
Chapter 2. Assassination mission

(Wanted criminal...unknown identity)

"The target, John Riss Qualfer, is currently locates in HIH company building. He's on the 13th floor in room 135. The infiltration team will consist of 5 of us and I will be the assassin. Due to Rylan's absence, we will need 3 people to take out the body guards before I go in. Do you all understand? Yes? Then I will start assigning positions." After that whole process was planned out and we knew our roles, it was time to follow through.

As planned, 5 of us went in and posed as employees going about their business. This part was the easiest. All we needed were fake IDs and the best actors in the squad. We waited almost an hour to secure their covers before moving on to the next step. On the command 3 more guys went in claiming that they had a meeting with Mr. Qualfer. The receptionist of course went to call him, but found that the line had been cut. Luckily we took the extra precautions. She then let them up the elevator. On the 13th floor they took two rights and a left down the halls until they reached room 135. Two buff bodyguards stood there in front of the door and after an intense fight. They got through. That's where I came in. I set down my walkie-talkie with a finale " I'm on my way up." and entered the new fighting ground.

-mission continued in the next chapter-