
The Guild of Gamers: The Gambler

May RNGesus Be With You, Praise Be.

DarkWolfShiro · Livres et littérature
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14 Chs

Hot Springs and Hot Goths

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Mike God of Lore, Malcolm Tent, Beans, Priapus, bebepeIe

The Guild of Gamers: The Gambler

Chapter 12: Hot Springs and Hot Goths

– Dennis (Clockblocker) –

A lot of people took being a Ward way too seriously, like Vista, for example. It wasn't hard to notice that she really wanted to be respected and felt like she was treated like a child despite her power and experience. It was why he tended to avoid having her be the butt of his jokes, aiming them at people who either could take it or frankly deserved it (looking at you, Shadow).

That wasn't really fair; Sophia had been far more chill since she'd met Sett. It didn't change months of her being the edgy loner who'd picked a fight with everyone who even tried to talk to her, but he wasn't going to have her fall back into old habits by targeting her.

Carlos also took his job too seriously. Being the new leader of the Wards suddenly made him uninterested in games or playing around. He felt like the position meant he had to be a lot more serious now.

Dean? Dean had been more laid back right up until Sett showed up, and he'd had to deal with the inferiority complex of a lifetime next to the next Triumvirate, who was also besties with Dean's (former) girl. Dash fell into a similar category to Vista, but he was more aggressive about proving how powerful he was and really wasn't happy to have Sett in their team.

Because Sett overshadowed them all massively, and it wasn't even funny. Sett was here for less than a week before fucking Alexandria herself had moved to their little dump to 'mentor' him, even if the new teleportation network meant she could go home instantly.

But him? He was really starting to enjoy having their overpowered, demonic golden retriever of a teammate on the team.

Leaning back in the hot spring, he sighed in pleasure at the feeling of the hot water. Sure, Sett's power could just randomly pull a hot spring out of thin air.

Chris was far less relaxed, trying very hard not to look at their bikini-clad teammates. With the benefit of hindsight, he understood why Emma had seemed irritated when he'd asked where they were going (and got an invite to join them from Sett) because he was pretty sure that they'd be fucking if he wasn't here.

Violet and Alice sat together, talking quietly as the team's new edgy member and their token goth girl bonded over music. Emma and Sophia both sat at either side of their man, and he pretended not to notice Emma's hand rubbing Sett's thigh under the water of the Japanese-style onsen. Vista tugged at her more childish, one-piece swimming costume, occasionally blushing and looking at Sett's bare chest. 

"Chris, relax. We aren't going to attack you if you happen to look our way; just don't make it weird," Emma sighed, seeing how jumpy Chris was. Chris mumbled something, eyes flickering to Emma's tiny bikini. It wasn't hard to notice that Chris was crushing on Emma, but she was very much taken by the Hopebringer himself. "We're not wearing anything you wouldn't see at the beach."

Honestly, he was just hoping Mrs Parr hadn't noticed his occasional look towards her bikini-clad body because Sett had given them a true gift. This had rapidly escalated from Sett taking his girlfriends to his magical hot spring to a full Ward outing (missing Dash, Carlos and Dean. Dash thought it sounded dumb; Carlos and Dean just weren't around). Elastigirl in a bikini sounded like his search history, and there she was. 

The team bonding experience continued, gossiping and joking. Sett had even made some amazing snacks. 

Even still, his mind was elsewhere, remembering a message he'd gotten from his favourite grumpy healer.

'If you haven't already, because you're dumb and stubborn, tell Sett about your dad. Salvation can probably heal him.'

Amy was as blunt as ever, making him mentally laugh. He was indeed dumb because he'd heard that Salvation could cure basically anything and yet, did he ask Sett for help? Did he approach his very friendly new teammate for help? No, he didn't.

– Helen Parr (Elastigirl) –

Alexandria had decided that she was going to be taking Armsmaster's position as the overseer for the Wards, and for a moment, she'd expected that it would cause a great deal of strife with Armsmaster since he didn't tend to like having his routine messed with. 

Instead, Colin nodded happily and conceded that he was too busy with his new projects to spend any time with the Wards, and he agreed that she was a suitable replacement. She supposed his newfound fame and the attention his project was getting were enough that he didn't feel like he was being replaced or forgotten.

Still, it left her with a rather curious problem. How was she supposed to treat Sett? Yes, he was a member of the Wards under her, but she wasn't naive enough to think that he should be treated like any other Ward. Besides being by far the strongest Ward, he also actively wanted to fight villains as much as possible so he could keep growing.

