
The Guide Games

Having borrowed for his late mother's treatments and subsequently failing to repay, Isaac is forced to repay his debt by playing a unique game. The catch? Players are unable to exit the game until their demise, all while forgetting they are engaged in a virtual world and instead believing they are dead. Follow Isaac's journey as a World Guide, he will build worlds, create magic systems, design species, and all kinds of things that the Guide Games has to offer. ------ Update: 1 - 2 chapters a day ------ Additional tags: Video Game, World Creation, World Guide, World Wars, Creating Systems, Creating Races, Administrator, Magic, Cultivation, System, System Adminstrator, Fantasy.

UnCultured_Daoist · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Descend [1]

For now, Isaac had less than a hundred points to spend, so there wasn't much he could do in the admin room.

Instead, he had a different idea, one which would only be possible while the development of this world is still early.

He began making preparations by looking over his map, and searching for the perfect area.

What he wanted was a wide space with only low level monsters.

The stronger monsters were all being centered around the budding civilizations, so it wasn't a very hard request.

After all, the planet was basically the size of jupiter, by his best guess.

And, with only a few small colonies on the planet, the vast majority was uninhabited.

Once he had the perfect area picked out, he decided to wait for a while, at least until Sara woke up.Roughly an hour later, Sara began stirring, rolling around in the bed before slowly rising with a yawn.

Thankfully, Isaac didn't have to wait too long for her nap to finish, because he wanted to ask her some questions. "Sara, mind if I ask you a few things real quick, again?"

She looked over to him with sleepy eyes, but gave a small smile and a nod. "sure, what is it Isaac?"

"well, first of all, I learned how to see the [innate talent] of someone, but I don't know what the aura size and colors mean. Could you clear that up?"

She gave a long yawn while stretching her arms, followed by a light shrug.

"the color represents their greatest talent, and the size is how good they are at it." Closing her eyes for a few moments, she gave a small smile.

"looks like you looked at Ara and riyon, so let's use those two as an example. Ara's aura is a dense green, meaning that her talent lies with nature. That could mean hunting, agriculture, anything like that."

"now, on the other hand, riyon's aura is a brilliant gold. That means that she is a natural born leader. You could say she was born to be a queen. Red auras mark battle ability, blue auras mark magic, yellow auras mark crafting or creativity, and so on. If you come across one later that you don't understand, just ask me and I'll let you know." she says with a happy smile, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and moving over to walk to him.

"i see… what is my aura like?" Isaac asked, curious. He doubted that he had any special auras like Ara or the elf queen.

Sara tilted her head curiously, before shrugging her shoulders and stepping back.

Next, she seemed to squint in his direction, before looking off to either side. "hmm, yellow aura, about five feet thick? you could be a really good idea man if you tried." she finished with a satisfied nod.

Well, that definitely wasn't the worst evaluation, I suppose. At least it wasn't only a small battle aura or something.

"well, anyways. Next question, after descending, how long does it take to come back to the admin room?"

Sara blinked a bit in surprise, before smiling. "it doesn't take long. You just have to pull up the system menu and select the [return to administration room] option. Most people can do that in just a couple of seconds, so there isn't much of a problem."

"alright. Well, I plan to go down to the world so that I can get a feel for the combat and properly earn the classes. "

"Wanted to wait until you were awake, so that you could watch out for me." never hurts to have an [Adminstrator] watching over your shoulder.

Sara froze for a long moment, furrowing her brows.

Eventually, she nodded her head slowly, but her body was visibly more stiff now.

"if you desened there is this one small problem, and that is you lose your power and vulnerable, and if you get killed by one of the inhabitants of your world you are dead for real. That is how the previous Guide died, so just… be careful. "

After hearing that Isaac took a moment to digest it, then he panicked a little and calmed down after reminding himself that he has to go down so that he can't be weak when the games start.

"I'll keep an eye on things from up here, and if things get too bad, I can go down and buy you some time to ascend." Sara added.

Isaac nodded with a smile, reaching out to gently grab her hand and placed his lips against it to comfort her.

