

      On any other occasion, Zaos would take his time to study Camus techniques. Still, since his soldiers were fighting and dying just a few meters behind him, he couldn't afford to do it.

       If Zaos hadn't used all his bolts in the last few days, he would have had some ideas, but in the end, he didn't have any. Not to mention, his mana and stamina weren't recovering. So he couldn't rely on any of them to help him on that bind. Maybe Zais could retreat and take a few potions from Nyana, but he doubted that it would work. The poison drains the energy the more he uses it. So each potion would only grant him a single-use in Detoxification, and considering how fast the poison worked, a few uses won't solve the issue.

"You are running out of time, Zaos Sielders," Camus said. "At this rate, the battle will end sooner than you will be defeated."