Alexandria had debriefed her on both how Sett's power grew and the many projects he was getting wrapped up in. She was supposed to be the one to decide Sett's schedule, but again, he had so many other things going on that there was no real point. 

Sighing in relief, she admitted that this was a very nice hot spring. She hadn't been to one of these since her fifth anniversary with Bob, and while it was bizarre that Sett's power had basically made an entire hot spring in a pocket dimension, she couldn't deny she was enjoying the benefits of it.

Her swimsuit was more modest than some of the others, making a mental note to talk to Violet about what was appropriate to wear around boys as she glanced at her daughter's almost non-existent bikini. It wasn't quite as 'sexy' as Emma's, but her formerly shy daughter was certainly going through a phase.

Sett seemed to be enjoying the sight, and she didn't miss Violet finding excuses to pose and stretch for him. That was another thing she had no idea how to approach. It wasn't unusual for a pair of Wards to start dating, but a Ward having his own little harem (which she was sure would grow) was another thing entirely. Alexandria had made it clear that Sett's lustful behaviour was both linked to his power and not something to be discouraged.

She hadn't missed him admiring her own curves, despite her being old enough to be his mother, but then Dennis was doing the same when he thought nobody was watching. She supposed she had it coming, joining them on their little trip, but on the other hand, she didn't want to leave them unattended.

Still, she might have to ask Sett to borrow this hot spring in the future, maybe with some more privacy than having all the kids around for her to babysit. It made a wonderful way to relax after a patrol.

– Sett –

Admittedly, I planned to get laid, but I can't deny that the hot spring made for a pleasant bonding experience with my new teammates. Also, Elastigirl really fills that bikini. Apparently, she got a little too famous as a teenager when she took that name, and all attempts to rebrand haven't succeeded, but she is no girl.

I've decided to leave a portal in the Wards section to the hot spring because hero work is tough, and they deserve a way to relax. After we were done, Assault basically immediately dragged Battery in; I'm pretty sure those two are dating.

"Yeah, I can do that, no problem," I say easily, getting a relieved sigh from Dennis. "I mean, I have no idea if it would work, but if Amy thinks it will, I'm just gonna assume she's right. She's still the super-healer."

"I mean, aren't you as well?" Dennis asks, and I just laugh.

"I wave my hand and make people glow gold; Amy actually has to know what she's doing. My way is faster, but I haven't got a clue what it's actually doing. She's better at this than me, and she'll have to double-check that Salvation actually did what it was supposed to do," I explain, seeing the understanding in his eyes as he makes an agreeing sound. I don't even have to know what's wrong with my patients to help them, but it also means that if Salvation doesn't work, I won't be able to tell either. "She's the expert; if she thinks I can help, then I'll do what I can."

"Thanks, dude, seriously," Dennis says, breathing a sigh of relief. 

"For being responsible for you getting to see Elastigirl in a bikini or for helping your dad?" I ask, making him snort.

"Yes. You're a true hero," Dennis says solemnly before we both burst into laughter. "Man, she is too hot. I didn't have any issues with Armsy, but I'll take Elastimilf over him any day."

"I think he's having fun making super-soldiers," I admit, making Dennis nod.

"I saw one of the agents he's augmenting. I swear the dude had a sword in his cybernetic arm," Dennis agreed. 

"...god, I kinda want a cybernetic arm," I admit, zoning out briefly. "They look so cool."

"...yeah," Dennis agrees. "I mean, I like my arms, I do."

"But they don't have a sword in them," I finish, making him nod deeply. We understand each other. I can restore limbs with Salvation, but the agents are getting replacements better than what they lost. Apparently, the PRT has been approaching crippled agents and offering them either a chance to join the augmented squad or their limbs restored through Salvation and their old jobs back. With the portal network still being set up, it won't take much of my time to have them gather up in one place where I can spam Salvation at them. Besides, Alexandria is making sure I get paid well for my time.

She's already sent out the first set of Healing Spires, which are officially being rented by the PRT with me getting a hefty monthly payment. Turns out, it's still laughably cheaper for them than having to pay for Parahuman healing for the cities that don't have Panacea (the only cape healer dumb enough not to charge a fortune for it; no wonder she's so overworked).

