolves fade away, a peculiar scene takes place within the confines of a mental institution that is concerning. In one of the rooms, a once-respected professor, Dr. Goode, now deemed clinically insane, clutches a weathered tome titled “Tales Of Our Time” Despite that, the professor holds it delicately, treating it as if it’s a precious artifact from a different era.. The book’s prologue hints that the story is an adaptation from an obscure source, which he discovers upon opening to its first page. He had seen it before, but gets excited as if it was the first time he saw it. The title and author of this mysterious original tale are unclear and remain shrouded in ambiguity. The professor is undeterred by the enigma and exhales deeply. The incapacitated professor’s weary eyes gets fixated on the ancient manuscript as he prepares to delve into its narrative once more.. Outside, a woman in her thirties walks by. On seeing him occupied, she diverts to his room. The healthcare worker enters the room in the nick of time and immediately notices the book in his hands with a sharp gaze. She wastes no time in establishing her authority, her voice conveying both firmness and concern.. “What did we say? Hmm?” The professor looks up from the book to the woman, his reply containing a hint of defiance “They are but stories,” he retorts, his words challenging the boundaries between reality and imagination that seem to blur within the asylum’s walls. As science advances and myths of vampires, witches, and evil spirits fade away, a peculiar scene takes place within the confines of a mental institution. In one room, at a mental institution, a once-respected professor, now deemed insane, clutches a weathered tome titled “Tales Of Our Time” Despite that, the professor holds it, treating it as if it’s a precious artifact from a different era.. The book’s prologue hints that the story is an adaptation from an obscure source, which he discovers upon opening to its first page. He had seen it before, but gets excited as if it was the first time he saw it. The title and author of this mysterious original tale are unclear and remain shrouded in ambiguity. The professor is undeterred by the enigma and exhales. The incapacitated professor’s weary eyes get fixated on the ancient manuscript as he prepares to delve into its narrative once more.. Outside, a woman in her thirties walks by. On seeing him occupied, she diverts to his room. The healthcare worker enters the room in the nick of time and notices the book in his hands with a sharp gaze. She wastes no time in establishing her authority, her voice conveying both firmness and concern.. “What did we say? Hmm?” The professor looks up from the book to the woman, his reply containing a hint of defiance . “They are but stories,” he retorts, his words challenging the boundaries between reality and imagination that seem to blur within the asylum’s walls. “ Your daughter is here. She would be mad if she knew you still have this. Don’t make me tell on you “, the decent woman said, leading the way out.

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3 Chs

Vampire's Hustle

At a bustling hedge fund company, traders were meticulously monitoring market trends on a myriad of screens that adorned their workstation desks. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of anticipation and urgency, as the fate of various stocks hung in the balance.

Among them, Emma, the youngest trader in the firm, was engrossed in her latest move. She had been diligently tracking the performance of ABCo, the company belonging to the ailing Mr. Anderson Brooks, for years. Recent times had seen her scrutiny intensify, especially since the health of Mr. Brooks had taken a dire turn.

In the wake of Mr. Anderson Brooks' illness, ABCo's shares had been on a relentless downward spiral. They hit rock bottom following the public announcement of his passing, and now, with his burial having taken place just yesterday, the trading day promised to be tumultuous. The market's response would hinge on the impending announcement regarding the new CEO.

As traders traded whispers in the night, they diligently sought insider information on the heir to the corporate throne. The company's veteran CFO, Mr. Franklin, and Mr. Brooks' son, Jason Brooks, were the contenders for the coveted role. Each of them held the power to steer the company's fortunes either towards a steep decline or a miraculous ascent.

Yet, in the dimly lit trading room, uncertainty loomed like a heavy cloud. Nobody could predict who would ascend to the leadership role or what would transpire after the announcement. The traders could only speculate and make decisions based on their instincts and analysis.

Emma's prowess as a star trader was no accident; she had her unique methods of uncovering information that eluded her peers. This approach not only maintained her standing as the highest-earning trader at the hedge fund but also caught the attention of Liam.

As she left the office, she placed a call to her old college friend. After just three rings, a familiar voice answered, "Emma."

"Jason, how have you been?" Emma inquired.

Emma and Jason Brooks shared a deep history dating back to their college days. Emma was a lively freshman, and it was during one of Mr. Goode's lectures that she first encountered Jason Brooks as a guest speaker. This was the same Mr. Goode who had been teaching at the college for years, a lecturer who had also taught Charlotte and Lizzy during their time there.

In Jason's era, Mr. Goode had been an introductory lecturer in business studies. When Charlotte joined the college more than a decade later, she found Mr. Goode had risen to the position of a senior lecturer.

Emma had been ahead of Charlotte in college, but she had attended the same lecture where Jason Brooks was a guest speaker. Her brother had left a lasting impression on all the young minds, including hers.

After the lecture, Emma approached Jason with a question that ignited a series of encounters and, ultimately, a lasting friendship. Emma had skillfully leveraged this connection to gain insider information on everything happening within ABCo, directly from its heir. Jason's demeanor remained unruffled by her call.

"You know me," Jason's voice carried a hint of amusement.

Emma chuckled softly, "Do I?"

"You should already be grateful. I can foresee positive developments. Just wait until they learn that my father has chosen me to carry on his legacy and wealth; the stock price will soar."

Jason never used coded language when discussing matters with Emma, and she was the sole confidante who comprehended his cryptic messages. In return, she guarded his secrets with unwavering loyalty.

"A will?" she probed, her beautiful smile revealing dimples on both cheeks.

