
the spring flower

it's been months since we've returned to Laplace, some of our troops stayed to enjoy and live in that world while others strived to become Laplace's best Military and strongest individuals, while I do like their goal, it's also a tad boring, we have no need for the military yet why am I still here ordering the lot of them? well... it's for my daughter Osiria, since the first world travel, Osiria has been learning and improving on how to use her skills much more efficiently. so, I asked her to enroll in the highest magic academy in Laplace, while Fallen discrimination is still some sort of a problem, it's now hidden amongst the children and men, yet... I still worry about her...

"Dad... I'm fine, you don't have to worry about it..."

"I know... it's that, you're mother isn't out here to send you off, I'll get a long time of scolding if that ever happens..."

true enough, Liliya accepted it, as long as there's someone spying on her and guarding her, she'll be alright, that's why we tasked Arie and Ingrid for that, Ingrid is a teacher in that academy while Arie will be watching from the shadows, they have improved dramatically from the World jump so their task will be easy enough for them

"Well then, I'll be going now, tell Mommy that I have a gift for her"

"I will, see you soon"

I wave at her with full emotions and see her off in the carriage

after I got back home, I catch the mad and pouting Liliya and I got a full night of scolding... I couldn't really stop her...


"the academy huh..."

I never really felt any feelings towards it... it's like... just... there, nothing special. I could learn from my parents if needed but... if I want to learn further then I'll have to go to an academy... my mother wasn't against it either, especially my father which was surprising... I would've thought that he'd hate her daughter leave but...

"I guess my parents do love me huh?..."

with me is my aunt, Theia, she's quite popular in the human kingdom as the goddess of trading, which, to be truth of... is a bit embarrassing to have...

"so Osiria? how do you feel being away from your parents this far?"

"it's... somewhat refreshing and... lonely... if I might add..."

"well... it's certainly something you should feel from leaving your parents, don't worry, you can have a chat with them once a week if you want to. it's not limited to just that of course, you can still call us if you need something, I'll be monitoring you so be a good girl and learn there alright?"


the academy that I'm going to is the general academy of Racia Kingdom, it's something my aunt has been backing for years on end so my enrollment there is something of an enigma, or in better terms, a problem.

"we're here, my backed kingdom, Racia Kingdom. make sure to hide the fact that you're the daughter of the popular demons until your entrance ceremony, there's also an entrance exam before that so blow off their expectations alright? you've been trained and modified by your Father and Aunt Mei, make sure you reach their expectations alright? we're counting on you"

Yes... I can't disappoint them, they give me so much since the years, I can't betray their trust now...


the night pass and the entrance exam has started, thankfully, we were earlier than expected, thanks to aunt Theia...

about an hour pass and the students receiving the entrance exam finally attended. one by one, we were called for magic and strength evaluation... we weren't allowed to see the evaluation except for 3 others that got called in with them...

"let's see... Osiria Rose? are you here?"

"a-ahh... h-here!"

I raise my hand and he guides me to the room where we should be evaluated in, along with that, 2 other boys got in...

"so? who'll be starti- oh!? sir Ingrid! it's a surprise to see you?"

"Morning, I'm just going to be checking a few students, I feel like there's going to be someone breaking a few lines in this school but that's just me, so then? Does anyone want to start first? what about you, the boy with blue armor, why don't you step front and show me your skills?"

"watch and learn plebs"

that's a cocky mark... well... along with that cockiness, he skillfully destroys the training dummy that was supposed to be as hard as stone. with magic, he skillfully envelops a small part of the room into lava and turns it into obsidian immediately... at least with that cockiness... he's skilled

"well then? why don't you go next? boy with the robe?"


he's shy... like me... rather than hitting it with a sword, he uses writings enchanted with magic and explodes it without a problem... although, the bottom part of it is still somewhat intact, then continues to cast a magic heatwave directly at it and melts the stone off

the guy that finished his evaluation earlier was still like that

"tch, still weak I believe that I'll be one in the highest section I see?"

"Congratulations, you'll be evaluated by your swift actions and immediate decision, now then... girl with the tied hair, step out front and show us what you're capable of"

well... as long as it's-

"oh? wait a minute, we ran out of descended stones? oh dear... we shall have to use magic steel statues then...well then, sorry for raising the difficulty but can I ask you to proceed the same as them, of course, this would also affect your evaluations equally like them so there's no need to worry Os- whoops"

damn it, big brother... you purposefully did this!

"haahhh... sorry but... for magic... I'm primary for support so I'd like a live dummy for this, is that allowed?"

"hmm...though it's quite troubling... what about you miss Trem I suppose you can be her dummy?"