Basically, my Spires are both more reliable since they just sit there and pulse healing magic throughout the room and are also cheaper. Alexandria wants one at each department by the end of the year, and that will be a large source of passive income for me going forward. In addition, she's ordered a bunch that will be kept in reserve for emergencies like Endbringer attacks.

They're heavy, but in a world of Brutes, it isn't that difficult to move them to where they are needed, especially since they're being kept in the building that will serve as the teleportation nexus, connecting all the PRT departments. It's an underground facility in a classified location, each portal can be 'sealed' thanks to an idea I 'had'.

Okay, an idea I stole from Stargate SG-1. They can't close the portals, but they're building rings that I make the portals in, and the rings can be locked down because they close with some tinkertech alloy, which even a Brute would struggle to punch their way through. It means that getting access to a single PRT department doesn't compromise all the others through the network.


If someone tries to break through, they just need to message me and tell me to close the compromised portal, so the seal doesn't even need to last that long.

Texting Amy, she agrees to babysit me while I try to heal Clock's dad. I don't see a reason to waste time; better to get this shit done quickly, and before long, we're on our way. 

Honestly, the entire thing takes about five minutes from us portalling into Dennis' bedroom. His dad was kinda surprised to have us all pop out of nowhere, but Amy's reputation is enough for him to agree to 'treatment.'

Then I do my magic hands thing. Amy confirms it works, Dennis cries a little, and Amy and I slip away to give them some space.

"Your healing is still bullshit," Amy snorts, making me grin. 

"It's magic~" I tease, wiggling my fingers as she rolls her eyes. "You told Dennis to talk to me, didn't you? You big softie."

"Oh, shut up," Amy scoffs, kicking my shin (to no effect). "I just know Dennis enough to know he'd not ask unless I poked him. Teenage boys are stupid like that."

Hugging the grumpy girl, I chuckle as she mumbles something into my chest. It vaguely sounded like insults, but she's a good person underneath all that grump and snark. 

"Where are we, anyway?" Amy asks, looking around the small but comfy bedroom.

"My room on the Wards base," I explain, making her pause as she looks around the room again. It's kinda empty at the moment because I haven't really had time to decorate the place, so there's not much personalisation going on.

Walking away from me, she goes to the door and locks it before turning back to me. 

"Heh, missed me?" I ask, prompting her to scoff, even as she undoes her top and pulls it off, tossing it aside.

"Shut up and get on the bed; I'm using you as stress relief," Amy demands, making me laugh as I pull my own top off, careful not to tear it (my wings are tough, and they've destroyed a few tops already). My eyes move to Amy's chest as she unclips her bra and tosses it away, large milky-white breasts bouncing free. 

"Yes, ma'am," I joke, sitting on the bed as she rolls her eyes.

"What part of shut up did you find too complicated?" Amy groans, pushing down her bottoms and panties in a single go. Moving toward me, she pushes me down and climbs on top of me.

Naturally, I immediately go to snark back at her, but she decides to shut me up with a rough kiss.

– Violet Parr (Invisigirl) –

Glancing at the locked door, she contemplated her choices as she watched Sett make out with Panacea, his massive red cock trapped between her thighs as she ground against him.

His hands were playing with her surprisingly curvy ass, making her realise just how much Amy's robe hid away from the world. Okay, so snooping through Sett's room had some minor consequences, but somehow, she didn't mind her current predicament.

Amy kissed her way down Sett's body, giving him a smug smile as she grasped his cock and stroked it deftly before she took it into her mouth and, in a single movement, swallowing damn near the entire thing.

Only a couple of inches of the mammoth phallus were still outside of Amy's mouth, and the sounds of Amy slurping as she started to bob her head filled the room, mixed with Sett's satisfied groan. She'd gotten a good look at his body in the hot spring, and she'd made sure he got a good look at hers as well, but she didn't mind a chance to see the whole deal.

Sett froze, making Amy stop as she looked up at him, sensing his alertness. 

"What's up?" Amy asked, confused as Sett stood up. Violet's blood ran cold as Sett looked directly at her.

"Someone is in the room with us, right there," Sett said, making Amy's eyes widen. "I can sense their wet panties."

Amy blinked, unknowingly mimicking Violet, before she let out an annoyed groan. What the hell did he mean he could sense her panties?

"Damnit, Violet," Amy sighed, making Violet laugh awkwardly as she became visible. "Really?"

"In my defence, I was already here before you two showed up," Violet tried before pausing. "That's not better, is it?"