"Something along those lines," he confirmed. "Time's ticking. What did you need?"

"Nothing," she replied absentmindedly, tracing circles on the restroom mirror. "Alright, Miss Nothing, we'll talk later," Jason concluded, ending the call.

Taking a sigh of relief, Emma splashed water on her face to cool down before heading out to await what would undoubtedly be her most successful day of trading ever.

Amidst the chaos, Emma found herself at a crucial juncture. It was precisely during the markets opening time in the morning when she sensed the familiar face of their head's secretary, a harbinger of impending summons.

"Really?" Emma queried, meeting the secretary halfway. They walked together towards the imposing office of their boss, a shared apprehension casting a shadow over their steps.

The aura around Mr. Liam was known for its icy demeanor, and the traders braced themselves for a potential dressing down.

As they reached the door, the narrative hung in suspense, awaiting the revelation of what the meeting with the formidable Mr. Liam would entail.

Outside his office, Emma tried to compose herself. She took deep breaths, straightened her hair, and cleared her throat in an attempt to regain her composure while awaiting entry.

Melissa, Mr. Liam's secretary, shot a disdainful glance at Emma before discreetly clearing her throat and dialing her boss.

"Let her in," came the cold, unyielding voice from inside the office before Melissa could even speak. She let out a hushed sigh of relief and gestured for Emma to proceed.

As Emma entered the dimly lit office, she found herself under the intense scrutiny of Mr. Liam. His dark eyes locked onto her hazel ones, sending a shiver down her spine.

"Emma," he whispered, gesturing for her to take a seat.

Even after five years of working together, Mr. Brooks had an undeniable effect on Emma. She blushed, her face turning crimson as she politely approached the plush sofa and sank into its soft embrace.

Mr. Brooks closed the laptop on his desk, giving Emma his full attention. "How are you?" he inquired, his voice as cool and enigmatic as ever.

"I have my reasons, Sir," Emma replied, diving straight into the business at hand. Her palms were clammy, and the atmosphere in the room was stifling, but she was determined to stay composed.

He noticed her uneasiness, his sharp eyes picking up on the visible signs of her discomfort. Feeling her racing heartbeat, he maintained his steady gaze. "Do you know who will be named?" he asked.

Locking eyes with him briefly, Emma replied, "I don't know, but regardless of the choice, it should have a positive impact.

The stock market has been unjustly harsh on ABCo. A twenty percent drop is excessive for such a reputable company. I believe I made the right move."

"Good answer. Let's wait and see," he said, rising from his chair. Then, he seemed to recall something. "I'm curious, who do you think deserves the position more?"

"Sir," Emma began, her voice trembling slightly between deep breaths and moments of hesitation.

"Who, in your opinion, is better suited to run the company?" he pressed, his tone almost commanding.

"Anyone but his family, sir," Emma replied resolutely. Mr. Barret nodded in agreement.

"Both siblings?" he inquired further.

"Yes, sir," Emma responded, blinking rapidly. "His son is too ruthless, and his daughter lacks familiarity with the company."

Locking eyes, Mr. Liam asked,"What did Jason say? "

With her mind held hostage, Emma detailed the accounts of the phonecall she just had in the washrooms, not daring to miss a single point. She felt her mind held captive, but she never knew or wanted to free herself.

Content with his findinga, Mr. Liam released her mind on a high note, leaving her mind with his final question stuck in there. "If you make us some good money today like always I'll take you out for drinks. You have a place in mind?"

With him leaving her mind, Emma wondered if she was hallucinating or Mr. Liam did say it. She smiled sheepishly waiting for him to ask once more.

With his face cold, she focused on making him money, and perhaps he would act on it the way he wanted.

"You can go now," he instructed, ending their meeting with an air of mystery hanging in the room.

Emma, still feeling the lingering intensity of the encounter with Mr. Liam, took a final, somewhat nervous, glance at his imposing figure. His statue-like presence seemed to etch itself into her memory.

With her heart racing and her mind still processing the conversation, she practically bolted out of his office, her breath coming in rapid gasps. The weight of his scrutiny and the enigmatic nature of their discussion left her with a sense of intrigue and apprehension that she couldn't shake.

As she re-entered the bustling trading room, her colleagues couldn't help but notice her flushed face and the mixture of emotions that played across her features.

The mystery surrounding Mr. Brooks and the fate of ABCo hung heavily in the air, casting a shadow over the otherwise bustling hedge fund company, and helping her get rid of curious eyes.

.Outside Mr. Brooks' office, Melissa, his secretary, couldn't hide her malicious satisfaction as she watched Emma, who had entered with determination, emerge looking frightened and red-faced. She smirked deviously, mocking the stark contrast between Emma's entrance and exit.

Emma, biting her lip in frustration, couldn't help but notice Melissa's taunting expression. She clenched her fists briefly, then decided to channel her anger into her work.

Returning to her trading desk, she meticulously double-checked her trades and kept a close eye on the latest news and speculations, all of which seemed to align with her strategy.

Already, her calculated move had proven profitable as ABCo's stock had risen by half a percentage point. While her colleagues hesitated, waiting for the official announcement, Emma couldn't help but chuckle at what she perceived as their naivety.

She stole a glance in the direction of Mr. Barret's office, wondering about what he might say after seeing her make a huge profits where many will end up with a loss.

Already, her stake of ten million dollars had made two point five percents in profit, and the day was young and promising.

In his office, the cold vampire took his phone out and texted Charlotte. Impatient, he sent another text.

Your brother will be announced as the new CEO of ABCo today.