
Chapter 4. Assassination mission pt3

(Wanted criminal...unknown identity)

I walked away from the demolished man and checked my watch. It's was 4:12. We've been at this for 2 hours, so I'd better hurry. I whipped the door to the office open. There were red and blue lights flashing through the window. The cops had arrived while I was fighting that guy. I should've considered this. Wait, where's the target? I glanced over the room and saw no one. Then I heard the quivering from the closet. I snuck over to it without making any sounds and stood quietly right outside. "Goodbye." I heard a scream of fear right before a pulled the trigger. I waited a second and unloaded 5 more bullets through the wood. I no longer heard noses from the closet and the blood was sleeping out. I looked out the window and saw the cops surrounding the building. Our job here was done. I radioed everyone to leave and that the target was wiped out. I stepped onto the windowsill and opened the window. Shocked expressions spread across the police's faces. I stood there and grinned, my red eyes full of excitement. "I'm sorry, but this is where my final show comes to a close." I yelled. Then I jumped out of the 13th floor window. Everyone was absolutely terrified. Perfect. "Sike!" I screamed as my glider activated. From there I glided home, but not feeling like the same person that just killed someone and evaded the cops.