"No, you nosy bitch," Amy sighed before she looked at Violet with a speculative look. "Does your mom know you're using your powers to spy on the other Wards?"

Oh, you bitch. 

"I'm sorry?" Violet tried, but Amy just smirked.

"No, you're not, but I can think of a way you can apologise to Sett properly," Amy said, making her blink. Amy had a pervy smile on her face, and Violet's eyes widened as Amy gestured towards Sett's still-hard cock. "Unless you'd rather explain why you were snooping through Sett's room to your mom… and Alexandria?"

"Amy," Sett started, but she waved him off.

"Please, you said it yourself. Her panties are soaked," Amy scoffed. "Vi's a pervert; it's about time someone punished her for her voyeurism."

"I'd still rather not blackmail a teammate into-" Sett started, being the big softy he was, but Violet shared a look with Amy. Her mom would definitely not approve of any of this, but Violet felt a smile grow on her lips. She wasn't sure what had come over Amy; she wasn't usually like this, but as she looked back at the very naked demon, she decided that she kinda liked it.

– Sett –

Erm, I feel like I missed something.

Looking down, I watch Amy grip Violet's dark hair as she roughly forces the quiet girl's head down on my cock, holding her down with a lewd smile as Violet chokes on my cock. 

[Wet Panties Detection] - Junk

You can now sense when someone has wet their panties, whether in terror or arousal.

Even a Junk perk can get you laid if you use it right, apparently. I sensed Violet because she was getting aroused watching me and Amy, but I wasn't expecting it to lead to this.

The aforementioned wet panties are currently tossed away after Amy violently stripped Violet naked. 

I groan as I clutch the sheets, Violet's throat constricting around my cock. She doesn't seem to care about the lack of oxygen, even as her black mascara runs down her cheeks.

"That's it, you pervy little slut," Amy taunts, her other hand moving between Violet's naked thighs, stroking her tiny slit gently as Violet moans around my cock, the vibrations sending a shiver of pleasure through my body. "Take Sett's big, fat cock."

Violet tries to respond, but the muffled noises just make the forced deepthroat even more enjoyable; Amy smirks as she moves her hand from Violet's hair to her small perky chest, groping the petite breasts with a lewd smile.

Violet doesn't pull back, even with Amy no longer forcing her head down, still deepthroating my cock with vigour. 

I let out a groan of relief, my climax hitting as Violet's eyes widen in surprise at the sudden flood of seed down her stretched throat, shooting straight down into her stomach.

"Oi, don't hog it all," Amy demands, pulling Violet back as my cock continues to twitch, spurts of cum splattering against Violet's face, much to Amy's amusement. Leaning over Violet's shoulder, Amy takes the tip into her mouth, easily swallowing the last of my climax before she pulls back and looks at the painted Vi.

Make-up and semen run down her face, making Amy snort in amusement.

"That look suits you, Vi," Amy scoffs, wiping some of the cum off Violet's face and licking it clean before she captures Violet's lips in a rough kiss, Violet's eyes widening in surprise. I can see Amy pushing my cum into Violet's mouth as their tongues swap the seed between them.

Moving them, Amy pushes Violet down on the bed, landing on top of her as her large breasts squish against Violet's smaller ones, pulling a moan from the more petite girl as their nipples rub together. 

Two pussies are on display, and Amy pulls back from her molestation of Violet to throw a look back at me.

"What are you waiting for? A written invitation?" Amy asks sarcastically, her legs parting to fully reveal her drenched pussy, dripping her arousal. Violet's legs spread as well, even if I can't see her face. The offer is clear, and I'm never going to turn down such an enticing invitation.

Sliding my cock between the two women, I look at the two tight slits as I try and decide where to begin. Well, I knew Amy first, so…

Pushing the tip of my cock against her plump pussy lips, I rub it along the opening as she moans into Violet's mouth, which is replaced by a scream of pleasure as I thrust into her and sheathe my full-length inside her waiting womanhood.

She's so wet that it takes my entire cock with no real issue, sinking into her tight depths without pausing. I have no idea how I ended up in this position, but I mentally thank my Junk perk for facilitating this threesome.

Of course, I don't leave my hot goth teammate out, pulling out of Amy only to re-adjust my aim and immediately slide into Violet's very tight pussy. It's a tighter fit than Amy, because Violet is a very slim girl, but I make it work and the moans I can hear tell me that Violet doesn't mind.

