
The Guild of Gamers: The Gambler

May RNGesus Be With You, Praise Be.

DarkWolfShiro · Livres et littérature
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14 Chs

PHOh Dear

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain, TheDonFluffles and Mike, God of Lore

The Guild of Gamers: The Gambler

Chapter 03.5: PHOh dear

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♦ Topic: Pillar of Light and a Naked Demon

In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay

Feychick (Original Poster)

Posted On Jan 21st 2011:

Okay, so anyone who lives near the Docks or god help you, in the Trainyard probably saw the giant pillar of light that lit up the sky for like half a minute last night, right?

So, I live like two streets over and saw it from by bedroom window, figured it was another cape battle and stayed inside.

Then, from my bedroom window I saw this come running out of an alleyway that leads to the street where the pillar of light happened

[nakeddemon. jpg] (censored for PHO rules)

Does anyone know who the hot streaker is?

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Replied On Jan 21st 2011:

If I ask really nicely, will you pm me the uncensored picture because goddamn look at those muscles.

I live on the other side of town and even I saw the pillar.

Still, he looks super confused, clearly doesn't know where he's going. A new cape?

►Faultline (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 21st 2011:

Look at his shoulder, the Omega tattoo means he's a Case 53. Probably just got dropped in Brockton Bay, no memories and no clothes.

Does anyone know how to get in contact with him?

►Make_Me_Squeal (Unverified Cape)

Replied On Jan 21st 2011:

I fucking knew I wasn't tripping!

The bastard told me he was a hallucination and ran off

Skiddy though the pillar was one of our drug labs blowing up lol, they do make some funny colours sometimes

Also, the demon dude has a massive cock, like goddamn, send me the uncensored pic too, best cock I've seen

And trust me, I know cocks


Replied On Jan 21st 2011:

Oh look, Squealer's ban expired. Wanna place bets on how long she'll last this time


Replied On Jan 21st 2011:

That's not a cape, it's the start of a demonic invasion.

What do you think the pillar of light was? It was a portal between worlds, he's just the first

And he's not that hot

►Feychick (Original Poster)

Replied On Jan 21st 2011:

Oh yeah?

Post a pic of your abs them Void, let's see how you compared


Replied On Jan 21st 2011:

I saw that dude too, running around looking confused as fuck.


Tin_Mother's Notes: do not post nude pictures of a cape who likely had no choice in his streaking. Take a warning for now

►Make_Me_Squeal (Unverified Cape)

Replied On Jan 21st 2011:

See? Massive cock.

Where he even go, Skiddy wants to talk to him (shit, I do too)


Replied On Jan 21st 2011:

Holy shit, @SpecificProtagonist

Check this out, super hot demon cape nudes!

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►Feychick (Original Poster)

Replied On Jan 21st 2011:

I've been asking around and apparently he flew off with @GloryGirl

Also, boo! Bring back the demon nudes!

►GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Yup, that's Set

He's a new cape, and yes he's a Case 53. Since he didn't have a place to go, I got mom to let him stay with us for the night. Didn't want to leave a cape wandering around the city for one of the gangs to grab (eat shit @Make_Me_Squeal)

He's actually really nice, despite looking like a demon.

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Can you tell us what his powers are? And possibly provide a picture where he doesn't have his dick out for the wiki

►GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

lol, we're just getting him some clothes now

[Set .png]

Yes, I dressed him, yes you're welcome ladies. (He's single, btw)

I don't actually know beyond flying, we're going to the PRT later for power testing and to register him.


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

You really put the hot demon into a pair of tight leather trousers? I love you.

If he needs another place to stay, he can stay at my house

In my bed


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

I actually saw him just now, some Merchants were robbing a pharmacy on the Boardwalk (in the middle for the day, in the most heavily patrolled place in the city)

He took them down in like three seconds, making vines and roots grow out of the ground and bind them, GG picked their escape car off the ground when it tried to run away and Set had his roots pull the last guy out of the car.

It happened too fast for me to get a video, but I got a picture of the aftermath

[Merchants .png]

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

So, plant control?

I'll put that down for now, I wonder how far it goes.

