
Chapter 3. Assassination mission pt2

(Wanted criminal...unknown identity)

I entered the building with no hesitation. As I confidently strolled in I could see 3 of my undercover people and 2 knocked out staff. As I walked by I gave a nod and they radioed the guys upstairs who were now acting as the bodyguards they took out earlier. I reached the elevator and tapped the floor 13 button. On the way up I could hear the constant reviewing over the radios. Everything was going according to plan and the target was right where I wanted him. Floors 1, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, and 13 were all under control and the last thing left to do was to end John Riss Qualfer. I finally arrived on the 13th floor. Everything was dead silent and that wasn't right. Something was definitely off. I crept down the hall with my gun in hand. I cautiously checked each door window and continued to room 135. I was next to 133 when I saw both of my men on the floor battered and bruised. How could someone have known about the mission? On top of that how could they take out some of my strongest? I began to go further when I felt it. There was a presence, someone was right behind me. I was so caught up thinking that I didn't even realize. "So this is the top Wanted criminal, eh?" A strange voice from behind spoke. "Not so tough without those two huh? Too scared to speak?" He teased. "I wo-" His confidence was his demise. I dropped down and kicked his legs out from under him before he could utter another word. He fell and i took my opportunity and jumped on him. I slid on my iron knuckles and starting punching as hard as i could without killing him. I stood up and looked at his beaten-in face. " I wasn't scared, I just don't want to waste my breath on cocky trash like you." And with those last words, I was off to the targets office.