"i'll be careful. I chose an area with only weak monsters, so I should be able to farm a few levels without worry. "

"If I understand the system right, I can unlock classes and spells that my people don't know, as long as I properly earn them through the system."

She nodded her head at his assumption, confirming it.

And, since he assigned the conditions for unlocking the classes, he naturally knew what they were.

Even the ones that hadn't been unlocked yet. Well, granted he forgot a few, but there were really a lot!

"okay… but really, be careful. The world is too new, there isn't anyone capable of crafting weapons yet, so we can't give you any equipment. "

"You'll only be able to equip yourself with rags. If you want anything better, you'll have to make it yourself after you descend."

Isaac nodded again, having already taken that into account.

"i know. That's why I wanted to wait until you were up." he gave a light chuckle, before turning to the screen.

There, he right clicked on the bookmarked location.


~Edit location



~Trigger event



Isaac moved his mouse over the bottom option, and chose it.

[please visualize the body you would like to descend as. ]

[Note: only species available to your world may be used.]

Naturally, he just chose the body he was already using, though maybe with a little more muscle mass.

He was going to be fighting, so he didn't want to be unfit, after all.

Also, like Sara said, he did give myself some rags to cover up with.

[body verified. ]

[Human race selected. ]

[Beginning descent. ]

[May you work for the betterment of your world, Guide.]

Isaac felt his body being bathed in a warm blue light, before he felt the warm breeze on his skin.

Opening his eyes, he saw that he was standing on a wide grassland.

In the distance to the east and north, he could see a long mountain range, while to the west there was a large lake just beyond the horizon.

Everything in between was grassland, with the occasional tall tree. Giving a small nod, he opened up his character window.


[ Name : Isaac

~Race : Human(Guide)

~Health : 10/10(180/180)

~Mana : 10/10(64/64)

~Strength : 5(10)

~ki : 10/10(34/34)

~Stamina : 5(10)

~Intelligence : 7(9)

~Dexterity : 5(7)

~Wisdom : 4(8)

~Luck : 5(5)

~Charm : 4(4) ]

[ Class list :

~Druid - 0(3)

~Farmer - 0(1)

~Hunter -0(4)

~Leader -0(2)

~Mage - 0(5)

~Monk - 0(3)

~Priest - 0(3)

~Scholar - 0(1)

~Scout - 0(2)

~Shaman - 0(1)

~Spirit Tamer - 0(2)

~Warrior - 0(12) ]

Isaac furrowed his brow as he looked at the information, particularly the bits in parenthesis.

It was at this time that he heard a soft voice whispering into his mind, one that he was very familiar with.

{Your personal stats are marked normally. Everything in parenthesis is what you get as a Guide.

If you want to get stronger than your Guide status, you'll need to raise your levels beyond the rest of the world.}

Isaac gave a small smile hearing Sara's voice again.

Since she was an [Adminstrator], it was an easy matter for her to speak to him like she could any other citizen.

So.. first mission.

He got down on one knee and closed his eyes. "oh Sara, [Adminstrator] of fate, I seek guidance to learn your ways." this was one of the requirements for the priest class, to commune with an [Adminstrator] and receive a quest.

He heard a small giggle in his ear, followed by the same voice as before.

{Very well, traveller. Place my image into the world, so that others may know it. Do this, and be rewarded.}

[Quest received!]

[Class quest - priest class quest :

~The [Adminstrator] of the Domain fate has asked that you place her image in the world, so that others may gaze upon it.

~How you choose to do this is your decision, but the quality of the work will determine the strength of the reward.

•Reward: priest class

•Bonus reward: please Sara with your efforts for extra experience in the priest class ]

Isaac nodded his head to accept the quest.

At the same time, a vivid image appeared in his mind of Sara standing proudly among the clouds.

Her usually nude frame wrapped in a white toga, the sun directly behind her to make her red hair and furry ears appear as if they are glowing.

He'd need to work on this quest later, once he had the ability to create something in her image.

Next up, the easiest class to get, the mage class.

For this one, all he needed to do was detect his mana.

He had already done this once before in the admin room, so he was familiar with the process.