Not what I expected from his looks tbh

Also, Flippin thirsting over a cape, imagine my shock

►GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Sett (renamed a little since sharing a name with a terrifying Egyptian god is a no-no) said I could post this

Sett is… fucking ridiculously powerful.

He's a self-trump, he gets powers at completely random.

So far, he grows in battle like a demonic Lung, he has two different healing powers (including one that works on brains) and his roots.

He's gotten all these powers in the last day

So yeah, Sett's a badass

►Feychick (Original Poster)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Damn, Eidolon mixed with Lung and Panacea? Badass is an understatement

Do you know if he's going to be joining Panacea on her hospital visits?

►GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

I don't know, Sett doesn't really know what he wants to do yet

Obviously since he woke up a cape literally yesterday

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►Shadow Stalker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Update: Sett's a badass and just told Scion that he had to share the colour gold

►All-Seeing Eye

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:


►Shadow Stalker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Fucking Scion just showed up and interrupted the meet and greet, Sett just stared him down and told him that he had to share the colour good since that's what Sett's healing looks like

Then he healed Scion, fuck knows what from, Scion thanked him then fucked off

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

I take a day off and this happened?

What would Scion even need healing from? The man seems indestructible

►Feychick (Original Poster)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Guys, I'm totally imagining that golden star glowing above Brockton Bay, right?


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:


I see it too


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Just checked with my dads telescope, that's definitely Scion, just hovering above the city.

Umm, is that good or bad?


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

New hottest cape in Brockton?

Does anyone have the video Tin_Mother deleted?


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

I saved it, I'll give you a copy at school


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Scion is floating above the city, and people are still focusing on demon cock?

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Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Scion wears clothes now, so yes we are.


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

What's going on over there?

I feel like I missed something

►All-Seeing Eye

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

You and me both

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♦ Topic: Scion has made a move

In: Boards ► Capes ► Golden Watch

ScaryHatLady (Original Poster) (Moderator)

Posted On Jan 22nd 2011:

[ScionandSett .mp4]

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►Tin Mother (Moderator)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Who are you? I know all the moderators and you aren't one of them.

Is this fake? Hm, you're good. I can't delete this

►ScaryHatLady (Original Poster) (Moderator)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

This is not fake, and you cannot beat me

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Okay, I can confirm it's real but how the fuck did this poster get access to recordings from within the Wards area? Those are locked down so tight even I can't get access to them.

My sources have confirmed that this actually happened, though nobody knows what Scion actually wanted

Also, the demon is Sett, a new case 53 in Brockton Bay, his thread is [here]

►ScaryHatLady (Original Poster) (Moderator)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

I'm just better than you


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

He spoke, has he ever actually spoken since the day he gave us his name?

Sett got two full sentences from him

►Lo A Quest

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

He does speak, but it's extremely rare.

He also never explains his actions or tell is what he's going to do, but here he actually said he'd be back

Why? What was that glow that Sett did?

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

The glow is one of Sett's abilities called Salvation, a incredibly powerful healing power that also makes the person it's used in a temporary brute

What Scion was suffering from, we haven't got a clue, but it clearly did something to him


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Does Sett have PHO? I have so many questions


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

There's a new account named Sett, hasn't got any tags and hasn't posted anything yet

Could be him, could be a fake

►Miss Mercury (Protectorate Employee)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Sett could possibly have an opportunity to actually open up dialogue with Scion, something that seemed impossible up until now.

Imagine if we could actually get Scion to agree to help in Endbringer attacks instead of just showing up when he felt like it

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►Bruce Lao

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Scion is just hovering above Brockton now, obviously nobody has approached him but anyone who goes outside and looks up can just barely see the glow he's giving off.

►Sett (Verified Cape) (Verified Case 53)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:


Vicky helped me set up this account and Tin_Mother got me verified.

Hate to say it but I don't really know what Scion wanted either, he's not much of a talker and Salvation doesn't tell me what was wrong with them.

Nice guy though, polite even if he doesn't say much

►All-Seeing Eye

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Heals Scion, gets more attention from him than anyone else in known history

"Yeah he's a nice guy."

