
The Grim Chronicles

Grim is a realm of the afterlife where the lost ones roamed, and the monsters. Irene Albion is caught between the crossfire of the Ravens of Grim and the White Ravens of the Admiral. Now stuck in the afterlife, Archie and her Squad must protect Irene from the unknown troubles that linger in the city of Atlantis and delve deep into the mystery of the Grim Chronicles that haunt the city. It is here that Irene learns what it means to live, and what the Grim truly had in store for her. The meaning of life and love is questioned as the odds are against them. Can Irene and Archie survive or will the Grim take away everything they once held dear? Volume 1 updates weekly on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays!

aaya_writez · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter Four

The 99 Rules of Grim

Irene Albion

My head was pounding when I awoke, this time in the comfort of somebody else's bed. It was empty, of course, probably a guest room judging by how empty and barren the room looked. Well, almost barren, except for the disturbing amount of mirrors. I noticed I had changed into a new set of clothes, presumably pyjama pants and a random sleeveless top.

It was at this moment I remembered what had occurred last night and how Archie had knocked me out for the second time. I recalled the words we exchanged and felt the anger course through me followed by relief. I was still not in the human world, and for that I thanked her.

It's not like I imagined we'd have to talk about returning me to Earth like it was some chore, it was bound to happen eventually, but I guessed it was more a priority to drop me off back home and forget I ever came. It was a reminder that I was not welcome here.

Shaking off the negativity, I got up and paced the room before opening the wooden closet to find a spare change of clothes, courtesy of Archie. I put on the jean skirt and white top and added a jean jacket to complete the look.

Slowly, I checked to see if the door was locked. At the sound of a click, I pushed the door open and thanked the heavens it was not sealed shut. Peaking my head around the corner I found no one awake, the house was silent.

I took this opportunity to explore the flat. Creeping along on my tippy toes I slowly, quietly sat in the living room. The walls were decorated with bookshelves and beautifully painted sculptures. I spotted a lady covered in a veil holding a baby. She looked so elegant and shiny in the morning dawn.

I scanned the bookshelves for anything intriguing and found a multitude of interesting books. The Raven Ritual, History of Atlantis, Haven's Diary Deluxe Edition, Earth's Ideology.

I was so engrossed in my activities I didn't sense the stupid three-tailed drakon snake its tails up my leg. I fought down a yelp as it hissed at me, with impertinence, I hissed right back. "Bad kitty."

"Look who's talking," yawned Archie, waltzing in like she didn't just sneak up on me. Her steps were so phantom-like that even seeing her confused me. I took it that sleep doesn't come easy for her judging by her sunken eyes.

Her hair was tousled and messy in the most unattractive way. I watched Archie rub at her hooded eyes which were held behind her framed glasses. As I took a random book off the shelf, I noticed the rising sun made her peach skin glow like the moon in a starless sky.

We moved through the open archway towards the kitchen.

I started, "Listen about last night—"

"Not right now." Archie checked her watch, "It's barely 7:30 in the morning. How early did you wake up?"

"I'm usually up at around six on a normal weekday."

She poured herself a mug of piping hot tea, barely missing the cup as she mumbled something about me being an early bird freak and she sat at the kitchen table.

I joined her, carrying the book I brought along.

"The Ninety-Nine Rules of Grim," I read.

"A fascinating read."

"It's literally just a rule book."

"No shit Sherlock. Even Sony sees that." Archie rolled her eyes unimpressed.


"A blind woman from eons ago. Think of this like an idiom or proverb specific to Grim. We evolved past our deaths, and so did our language."

Archie took another swig of her mug, grimacing at the heat. As I flipped open the book I heard Helen and the others awake and join us.

"Good morning you loudmouths."

Archie winked as Helen muttered something under her breath. I waved good morning to Yudai who lazily smiled back, still sleepy. He's cuddling a stuffed animal as he slowly sits beside me. It's a dinosaur.

I felt a bit guilty knowing our noise woke the rest of them up. I spotted Medina leaning against the wall, his head dropping and then bobbing back up. Archie had no care in the world. So as to mimic her, I got back to my book.

"It says here you can't attack another Raven, what's a Raven?"

"A bird," chirped Yudai.

"A poem," added Archie.

"Hunters, of sorts. Specific to Grim that is," concluded Helen as she cracked eggs over a frying pan.

"Specific to Grim? As in, there's more to the afterlife than Grim?"

Helen nodded as she whisked away, beating the eggs with an anger I'd rather not be on the receiving end of. "Precisely."

"So you're all Ravens?"

Yudai nodded extensively. "Bingo, bullseye, right on the money."

"Exterminators to be exact. Our Squad is tasked with the extermination of Aether creatures that pop up from the void between the Grim and Aether. Ravens are categorized by skill into Squads with different tasks."

"By who? The Grim Reaper?" I joked.

The silence was answer enough.

"You're telling me the Grim Reaper exists?"

"Every rumour or folktale on Earth stems from some form of truth. The Grim Reaper is no exception. Now, anyone hungry for breakfast?"

Helen turned off the stove and motioned for us to sit and prepare the table. Yudai, still clinging to his dinosaur, brought the utensils as the rest of us arranged the plates and glasses. Breakfast was eggs and bacon — piled high — with avocado toast served with orange juice. Medina awoke the moment he smelled the wave of scrambled eggs with green onion. I noticed he had a knack for food.

Archie spread the avocado over her slice of toast and sprinkled tomato as if it were cake decorations. There was a joy in how she did it, almost as if even though this wasn't the waking world, it was still worth being awake for.

I once again dined at a table with strangers, this time in silence as we gobbled up everything from toast crust to bacon fat.

You don't belong here.

Fuck off, I said to myself internally. The words of last night's squabble made their way into my head as easily as breathing. I understood that neither Archie nor myself came from a place of hate, they all were so kind to me and hospitable that it was impossible to think they had ill intent. We may know nothing about one another but it felt right to sit in their presence, to pretend this was all so normal.

"Do you always carry stuffed toys?"

Yudai's eyes glittered with excitement but before he could answer Helen interrogated, "You got a problem with that?"

"Not at all. I have a few back at home that I miss."

Yudai was quick to ask, "Really? So you also have dinosaurs too?"

"No, but my sister does. I have tigers and cats from my favourite childhood show."

As we tidied the kitchen and table, I proceeded to continue my search for information in the strange rulebook, too confused to understand what was written.

12. The Rite Ritual must never be interrupted.

19. No one is to enter the Aether or else be burned.

25. No one is to summon a seven-haired lizard as a pet.

A what now?

36. Scented candles are hereby not permitted in closed spaces.

What happened when the simple use of candles was banned?

52. If the Grim Library is threatened, seek Raven authority and issue a Red Warning.

69. If anything supernatural (more so than usual) occurs, report to Grim HQ at the Stone Palace. In the case of an emergency contact the Reaper immediately.

Somehow I felt the last rule struck a chord in me, maybe because my occurrence was supernatural, or maybe because the lack of emergency in Archie's team felt more so.

I felt an arm pull me close, I looked up and found Archie beside me on the couch, her baby blue eyes carefully watching me as she sipped her new mug of steaming tea. I wondered why she never opted for coffee instead. Was it too bitter?

"What are you thinking about?" she asked, her voice as smooth as butter. It might have been my imagination, but her eyes were laced with worry almost as if something troubled her and that troubled me. I would talk about what happened last night had we not had an audience. I couldn't help the bad thoughts that plagued me, so instead I mistakenly blurted out, "Can I be the newest member of Squad Archie?"

What do you think will happen next?

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