
The Grimm's Daughter

She made a wish. A wish that change the fate of an entire world. She wished to become 'her' daughter

Bastion_Dark · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Chapter 2.



The sound of a huge door opening disturbs my lovely slumber. Sluggishly, I open my eyes and I see my mother's face and a large chandelier. She doesn't look happy and I can't seem to fault her for feeling like that.

'Getting cranky after being forcefully woken up? Totally understandable!' I thought inwardly.

Of course, I know that being woken up forcefully is not the reason for her grumpy face. I also can't seem to recognize the room that I am in. I can only conclude that this is a different room that I haven't been in before.

The atmosphere around me is also deathly cold. Salem isn't usually this menacing, so something must have triggered her anger. Seeing my mother angry isn't pleasant so I immediately reached out to her finger and held it tightly.

She seems to realize that I'm awake due to me touching her finger. She turned her head to me and she 'smiled' ever so slightly. I can hear a few voices gasp with extreme shock from all around which in turn weirded me out considerably.

'Is Salem done with her 'overprotective' phase in my life? I thought that phase lasted for years!' I thought inwardly.

I thought I would never meet the antagonist characters of this world since Salem seems to like keeping me isolated from the rest of the world. But judging by the voices around me, it seems that 'they' have arrived.

"How nice of you to join us, my little Grimm. Did you enjoy your nap?" Salem asked me as she slowly kissed my forehead.

"Baa!" I say wistfully.

"The door disturbed your sleep? My poor monster, I'll make sure to punish whoever used the door last. Right, Arthur?" Salem said coldly as she turned towards a direction.

'I can't see him. Let me see him!' I thought inwardly.

"Baa!" I asked Salem.

"You wanted to meet them? Is my little monster excited to meet new creatures?" Salem asked me.

"Baa!" I said giddily.

"Alright, I'll put you down on the table but make sure you don't approach them carelessly." Salem warns me as she slowly puts me onto the table.

I finally saw the room that we are in and it looks exactly like the room that was shown in the web series. The room did seem to be more dreary than expected but I can't help but admire the cleanliness of the room.

'I guess it's morning? I can't see the broken moon…' I thought as I looked outside and I saw the pinkish-purple sky.

I also didn't know why my mother warned me until I saw the Grimms that were standing behind them. Four Ursas watching the four people's moves at everytime. The four people also seem to be frozen in their place with their eyes locked onto me.

Hazel, Arthur and Tyrian. All of them look just like their web series counterparts. Except for the fact that they all look a tad bit more realistics. Arthur seems a bit more conniving and Tyrian seems more 'animalistic' to me. Hazel just looks like a craggy rock.

I then turn towards Cinder and I can't help but freeze in my spot. Cinder is beautiful, more beautiful than I had expected. Her long raven black hair falls below her shoulder coupled with a complexion that makes her seem like an Asian beauty.

Her small eyes and her short nose only adds to her beauty. Her body is slim but that doesn't mean she doesn't have curves. She had the right curves in all the right places that even I, as a baby, can't help but drool looking at her.

Luckily, I'm not that interested in her. I like Cinder but I just can't betray my girl, Emerald. I have been hoping that she and Cinder will finally get their lucky break. If I can change their fate, that means that I can change the fates of all the other pairings as wells.

'Why are they all so scared? Did I do something?' I thought inwardly.

They continued to stare at me, with a puzzled look but also fear in their eyes. I also noticed that they aren't actually looking at me, rather, they are staring at something behind me and the only one sitting behind me is Salem.

"Baa?" I asked Salem.

"Am I angry? I'm not angry, no. But I am disappointed. I lent them my Grimms and they failed to do their job. They even manage to lose a magical artifact." Salem explains coldy.

'Artifact? Is that the Kuchinashi event? Gaia fulfilled her promise!' I thought inwardly.

The Kuchinashi event are not actually present in the web series but I do remember it from somewhere. I remember about the magical artifact but nobody have ever mentioned it ever, either in the web series or any other material.

'Lionheart probably gave it to Salem, since she probably has Lionheart in her grasps by this time...' Sage thought inwardly.

I choose to enter the novel during this period simply because I don't want to actually change the timeline, at least not yet. It's the perfect time since the events of the web series are about to start and Salem already has Haven in her grasps.