I can't tell if you're actually trying to fuck with us or you just don't see the importance of what happened

►Sett (Verified Cape) (Verified Case 53)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

He wanted healing so I healed him, sure he's strong but he didn't threaten or hurt anyone, just came by and asked the healed, then thanked me and left


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Either Sett's a Chad or a Himbo, I'm not sure which I prefer

Did anyone notice what Shadow Stalker said at the very end?

Someone's got a crush lol


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Can you blame her?

Also, Himbo Demon!

►Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

So, that was both amazing and terrifying. I've never been allowed to go to an Endbringer battle so I've only seen pictures of Scion and god is he intense

Even Miss Militia seemed nervous with him just floating there, but Sett just didn't give a damn.

►Shadow Stalker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Muted)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

[message deleted]

►Shadow Stalker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Muted)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

[message deleted]

►Shadow Stalker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Muted)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

[message deleted]

Tim Mother's Note: that's enough of that, take a two week time out.

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Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:


►Rosary (Verified Cape) (Haven)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

A devil looking cape using a power he called Salvation? I suppose he thinks he's terribly funny.

He will find that some things should not be so idly mocked.

►Clockblocker (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Oh come on, I go to get a burger before work and this happens?

That's bullshit

Also I give it a day until there's a dozen fics about Scion and Sett.


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

A day? You fool, I started mine already.

The only question is whether Scion or Sett should be the bottom.

►ScaryHatLady (Original Poster) (Moderator)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:


►Tin Mother (Moderator)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Okay seriously, who are you?

I don't know how you managed to utterly compromise PHO but I will find a way to remove you.

►ScaryHatLady (Original Poster) (Moderator)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:


lmao even

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♦ Topic: Sett speaks to Scion

In: Boards ► Capes ► Golden Watch

ScaryHatLady (Original Poster) (Moderator)

Posted On Jan 22nd 2011:

Sett has approached Scion.

[SettSpeakstoScion .mp4]

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►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Okay I don't even know where to start with this

The mysterious user who has blatantly hacked PHO's servers; which I remind you were designed by Dragon.

Sett having the sheer balls to just casually ask Scion what he's doing.

Scion, arguably the strongest hero, not understanding why people bother being a hero (which is highly worrying)

Scion's dead wife, was she a normal woman? Was her death his trigger event?

Sett pulling out a giant fire bird after the conversation

Or, perhaps most importantly, Sett casually saying that yes, in time, he could bring back the fucking dead

Where does it stop with this guy?

►Answer Key

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Oh boy I can hear the typing of the angry religious zealots already

The devil claiming to be able to bring back the dead?

Of course if he's right, fuck them, bring back Hero! And the hundreds of dead heroes who gave their lives for the good fight over the years.

Imagine being able to just say 'no' and resurrect everyone who died at an Endbringer battle?

Also, I never thought I'd say this but damn I feel bad for Scion, you can tell he really misses his wife.


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Did you see the way he perked up at Sett explaining that they are heroes to stop other people from feeling the same thing Scion is feeling?

That's the first time I've seen him really react to anything

Unrelated question but do you think Sett, a. offers rides on his giant fire bird and b. would take requests for resurrection when he gets that power like he thinks he will.

►Rosary (Haven) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

The only path to eternal life is through earning your place in heaven, not through some fake devil.

Whatever his powers seem to do, there will be a cost.

There is alway a cost.

►Answer Key

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

There they are.

Hello, Rosary, got bored of reeeeing on Sett's thread?

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:


I can't speak about his giant bird but I do know that Sett got a licence to heal from the PRT, whether he'll volunteer like Panacea or charge for his services is currently unknown.


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

How do you think his Salvation would work in Case 53s? It apparently restores things to how they should be; right?

►GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

I actually asked him about that, he doesn't know.

It doesn't work on himself but he claims it has a mental component and that he sees his Case 53 form as his true form. For one who wasn't comfortable on their body it could act differently, hit it's all theory atm anyway

►Forgotten Creator

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Do you know how much Cape Healing can cost? Usually around five digits at the cheapest.

I don't even wanna consider what Cape Resurrection would cost, but I'm guessing it's gonna be a six figure thing at the bare minimum.

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Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Do you think he takes payment in sexual favours?


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

We can only hope, we can only hope.