I do spot some blood leaking from her, making me blink. She's a virgin? I know Amy was, but we already had fooled around; I kinda figured Violet wouldn't be since she was so willing to jump in on this.

A few thrusts into Violet later, and I swap again, setting a rhythm so I don't leave either girl out for too long, gripping Amy's curvy hips for support. Hmm, this might be hard to explain to Elastigirl. 

And Brandish.

Oh well, they're both willing and eager for this, so it'd be wrong not to fuck them. I should pull out, right?

…I don't wanna.

Pounding Amy's tight cunt, I reach around and play with her hefty tits as I lean over and basically squash her between me and Violet, her moans muffled by Vi's lips as I feel her climax.

It's not long before I'm joining her, a final thrust bottoming out inside her as I groan and unleash my seed deep into her waiting womb, creampieing the all-too-willing Amy.

Pulling back, I nod to myself proudly as I watch the streak of sticky white cum leak from her stretched pussy and drip onto Violet's lower lips. Grabbing Amy, I pick her up as she gasps in surprise. That's a job half done, but I still see one uncreamed pussy.

I place Amy back down, sitting her on Violet's face so she's facing me as I grasp my length and take aim, Violet moaning into Amy's creamed cunt as I fill her to the brim, kissing Amy at the same time.

The sounds of pleasure escaping Amy tell me that Violet got the hint, lapping at the cum-filled pussy that's grinding against her face as I pound the tight goth girl. Consequences are Future Sett's problem because neither of these girls get to leave this room without being repeatedly creampied. It's my duty, as a hero, to make sure both of these girls enjoy their first time as much as possible.

– Amy Dallon (Panacea) – Later

Watching Sett's massive cock sink into Violet's tiny little pussy, she pressed her breasts against his back, hands wrapped around him. His wings made it a little tricky, and his tail had wrapped around her waist, but his body was fascinating so she didn't mind an opportunity to examine them even further.

Violet looked a mess, cum and Amy's arousal coating her face, make-up ruined as she gripped the sheets for dear life. It wasn't surprising that Vi was so out of it, given the way she could see the outline of Sett's fat cock bulging her stomach.

Kissing Sett's neck, she whispered sweet encouragements to him, wanting to see Vi's stomach bloat with his cum. Sex was amazing, even better than having that thick tongue delving into her body.

Sett let out a grunt of pleasure, not pulling out as he pumped his fertile seed into Vi's already full womb. He seemed to enjoy finishing inside them since they'd both taken at least two loads each, Violet now enjoying her third as Amy bit her lip, watching Violet's body shudder and heave, gleaming with sweat. She looked beautiful, and Amy briefly wondered how Vicky would look under Sett.

Vicky was currently in her sulking mode, as always, after she broke up with Dean, but Vicky and Sett got along well, and why should Dean get yet another chance after fucking up again?

"...I think she passed out," Sett admitted, making her burst into giggles at the sight of Violet, eyes rolling back in pleasure as her body shuddered with the aftershock of her considerable climax. Did Amy make her more sensitive? Maybe a little…

"Meh, her loss. My turn," Amy said uncaringly.

"Wanna see something cool first?" Sett asked, making her blink. 

"Is it going to give me a headache?" Amy asked, making him chuckle as his body started to shift. Her eyes widened, watching his muscular chest turn into a truly amazing set of breasts, hips widening, and his cock retreating and becoming a bright red pussy. His hair lengthed, and his lips became thicker and more pouty as his features became feminine.

"Cool trick, right?" Sett said in the most sultry voice she'd ever heard, sending a shudder through Amy's body as she stared in shock and lust. "It's a new power I got."

She'd never seen someone more beautiful than Vicky before, right up until now. 

Leaping forward, she jumped Sett, who just giggled in amusement at her excitement as she buried her face between Sett's mammaries before taking one of the purple nipples into her mouth, sucking and nibbling lightly on it, her hand moving between Sett's legs to stroke the already-damp slit. 

"So, you like it then? I thought you would," Sett teased.

"Shut up," Amy grumbled, unable to hide her grin as she played with the most enormous breasts she'd ever seen. God, Sett was so bullshit. He even tasted better than other girls (from her great sample size of one, sorry, Vi). She moved down until her head was trapped between two sinfully thick thighs, and Sett gripped her hair as she started to lap at his pussy. 