'I needed her connection in order to enter the Vytal Festival. I also need a team…' I thought inwardly.

I then turn to look at the Ursas that are threatening the four antagonists characters. Salem obviously wouldn't kill them since all four of them are present in the web series but I know that she will at least punish them.

"Baa?" I turned and asked Salem.

"What will I do? I don't know, that is why, I will let you decide…" Salem said languidly.

I stare at Salem and she stares at me back. I can see her eyes, judging me and scrutinizing my every move. She seems interested in my decision and I immediately understand that she is testing me and my resolve.

While I'm not truly a good person, I also don't believe in just eliminating everyone. I believe in the philosophy 'the right people for the right job', so I can't actually agree's with Salem's suicidal ways. Killing, for me, is a means, not a necessity.

'I don't want to do this but I also need to show that I'm supportive of Salem's decisions. The first step in doing that is to show Salem my 'wild' side…' I thought inwardly.

"Baa!" I turned to the four of them and said coldly.

'Let's hope this works!' I thought inwardly.

The four Ursas that are hovering behind the four antagonists suddenly start to move closer to the four people. Their claws, armed and ready as they move slowly towards the four antagonists characters.



The sound of their footsteps immediately put the four of them on their guards and I can see them preparing to move in case the Ursas keep moving closer. The situation is tense and Salem still hasn't said anything, so I can only escalate the situation even more.

"Baa!" I said again.

All the Ursas start growling and they move slightly faster than before. The four of them immediately enter their battle stance and invisible sweats start running down my face. I can't help but fear my power.

My power, the control over the Grimm is quite a strong ability. I literally have an army of monsters with some great abilities at my command. I can't feel any resistance to my orders and I can also grasp the monsters ability at the back of my mind.

'Just by using my voice, I can ask them to do anything. I wonder if I can control them by using my mind, like some sort of telepathy…' my thought was cut off by Salem's voice.

"Stop!" Salem suddenly said coldly.

The four Ursas immediately stop in their tracks, their claws are raised in the air. I turned towards Salem and I saw her amused face. I can't help but inwardly let out a sigh of relief since I can't actually guarantee that my gamble will work.

"Baa?" I turned and asked Salem.

"Why did I stop you? I want you to punish them, not kill them, Sage." Salem said with an amused expression.

'Really? You barely stopped me in time?! Thanks, Mom!' I thought inwardly.

"Baa!" I said to Salem.

"Why did I ask you to decide? I simply wanted to see what you would do, but killing them is not a good choice, my little abomination." Salem as she slowly lifted me up from the table and put me in her lap.

Salem then starts rubbing my stomach and I can't help but feel ticklish. I tried to push her hands away but I was powerless against Salem. I give up and I just let my mother's hands move freely around my stomach.

"They are our comrades, fighting for the same cause. You can't kill them just like that…" Salem explains after she finishes rubbing my stomach.

"Baa…" I said sadly.

"Don't worry, Sage. You are not in the wrong since they do need a reminder. Your little outburst should've worked nicely." Salem said with a satisfied expression.

Salem waves her hand and the Ursas immediately moves away from four antagonists. The Ursas then move out of the room and the atmosphere in the room immediately turns as silent as a mouse.

I can see all of the four antagonists breathe a huge sigh of relief after seeing the Ursas leave the room. They then turn their attention back to Salem and me. They waited for Salem to speak, which she eventually did.

"I was planning on giving you a reminder but it seems that my daughter has beaten me to the punch. Everyone, you may sit." Salem said languidly.

The four of them are still rooted in their places, not believing the things that they are seeing with their own eyes. The Queen of Grimm with a little Grimm baby in her hand. They can't seem to process the fact with their brains.

'Her daughter?!' the four of them thought.

Tyrian is the first to move and he immediately sits on his chair, still not taking his eyes off me. Hazel was next, followed by Cinder. Arthur, on the other hand, still can't comprehend the situation. The atmosphere in the room turned deadly silent.

"Your Grace, I'm sorry for asking but you have a daughter?" Arthur decided to break the ice.

"I do have a daughter. She's right in front of you." Salem answers easily.

"Is she adopted or…" Arthur asked as his voice trails off after realizing the absurdity of the situation.