"s-sir Ingrid! I don't suppose that h-"

"it won't hurt, I can vouch for her, now then, show me what you can do child"

that... brother of mine... oh well then...

as my father's training with a greatsword... this is just training so you don't have to rush... breath... focus your gravity into one point... channel it to your upper body and with one strike!

the magic steel statue was sliced, rather than turning into pebbles, it was cleaned right off.

"you're still not done! your goal is to leave it in pebbles! not sliced in half"

damn it... I'll get you for this big brother...

with a blunt strikee, the statue breaks into small pieces along with the upper part, nothing was left

"well, you're properly evaluated, now then, as for magic, miss Trem, would you please"

"haahhh... you owe me for this sir Ingrid... well then uh... miss Rose, please use your support magic against me"

big brother... that gaze...

「why don't you give her a small bit of paralysis then make her feel like she's in heaven」

well... as you wish then...

with my blood wind fallen art, blood flower patches were formed, the serene white suddenly turning into half green excreted yellow spores and in turn

"!!- M-... miss-... Ro-..se p-...pl-ease... st-stop!"

alright then...

with another focus... turn the roses into blood red and heal my surroundings as you wish...

"G-Gahh... haahhh... Y-you're approved but you shall be receiving punishment after this!"

"w-wait! okay! I had my laugh, It was me who asked her to do that so she has nothing to do with this"

"Why're you protecting her even? here in this general academy Yuro, everything's equal so why are you protecting her?!"

"well... let's just say that miss Rose will be mad at me if little Lily has been punished"

"Miss Rose? there-!"

he suddenly shows her a few pictures that I do believe was in the Database files...

"M-miss Rose's child is?!"

"Y-yeah... although this was meant to be kept a secret until the ceremony so would you please don't? I'll bring you to lunch if you'd want"

"w-well... all of you passed... Rose... you'll be gong in Section S according to your evaluation, congrats, you're the highest among your peers"

I'm certainly glad but... I feel like my brother did something from that...

"Wha-! what's my section!?"

"hmm... since I already told hers I'll tell yours too, what about you?"

he shakes her head... he doesn't want to see it? well... I guess I can feel that

"-B!? this has to be some kind of mistake!"

"I'm sorry but there's a lot of promising stars this year so I'm afraid that you're cut with equal to yours."

he storms out the door... well... he was cocky from the start...

"Osiria, you're free to leave, I'll also be leaving for the other group's evaluation too, I'll see you in the ceremony"

"y-you too sir Ingrid..."

I leave the room and was immediately greeted by my brother and sister talking...

"Oh!? little Lily, how was your evaluation?"

"she passed with flying colors, if she didn't I'm afraid that I'm gonna get some scolding..."

"haha! well then, I'll be escorting you to your room Little lily, do you know where your dorm is?"

I shake my head... I didn't even know there were dorms here

"I believe she was in Valkyrie dorm, just 1st floor"

"you've done your research. well then, I'll be escorting you there then"

"Please... thank you..."

the back garden... it's like the sakura tree back at home... but with fewer flowers... rather... our hill tree has more flowers than here...

"so? what do you think of the people here Osiria?"

"I... like it... it's not like back at home and I don't have my parents but you're both here... I'm alright with that"

"well... I'm not employed here, I just managed to sneak inside, I'll be kicked out but I can watch you from the shadows, don't worry, just ignore my presence and you can always call for me if you feel like you're in danger, but do try to keep in mind that you'll need to be independent of that, alright?"

I nod my head slightly... she's right... I can't just keep calling on her if I need to...

. . .

we arrive at the dorm and I find some seniors here...

"ahh! I thought the ceremony would start until 57 hours until tomorrow! what are you doing here?"


"hahaha! sorry but she was immediately enlisted to live here for the remainder of 2 years, please be nice to her, or else"

they immediately nod... intimidation?

"I'll be going now little Lily, just call me if you feel endangered but you can call me too if you're lonely. alright, I'll be going now"

with one shadow step, she immediately disappears... yet... I feel her nearby... just... 10 feet from me?!

"Good, now that she's gone, we can just confirm this to miss Trem if need be, but of course! an introduction is needed!"

I step inside the dorm and they began introducing themselves... I... don't really care that much...

"well then? what's your name?"

"a-ahh... Osiria, Osiria Rose..."

"Osiria Rose... kinda sound like the scary demon of the Fallen, Liliya Rose... well then it's nice to meet you!"

I... don't know her name...


the dorm I was given wasn't all the extravagant like my old room back at home... but... change is also good... I'm not all that uncomfortable but... I might wake up in the middle of the night...

"well? how do you feel?"