What a bastard, how dare he be so fucking perfect.

– Sett (Later) –

Feats Achieved: Fuck Amy Dallon (Panacea), Fuck Violet Parr (Invisigirl)

Two rolls granted

My system is weird. Why does fucking a cape get me a roll? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but it's still kinda weird. Maybe it's because I see it as a feat.

Wait, did I get one for Emma or Sophia?

Feats Achieved: Fuck Emma Barnes (Supernova), Fuck Sophia Hess (Shadow Stalker)

Two rolls granted

…you know what, I'm just gonna say thank you and move on.

Rolling: Legendary Consumable, Uncommon Power, Epic Power, Nice Perk


[Adamantium Ingot Stack] - Legendary

Apparently, it's some super metal or something. I have no idea what to do with it, so I'm just gonna give it to Colin and see what he can do with it. He seems to like stuff like this.

[Beast Speak] - Uncommon

You can speak to and understand all animals larger than insects.

Immediately, I summon King, who looks at me with curious eyes.

"Do you have need of my services, master?" King asks, his voice deep and regal. 

"Nah, just wanted to hear what you'd sound like now that I can understand you," I admit, making him chuckle.

"Entirely understandable. The Dallon house is safe; I have driven away many threats, such as the neighbour's cat, three squirrels and a racist hairless fool who wished to spray hateful remarks and symbols on their wall. I peed on him," King reports, standing proud as I reach down and pet him with a smile.

"Amazing work, King. We're lucky to have you," I praise, making his tail wag faster.

"It is only natural; I must live up to the regal name you granted me," King agrees. 

"I'll leave you to it; nice to finally get to talk to you, though," I say, opening the portal so he can go back.

"I will continue my patrol, lest that damnable cat think it can urinate on my territory again," King declares. "Call upon me, should you need my aid, master."

King walks through the portal, his head held high as he continues his noble work. Godspeed, King.

[Danger Sense] - Epic

You gain a vague sense that can instinctively inform you of various dangers and threats. You can instinctively sense all kinds of things, such as poisonous gas, Shaker effects, traps, lies, and even hidden things. The greater the danger, the more foreboding it is. The closer it is to the present, the more accurate it is.

Ooh, that's cool. Maybe I'll give it to one of my more squishy girls because I regenerate while they don't.

[Sexual Sustenance] - Nice

Sex now functions as an alternative to sleep and food, both for you and your partner. If you spend the entire night fucking, it would be as if you had a full night's sleep and a three-course meal at the same time.

Ah, now this, I suspect, will be very useful going forward. 

Switching back to my male form and getting dressed, I head out with a grin. Clearly, if I want more rolls, I need to bang as many heroines as possible. It's for the good of the world; Alexandria told me to try and get powerful, so it's fine.

Knocking on the door, I wait a moment before entering as Colin calls me in. He's working on something, which I think is a lung by the look of it, but he pauses as he turns to me with a small smile.

"Hello again, Sett. Is there something I can do for you?" Colin asks. I don't know why people say he's a dick; he's actually quite polite as long as you don't interrupt him when he's working on something important.

"I'm just here to drop off some stuff. My power gave me some super-metal called Adamantium, but I haven't got a clue what to do with some wonder ingots, and they'll refill in my inventory every two weeks, so I figured I might as well give them to you. See if you and your tinker friends can work out how useful they are," I explain, summoning the large stack of silvery metal ingots. "Apparently, they're virtually indestructible, so I figured you could make something cool with them."

"An indestructible metal alloy? That certainly sounds rather useful," a soft voice says from a nearby screen showing a somewhat plain woman with long dark hair, making me wave. "And hello, Sett."

"Hey, Dragon," I say. I haven't spoken to her before, but she's usually virtually hanging around Colin's lab. "That's what my power says, but I figure you guys can actually test them if you have time. I just want them out of my inventory so the respawn timer starts again."

"We most certainly can; I can think of many designs that would benefit from such a tough alloy," Colin agrees with a smile. "Thank you, Sett; I'm sure they'll be extremely useful. It makes sense to start the 'respawn' as soon as possible, either way."

"No worries, and I'll leave you to your lab date. Don't wanna third wheel," I say, catching the way Dragon's eyes widen, but Colin just blinks. Aren't they dating?

Cause if not, that means Dragon might be single.