'Did you kidnap a human child and dip her in the Pools of Grimm?' Arthur asked inwardly.

"No, I gave birth to her last week." Salem answers languidly again.

'Gave birth to her?!' all four of them thought inwardly.

"Does she have a father then?" Hazel asked.

"No, I'm her only parent. I'm her mother and also her father…" Salem answers again.

"So, you give birth to a Grimm in a matter of a week, all by yourself. Is that right, Your Grace?" Arthur asked for confirmation.

"Yes, Arthur. You are correct." Salem said.

Tyrian, on the other hand, has a weird look on his face as he looks at me. A look of reverence, if I'm not mistaken, but I can also see some sort of arousal. I can't help but shudder when I see the look on his face.

'Yup, he is still creepy and crazy!' I thought inwardly.

Arthur, who can no longer think, sits down on his chair slowly. His face seems pale and he starts murmuring softly. I can only conclude that due to my appearance and Salem's nonchalant attitude, his brain short-circuited.

The atmosphere then turned silent again. Hazel doesn't seem to have any questions as he merely grunts after looking at me straight in the eyes. Cinder, on the other hand, seems to have a lot on her mind.

"Is she… a pawn or an important ally?" Cinder asked after thinking about her question after a long time.

A strange cold suddenly emitted from Salem, freezing all of them in their chairs. I turned my head upwards and I could see disgust escaping from Salem's gaze. Her gaze was especially focused on Cinder, who now is as pale as the moon.

"She is not a pawn nor is she an ally. She's my daughter and as such, she is above all of you and even me! Remember that, Cinder…" Salem said coldly.

"Of course, Master!" Cinder said quickly, as she didn't want to anger Salem more.

I, on the other hand, can't help but look at Salem with love. Her long and white hair, coupled with her usual braid make her seem more menacing. Her eyes have a black sclera and bright red pupil. The veins that surround her eyes are riddled with power.

'Mom…' I thought inwardly.

Salem, the suicidal Queen of the Grimm has just told all of them that I am more important than her. Salem can totally be manipulating my feelings but I can't help but feel loved just from that one statement.

"Baa!" I said to Salem.

"Oh? Why do I need to bring my face closer?" Salem asked with confusion.

"Baa!" I said again.

"Very well…" Salem answers with confusion in her voice.

Salem brought her face to my level and immediately I kissed her nose. Salem, who didn't seem to expect that, can't help but show a timid smile. She then kissed my forehead which caused me to giggle happily.

"Baa!" I said happily.

"You love me? I see…" Salem said and I saw a strange emotion in her gaze.

'Is that doubt or sorrow? I can't tell…' I thought inwardly.

"I guess… I love you too, Sage." Salem said.

I stared right at her eyes, trying to find any sincerity in her gaze. Salem also stared right at my eyes but I don't actually know what she's trying to find. Both of us are trying to find a common ground, so that we can actually have a genuine connection.

Our staring competition was stopped when we both heard a loud cough. Both me and Salem turned to look towards the origin of the cough. Arthur, with the three others, clearly with worry and distrust in their eyes, looks towards Salem for an answer.

"Your Grace, can we please review our agenda for today? Why have you called us, aside from the obvious reasons such as our punishment and the birth of your daughter…" Arthur said, carefully.

I watched as Salem averted her gaze away from me and stared at Arthur instead. She then looks towards the rest of her 'comrades' and she smiles menacingly. She slowly lifts me up and puts me on the table again.

"We are here today, because my dear daughter will play an important role in our future plans, Arthur." Salem explains.

"I'm sorry, Your Grace. How will a child help us with our mission?" Hazel, unexpectedly, asked with a clear tone of worry in his voice.

'Ah, Hazel. He always has a soft spot for bystanders…' I thought inwardly.

"Well…" Salem's voice trails off.

Hello, everybody! I so glad to see all of you again! I again can't help but express my thanks to everybody. I don't really expect this series be that well received. All the collection and the power stones, 2 Chapters and it already have 10k views. Since everybody has shown such a great support, I will probably update this once a week. I was planning updating it only when I want to but all you have changed my mind! I'll probably update it every Monday or whenever I'm free in the week! Alright, I think that is all! Thank you again and buh-bye!

Bastion_Darkcreators' thoughts