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

…keeping Sett's wiki page accurate is going to be hell.


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Just put Powers: Yes and call it a day, you'll be right eventually.

So, when does Sett get his medal for the biggest balls in the world?


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

And we have photo evidence of his balls too!

That was Shadow Stalker who is recording right? What were those two doing together?

►Miss Mercury (Protectorate Employee)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Sett has registered as an Independent Hero, Shadow Stalker apparently invited him to do a patrol with him

►Whitecollar (Cape Wife)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

So he's staying Independent or joining New Wave?

Shame, I think he could do wonders in the PRT since they'd know how to use his talents best


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

You mean he'd be wasted, bound by red tape.

Wanna bet Brandish basically begged him to join New Wave the moment she heard how strong he actually was?

►All-Seeing Eye

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Actually it doesn't really mean anything, most heroes start as independent heroes and it just means he can join patrols.

There's no way the PRT have given up on trying to recruit him. If he's smart he'll hold out until groups like the Elite start sniffing around and make the PRT desperate to be the ones to win him over.

Keep them waiting long enough and he could probably get damn near anything for agreeing to join, instead of the barely minimum wage the other Wards get.

I give it a week at the most before someone tries to honeypot him. Whether it'll be New Wave, the Protectorate or someone else first is still up in the air, but if Sett's smart he'll make a bidding war for his loyalty.

He seemed excited just before he got the bird, the first footage of him seemingly gaining a new power? Beyond his excitement there was literally no outward sign of him gaining a seemingly very powerful projection.


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

I love the bird, it's so majestic.

It has such beautiful feathers as well.

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Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

I think he'll be a hero, he's clearly a wonderful person!


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Of course he'll become a hero

How else would he corrupt the PRT from the inside? If he stays independent he won't have access to the female capes the PRT has to add them to his harem?

He has already started with New Wave, but soon he'll have all the female capes in Brockton Bay, and then he'll expand his horizons until he's the god-king of Earth Bet with his mastered battle harem


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Void, what are you smoking and where can I get some?

►Make_Me_Squeal (Unverified Cape)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

As a female cape in Brockton, I for one welcome our new demonic overlord. Girls, let's open our hearts and legs for our new demon king.

Hm, maybe I can get his attention with my newest baby?

►All-Seeing Eye

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Oh no.

Don't mind me, just leaving the Docks for the foreseeable future. I don't need to see another Killdozer.

►ScaryHatLady (Original Poster) (Moderator)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

And so it begins, just according to keikaku

Translators Note: Keikaku means plan.


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Why didn't you just say according to plan?

►ScaryHatLady (Original Poster) (Moderator)

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Why didn't you lock your front door tonight?


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Guys I just checked and my front door was open.

Not unlocked, actually open.

Someone wrote the word Keikaku on it.

I'm scared.


Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:

Ooh, you're good Scary

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— Sett —

Fey Achieved

[PHO Famous]

Pull Granted

I really need to start checking PHO more because what does that even mean?


Result: Junk Knowledge (1 Pity Point Added)

[Sand Castle Artisan]

You have an amazing ability to create works of art out of sand, just hope no waves come along.


Feat Achieved


Pull Granted

What does that even mean?

Do you want the pull or not?

Yes, I'm sorry.


Result: Epic Power

Lustful Slumber

When you go to sleep, you can think of someone else who is also asleep which will cause you to have a wet dream. They will also have a very wet dream of you, which will leave them highly aroused for the next day, each dream making them slightly more attracted to you.

Author's Note: Just a PHO chapter.

The Interlewd was for an Omake on QQ. It granted a special roll, from a custom lust made around the Omake which was about Madison having a wet dream.



25, 3 (Junk Knowledge)

Polar Potato


I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review and I'll probably write faster.

I have a discord server (technically someone else's but my name is on the server so it's basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here's the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

If it says it's expired, add my (The Pumpkin King#1234) and I'll invite you myself.

I've finally started to use my pat reon for something, mostly I've just added some discord integration so that my pat reons can read early previews of chapters. This won't affect regular posting, but if you wanna read my works a day or two early then consider checking it out

Link: Pat reon. com/TheDarkWolfShiro