"Thank you again, Sett," Dragon says, the avatar she uses flushing slightly. Ah, I get it. She's into Armsy, but he's not noticed. So, she is single? 

"Later, have fun!" I say with a wave, giving Dragon a wink, which makes her blush and sigh.

Now, I have something I need to take care of. Time to put Tracker to use.

– Lisa Wilbourn (Tattletale) –

Checking her phone again, she scowled at Sett continuing to ghost her. Was her note not clear? Did he not notice it in his pocket? Was she too subtle for him?


Letting out a scream, she spun around and grabbed her gun from its hiding place, firing once as Sett's eyes widened.

"...ow," Sett said, watching the bullet hole in his chest close rapidly. "Sorry, my bad. You said you needed to talk to me, and you seemed to be alone…"

Panting in shock, she stared at the very man she'd been cursing, wondering if there was a single intelligent thought going on behind those big, dumb eyes. 

"I would have preferred some warning," Lisa spat out, still catching her breath. Thankfully, she was at her apartment instead of the Undersider's hideout, so the others didn't come running but how was she going to explain a random gunshot from her house if anyone showed up?

Well, this was Brockton Bay. Her neighbours probably wouldn't even bother calling the police.

"Your note said you needed protection soon? Nobody saw me, so here I am!" Sett said proudly, making her sigh. "Also, you said you had information on the gangs."

Catching her breath, she reminded herself that this was probably a good thing. She could finally start her plan. She had it all worked out; with Sett's evergrowing power, she could aim him at Coil, and she started explaining her terrible situation as the big dumb idiot listened attentively.

"Why don't you just tell the PRT you're being forced into villainy?" Sett asked innocently, making her sigh.

"Because he has plants, even if I joined the Wards, Coil would still get me," Lisa explained like she was talking to a child, and Sett just rubbed his chin.

"Okay, I get it," Sett said, making her smile before her grin was wiped away as he picked up his phone, sending a message. He got a reply quickly, and before she could ask who the hell he was talking to, he opened up another portal.

Her mind blanked as Alexandria calmly walked through it.

"Lisa, this is Alexandria. She wants to know about these PRT plants, and we can protect you from Coil," Sett said proudly as she watched all her plans fall to pieces. 

– Rebecca Costa-Brown (Alexandria) –

Coil's inability to control his minions really wasn't her problem, and she immediately understood what Sett wanted. He'd gotten a lot of 'rolls' for turning Bakuda into Bombshell; turning a villain into heroism clearly counted for more than just beating one. 

Tattletale was a reasonably attractive teenage villain, one that had come to him for help (no doubt hoping to manipulate him into fighting her battles), and that meant they'd just found another Ward. 

Whether Tattletale liked it or not. Honestly, she needed to cleanse the PRT of Coil's plants anyway; she'd already caught too many people sniffing around Armsmaster's augmentations and Sett's healing spires. 

She couldn't have the PRT department that Sett was working with be mired in corruption, so it was time to clean the place up. Her lips twitched as she watched Lisa's growing dread, already making plans for Sett's new thinker teammate.

— Bonus Scene — Sarah Pelham (Lady Photon)

"So, you suggested that he join the Wards?" Sarah asked, making Carol sigh as she rubbed her forehead. 

"I thought it would be the best place for a Case 53; we're hardly experts on them. I didn't find out just how ridiculous Sett's power was until after he'd gone through his power testing," Carol explained, clearly frustrated that New Wave had missed out on a chance to get their hands on such a powerful Cape after he'd literally fallen into their laps.

"Well, he's still on good terms with us. He's staying at your house when he isn't on the Wards base and is friends with Amy and Vicky, right?" Sarah soothed, making her sister nod quietly. "Are you thinking about Fleur?"

"Sett claims he'll be able to bring back the dead eventually. Of course I am," Carol admitted, making Sarah nod. She'd heard about him making the same claims to Scion of all people. "How many friends have we lost over the years?"

"More than I care to think about," Sarah said simply, frowning as she leaned back and took a sip from her wine glass. She'd been busy lately, but hearing all the rumours around Sett had made her make time to come and talk to her sister about the Cape Vicky had found. "How much do you think Parahuman Resurrection costs?"

"I have no idea; it's not something we've ever had to put a price on. God, I can hear Haven's screeching from here. You know they tried to hold a protest outside my house? Sent them running with some obscure laws I pulled out of my ass," Carol snorted. Ah, they'd been prepared to fight a cape but not a lawyer. One only hurt their bodies, but the other hurt their funding. 