Closing his eyes, he directed his senses inward, searching for that warm energy.

It took him a considerable amount of time to actually find it, because what was once a bright glow of blue light within him had become little more than a spark.

This is likely because of him no longer having the large mana pools of the admin room.

However, he was eventually able to detect it.

[Mage class unlocked! ]

[Fire spell unlocked! ]

Smiling slightly, Isaac opened his character window, and saw that both his mana and health had improved.

For his mana, it went from 10 to 17 when he unlocked the class.

And for health, it went up to 15. The calculations for the stats were a bit… different compared to most game systems.

With this one, health, mana, and ki were based on relevant classes.

For example, health is based on your class levels and your stamina stat.

Ki and mana each require certain classes to unlock and advance, so they are naturally harder to do so.

Furthermore, stats are awarded based on class levels, but you don't get to choose what stats you earn.

The strongest class, the hero, gains one point in everything every five levels.

On the other hand, the mage class only gains one point in intelligence every two levels, and one in wisdom every five levels.

Of course, stats could also be raised manually, by training them.

Now, he could probably tackle a monster way above his level and earn the hero class, thanks to his Guide powers.

However… he wasn't quite ready to take on the stronger monsters yet, when he hadn't even tested himself against the small fry.

And besides… leveling up the hero class is way more trouble than it's worth, since you have to constantly fight enemies higher level than yourself.

Anyways, the next class he want to get for himself is warrior, which just requires him to defeat something in melee.

For this reason, Isaac looked around the grassland he deposited himself into.

There shouldn't be any monsters higher than level three within a few miles, so he wasn't worried about his own safety.

After roughly ten minutes of searching, he found a small, white, adorable ball of fluffness.

This was, no matter how you looked at it, a rabbit.

The only thing different about this rabbit was that it had a small, sharp horn on its forehead. This was the lowest level monster on the planet, a level 1 horned rabbit.

Their only specialty was speed, and using their horn as a spear to charge at people.

Seeing that this was the perfect chance for him to get the warrior class, he walked towards the rabbit carefully.

Unlike normal rabbits, the horned rabbit is aggressive.

It won't hesitate to attack anyone that approaches it, and will only flee if it feels its life is in danger.

As such, as soon as it heard him walking over, it turned and glared at him.

Now, with his Guide levels, there is no way that the horned rabbit would willingly challenge him.

However, the only thing that could be sensed from his body was his normal level.

Otherwise, forget this rabbit, there wouldn't be a single monster on the planet right now that would let him fight it.

So, it did what it naturally would… it charged at him.

With its head lowered, its spear-like horn was aimed directly towards him.

Although he knew it was moving fast, it did not seem to be a speed he was incapable of following.

Again, this was most likely because of his Guide boost to dexterity, however small it was.

That did not mean he was able to get out of the way in time, though.

[ -2 ]

Isaac felt a sharp sting in his leg as the red number appeared over his head, followed by a large red bar displaying his overall health.

Yeowch! he winced when he looked down, seeing a shallow gash where the rabbit had scraped him.

He had managed to turn his body slightly, but not enough to fully evade.

looking behind him, the rabbit was already turning back towards him for a second run, apparently oblivious to the health bar over his head that would have showed it he was far stronger than it could sense.

Thankfully, it did not possess that level of intelligence.

Instead of dodging this time, he shot his hand down lower, aiming to grab at the rabbit's horn before it could pierce him.

[ -4 ]

Another damage number appeared over his head as he latched onto something.

Unfortunately, his hand had been just a bit slow, and what he grabbed was the rabbit's neck instead of its horn.

This meant that its horn managed to cleanly pierce into his leg.

He tried his best to keep his pain off his face while the red bar above his head shrank slightly.

Instead, he strengthened his grip, taking advantage of his Guide strength to crush the rabbit's spine.


This time, the red number appeared over the rabbit, and the health bar that appeared depleted itself almost instantly.

Knowing what was about to happen, Isaac quickly pulled the dead rabbit's horn out of his leg just in time for the wound to close.

[ Warrior class unlocked! ]

[ Punch ability unlocked! ]

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