"... a bit uncomfortable... I'm... still not used to this"

"well, for us soldiers, sleeping in an uncomfortable place is the norm so we're always alert even when we're asleep, though, you've been on fights but not in an actual war so I could take a guess on how you're fairing right now. just relax, your sister, Arie, will be taking care of you with no problems"

"T-thanks... for the comfort... I think I'll sleep now..."

she disappears still within my range where I can sense her but at the very least, she's not interrupting me or anything...


the morning strikes and I was just informed that the entrance ceremony will start at around 14 hours right now...

"This means that you have some time to relax for a bit, why don't we take a look around in the area?"

"I... should rather train my ability on the flower patch... I'm... I still haven't improved on that"

"Haahhh... while it's great to see you wanting to improve, sometimes, relaxing can also be said as training. calm your mind and body, maybe you'll find out how to improve"

she... could be right... maybe I do just need some rest...

"I'll... relax in a nearby pond here... I already know the topography of the nearby areas here... there's a pond just west here, right?"

"that shall be our training area then, prepare as little items you need except for food, oh! and don't forget to eat br- am I pushing you too much?"

"to be honest... a little bit... yes..."

she sulks a little bit...

"I would mind a little privacy... I'll call you when I'm finished, is that alright?"

"of course, well then, I shall meet with you in the pond"

thank you... I nod a bit and cooked my breakfast... a simple bowl of rice and an egg should suffice...

. . .

. .


someone's... knocking at my door...

"I'm coming..."

I open the door and... it's someone I don't know...

"Sorry but I believe we haven't introduced ourselves yet, I'm Kris Aurevart, and I believe that you are Osiria Rose right? or should I change your surname as Rosa?"

so... she knows who my mother is?

"I've been in the white platoon for as long as I lived my life, I owe my life to them, that's how I noticed you here in this academy... shall I guide you around the academy in advance?"

"later, please... I have someone waiting for me in a pond near here"

I can't simply abandon sis...

"mind if I come with you?"

"no... just don't interrupt me in my training..."

"training... I see... then I shall not disturb you, I'll simply watch so you don't have to trouble yourself over me"

it sounds trustworthy coming from her...

I just give in too her and she follows me to the pond where sis Arie was already waiting for me there in a zen pose... it looks stupid...

"sis... I'm here"

"hmm? ahh... with a friend too it seems... well, since you'll be training your most prominent skill flower patch, why don't we start focusing on concentrating on your Ether?"

I do what she said... close my eyes and feel my Ether vein pulse with power...

the bloody flower patch... my ability to summon a patch of desirable types of flowers that can paralyze, poison, heal, and many other... my only weakness is that it also affects allies... it discriminates none and destroys everything, without a target, affecting everybody excluding me in the vicinity. the only two skills that have strong support abilities are the giant blood rose that uses my ability to create a gigantic rose that will excrete blood from its bulb that will always follow on my father's command and the hypnotic Lily flowers that creates and enhances the petals that protrude from the ground and multiplies the petals by 3 fold allowing for further efficiency. those two skills have been a modification on aunt Mei which I allowed her to...


"a stronger connection... with my mother?"

"yes, I have already asked permission from your adoptive parents and will also serve as you being pseudo biological parents, it's just a favor I'm doing for Liliya since... it's a way for her to relieve her depression"


yes... I did it!

"congrats on mastering those two skills, Mei really did push her limits from that... who would've known that her lies would actually pull through"

"huh? lies?"

"oh? you didn't know? Mei lied to your parents about this being tested on me and Ingrid, we also went along since she threatened us a bit but the first person for that experiment to ever be tested on was you"

"so... I could've died or it would've gone horribly?"

"uhh... the chances of that were low but yes... that was a possibility"


I... could've died... if it wasn't successful... what would've happened!?

"I'm calling mom"

"O-Oy! stop right there missy, it's all in the past so there's nothing to regret, right? I mean, it all went out perfectly! you're now a bio-"

I stop my call and immediately put it back to my pocket... while... nothing indeed happened... but I feel like that was a sin for my parents...

"Thank you... anyway, who's with you?"

"umm... I forgot... sorry"

she seemed pouty for a second... I really am sorry


"oh!? so you're Kriss? aren't you supposed to be preparing for the ceremony?"

"so you really don't remember me... well, I suppose I should... I'll be going now"

I wave goodbye to her and continue on my training. sis Arie's supervising me so it should be alright...

flowers... at the color of the blood of my own... with such serenity and beauty, hiding a weapon of the chosen...

"good, we should delay the other parts fo tomorrow. we don't need to rush Osiria, we could just relax for the day"

"sounds... good"

we still have 9 hours to spare...