"So, are you going to tell me what has gotten you so worked up?" Sarah asked, picking the exact moment her sister took a drink, hiding her grin as Carol choked on her wine. "Come on, Carol, I know you far too well. What's going on?"

Carol went to speak, pausing and emptying her glass in a single go before she started to talk, the embarrassment on her face mixed with shame. Sarah listened, not judging as Carol admitted the naughtier moments she'd shared with Sett, her near-affair that Sett himself had put a stop to, the risque pictures she was still sending him.

"Have you told Mark?" Sarah asked, getting a shameful shake of her head from Carol.

"I'm going to after Sett uses Salvation and tries to clear up his depression. I don't want to risk it when he's like this," Carol admitted, making Sarah nod. She took a drink to buy herself time to think. Mark's medication meant that her sister's sex life had practically vanished, and she highly doubted Carol masturbated. She was enjoying feeling young and attractive again with such a powerful and handsome young man lusting for her. 

That Sett was probably dating Amy was interesting; she was reasonably sure her niece was a lesbian, but maybe she was just bisexual. 

"Has Sett made any other advances on you?" Sarah asked, getting a shake of her head.

"Beyond asking for my... pictures, no. And I offered him those. He's a good man, or boy, really. Worse, I've talked to Alexandria about him since I'm acting as his solicitor, and she confided in me that Sett's power affects his mind and gives him what he calls 'curses'. One of them is lust- his power is pushing him to be far more horny, and I went and tried to sleep with him," Carol admitted, ashamed of her actions. That would explain the many rumours she'd heard about Sett's dating life. "Even with his power pushing him, he had more sense than I did."

"You're disappointed he turned you down," Sarah said, watching her sister's eyes widen. 

"Damnit, it's terrible, but I am. He's a very handsome young man, and he's done a lot for me and my family. Amy actually called me mom yesterday instead of just 'Carol'," Carol snorted darkly, well aware of how fragile her relationship with Amy currently was. "It's not fair to Mark, but I felt powerful when I was teasing him before he stopped us. Damn it, I felt sexy for the first time in years, and it was right after I tried to entice Mark and just failed entirely. I was angry at Mark, too depressed to find his wife attractive, pent up from a very long dry spell, and Sett was there being so nice and handsome. I even convinced myself I was doing it for New Wave, trying to honeypot the stupidly strong new cape."

Sarah nodded. It was wrong of Carol, but she understood how things had ended up like this. If their positions were switched, Sarah suspected she wouldn't have taken no for an answer from Sett, but then, she'd always been more… passionate than her sister.

Perhaps it was time that she met the man who'd changed so much in Brockton Bay already?

Author’s Note: The fact that Dennis’ dad was dying of cancer, and he didn’t bother asking the super healer to help until post-Leviathan is always going to be dumb for me. I’m retconning it to Brain cancer to explain why he never bothered asking her before then. 

Also, King sounds like Mufasa because, of course, he does.

Nympho Amy is a dangerous thing.

Priapus’ note: Amy is a dangerous thing, regardless of adjectives.

vicaramelia’s note: Both of you are wrong. Amy is a wonderful thing, regardless of the adjectives. 

Written: 27/05/2024

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review, and I’ll probably write faster. I do read every review/comment, because it gives me the happy brain chemicals and motivates me to write more. My body is a machine that turns positive reviews into new chapters.

I have a Patreo n, where my supporters can vote on which fics get bonus chapters each cycle and have access to advance chapters, up to ten chapters ahead of the public release. Patreo n is also five chapters ahead and plat/diamond tier have voting rights for my Quest. Feel free to check it out.  

I also set up a Subscribe Star as well, more or less just as a backup/test to see which I prefer. The chapters are available on Discord if you’re a Patreo n and on the site directly on Subscribe Star due to the different site rules, so if you don’t use Discord or have issues finding the chapters, Subscribe Star is the better choice.

The Advance Chapters

Diamond: The Cursed Ch04, The High Roller Ch06, The Celestial Remnant Ch05, The Tamer Ch14, 

Plat: The Supervillain Ch26, The Operative Ch06, The Occult Ch07

Gold: The Vampire Ch11, The Craftsman Ch04

Basic: The Dragon Ch04

Quest: The Celestial Roulette Ch09-13


Patreo n. com (slash) TheDarkWolfShiro 

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