"Why don't we visit Theia's mansion? it'd be a good time to visit too, they're preparing for you too"

"But... why?"

"well, this is the first time that we could celebrate for a growing child. for the past centuries, war and destruction lay waste and we couldn't do anything about it, Liliya wasn't capable of bearing a child so when they saw you, she was quite ecstatic, the main reason why we love you as their child"

"I... want to hear more of the past... is that possible?"

"you might learn more in History classes, although there are only a few people attending that class but you should be fine since your brother, Ingrid, is going to be teaching that"

if it teaches only a few people then why do we need it in the first place?

we arrive at the mansion my aunt is in... unlike our house back home... it's quite... large

"welcome miss Arie, miss Osiria, shall I inform our Lady of your arrival?"

"Yeah, we'll just wait in the hallway. you fine with that Osiria?"

I nod... it's... everything's over the top... it breaks my common sense...

"I wouldn't trouble that Little Lily, your Aunt has been trading for your late uncle, Kirin when they were flat broke, at least, that's what I heard from Mei"

is... that so... I wouldn't even believe that from looking at their homes...

"truth be told, this isn't the only house Theia has, she has one room back at your home and another mansion that could also be called a castle in deep ocean water, even we don't know where that is except for her and her primary servants"

there's more?... how rich is my aunt?

"and Theia's been indebted with Kirin and Mei for a long time, the crystals were theorized and started by Mei but Theia took over it for her own when she was incapable of fighting, self-defense was needed that's why she had these many servants, some of them even still alive right now, you could ask some of their stories when you're running about, go on, why don't you ask some"


as she said, most of them were the same story, the time when Aunt was more of a merchant and didn't even fight... although there's one thing that I didn't get... why doesn't anybody know what her ability is...

"snooping around I see? I guess that this is your sis' doing?"

"s-sorry... y-yes... although I did it on my own accord and... I was curious..."

"nothing's good with too much curiosity, anyway, since you're here, why don't we head to the garden? I'll tell you everything you need to know about the school. Rohel, call Arie for me and tell her that we're in the garden"

"as you wish my Lady"

he walks gallantly in the hallway... how big is this mansion?...

. . .

we arrive at the mansion and see that sis is already here

"you do know it's rude for a guest to be the first to arrive right?"

"Sorry, but I don't feel comfortable in stiff postures... just don't mind me, I'll be her bodyguard whenever"

"you mean guardian, anyway, go on, have a sit"

I sit in the rather expensive looking chair and Arie walks away and sits in a... slime looking thing...

"just don't mind me, I'll just rest here"

"that girl... just don't mind her, anyway do you feel comfortable in the dorm? is it to your liking?"

"I... it's nothing much... but... I like it... I don't know what normal is but... it's alright..."

"I was worried considering that you were probably spoiled back at that other world... do you have any questions about your new school?"

I... don't... I shake my head and she nods

"here, a map on the school, can you understand this?"

I... everything looks complicated...

"guessing from your face, you don't. well, I'll just guide you to where you're lessons is"

"Why... are you doing this for me?"

I'm quite curious... she doesn't have many reasons to help me like this...

"well... I'm gonna be honest here, I still feel indebted to them, some people might feel like I favor them this much but in reality, they have helped me with multiple problems and from your mothers begging, I couldn't oppose her"

I see... is... that really the reason...

"keen eye their miss Osiria, to be truth about it, milady is quite afraid of them as a person, there was one time that when you first entered the portal, Lady Theia was scared to th-"

he suddenly stops...

"okay Rohel~ you don't need to blurt out any more needless information, now go run along and call Maya to replace you"

he walks away without another word... or even a bow... that's... weird... aren't servants supposed to bow if they're dismissed?

. . .

. .


"you called My lady?"

"there's quite some time to move... why don't I see your improvements in your skill? that flower patch"

I nod and stand to do it... showing it to them... it feels a bit weird to be doing it in a mansion...

I begin the concentration and focus on my Ether pulse, the flower patch protrudes, I show everything I learned for the past few days and they gave me an applause

「it was beautiful wasn't it?」

「young little Lily is finally growing like her mother...」

"all of you servants, back to your positions"

they all bow and head back...

"congratulations Osiria, you have grown a large margin, there's still a gap but you're improving quite rapidly, like your aunt, I'm proud, make sure to show this to your parents when you get back for 2 years, alright?"

I nod and we talk for a bit about my mother and my late uncle. we left to head to the entrance ceremony, I already know where it's going to start but Aunt is going to attend it as my guardian...

. . .

. .


「hey, have you seen that girl?」

「look at her... orange hair and a strand of white...」

「abnormal should I say...」

"just heed them no mind Osiria, anyway, you have a sit anywhere in the left side, I'll be in the back"

she leaves me... sis isn't here... probably sleeping in that... slime bag...

=*ahem*, thank you for coming parents and students, welcome to the grand ceremony of Yuro Academy I'm your principal, Gaius Von Ronin, as some might know, I am the hero of the human kingdom, I'm growing quite old so I settled in teaching students on how the world goes, how to fight, and how to understand what's right and what's wrong. although, I'm not the one who'll be teaching you, don't worry since the teachers who'll be teaching you lots are survivors from the war, the most renowned people that have settled here will be the teachers that will-=

he's just saying things that I don't care that much...

=now then, a message from our advertiser and backer, Theia Aiha=

so... she really was backing this school... she says some stuff about health and success but... I'm just here to understand and learn... I'll be like my mother and my father... that has been my goal, nothing will change that...

. . .

. .


the ceremony ended without a problem and we were immediately put into our rooms, our uniforms are in the lockers where the bathroom is supposed to be... it's quite compact too...

"Liliya, you'll be using this uniform, it's a symbol of being known by the higher-ups of Laplace"

it's a crystal...

"go on, show me your back and It'll equip it itself"

I do as she says and I felt a slight chill in my back, the crystal seemed to work... unlike the standard uniform that most of the people here are using... this one seems to be more complex and refined... everything's comfortable... it doesn't affect my movements in the slightest...

"there, and for the final touch"

a... lily?

"it was a patch made for your mother when she was young, it has changed over the days and the patch that I installed in there was her oldest one, she was quite young too, she didn't look like you but there are some similarities. hopefully, this makes you and your mother smile when she sees you like this"

I... "thank... you... I... Love it"

I smile just at thinking of my mother with this...

"Your smile is as angelic as ever. I'll be going now, and take this, if Theia's not anywhere you can just wish for an animal to protect you while holding that. alright then, bye Osiria"

I wave goodbye to Aunt Theia and walk to my class... mother when she was a child... and I'm currently using her old patch...

everyone's noticing my uniform... I don't see anyone wearing this too... so I'm the only one wearing this

"Alright class, I'll b- haahhh... that Aunt of yours... Osiria, did Theia gave you that?"

"Y-yes... am I not allowed to?"

"that... idiot... well, you're allowed to, rather, just wear that for your entire 2 years, it's rather protective than the usual uniform"

「B-but! Teacher! why does she have special treatment?! let us have it too! we're class S to aren't we!?」

「yeah! can't we all have equal treatment?」

"students, calm down, Osiria's a special case, since she's the only child of the strongest of Laplace, she was given special treatment when she was taken in, and since she's favored by everyone even the higher-ups then I have no power to oppose it. hopefully, you all understand it"

some of the students accepted it but... there are still some who doesn't like it

「damn special child」

「tch, you're just lucky you got adopted by a powerful family, bitch」

I look at uncle Ingrid and he shakes her head... I'm aware that uncle Ingrid's hearing is higher than mine but for him to just let me ignore it is something that my parents wouldn't ever allow... it's... a nice change of phase...

"students, since we're just starting, I'll allow some of you to roam the halls, we have some privilege to just ignore some of the studies if you already know the subject, or you can just attend the practical and written exams and ignore school completely, that's also an option but do keep in mind that if you fail, you won't be graduating"

everybody responded in a rather monotone agreement. some of the students already left while others were staying here talking with each other

"so Osiria? I'll tell you some of the rules that will be constant throughout your years, or if you want, you could just ask the students here, I am rather busy so I'd like you to make some friends here, is that fine?"

I nod, "I... want to make some... acquaintances but..."

"well, that's all up to you, it's your decision to choose who you want to befriend, and, please do remember their names, they may be insignificant to you but they're just like you, just born and taken care of by different people"

"I'll... keep that in mind... thank you"

he waves goodbye and I was left here by myself in the top back of the class...

I stand out a lot but... I... kind of like it... am I selfish for that? or something else...

I exit the room and I was greeted by... 3 boys... the people who I assume hated my treatment...

"Look, the princess finally walked out of the room, give me that!"

my crystal!

"give that back, now"

"looks like little miss baby is mad, what are you gonna do? call to your mommy?"

they both laugh, I don't mind it though, their cockiness is their weakness, I summon one flower from the flower pot and make it release paralytic pollen.

they fall down one by one, not even allowing them to fight back...

"I'll... be taking that, thank you"

"D-.. it-..."

squirming... it's a nice feeling from seeing them suffer like this...

I should go to class E's training... I'd like to see the knights at practice-