
The Grim Chronicles

Grim is a realm of the afterlife where the lost ones roamed, and the monsters. Irene Albion is caught between the crossfire of the Ravens of Grim and the White Ravens of the Admiral. Now stuck in the afterlife, Archie and her Squad must protect Irene from the unknown troubles that linger in the city of Atlantis and delve deep into the mystery of the Grim Chronicles that haunt the city. It is here that Irene learns what it means to live, and what the Grim truly had in store for her. The meaning of life and love is questioned as the odds are against them. Can Irene and Archie survive or will the Grim take away everything they once held dear? Volume 1 updates weekly on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays!

aaya_writez · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter Fifteen - Part Two

Irene Albion

We stood up and cleaned the table quickly, not caring to leave the place spotless. We dumped the empty plates into the sink and went off to change in our respective rooms. I took the guest room and made an effort not to gaze at the strange decor, it had a strange charm to it as if it held an unknown personality.

We dressed warmly, Archie kept her tracksuit bottoms but made sure to wear a warm turtle neck and scarf. She wrapped a spare scarf of hers around my neck the same way she did when we first met. The moment felt nostalgic but was over in a second.

The walk to the Grim Library was as eventful as ever; I saw Uncle Dairy open his strange shop of wonders, and I saw the local marketplace teaming with life. It looked like any regular day, and for a minute I almost forgot about yesterday's events. It felt so steady, so orchestrated, so normal.

I heard the passing of motorbikes, I heard the calling of vendors, I heard the crows and the children. Dear Lord, there were children.

They were braiding each other's hair and dancing in circles to the beat of the drums, one boy held a ukulele and played a tune oh so familiar. One sat near a fountain, her legs dangling as if waiting for someone, a book at her side as if expecting something to happen. I couldn't put my finger on it so I opted to look the other way and ignore the too-happy commotion of innocence and fun.

My heart dropped at the sight of the 'Haven's Funeral Parlour' Archie was staring at. Firstly there was a funeral parlour in the land of the dead which felt absurd. Secondly, there was a blonde woman with cropped hair simply staring back at Archie, their exchange was intense as they held each other's eyes. I slipped my hand into Archie's and felt Archie grip it tight in response.

A funeral parlour in the land of the dead, up until yesterday I'd have thought the idea to be useless and a waste of time, but after Medina…I wondered if his body, or what remains, were transferred here. It all but disappeared in front of our eyes - like a magic trick it dispersed into nothing. I was half-hoping it would come back and tell me all of it never happened.

"Irene," she whispered, "Whatever you do, stay away from Haven's Funeral Parlour."

I was scared but asked anyway, "Why?"

Archie kept staring at the short blonde who made a move to draw the curtains of the window, "Because they're nothing but trouble. You hear me?"

I gulped nervously, wary of Archie's words. If Archie found the place dangerous then I should too. It was only natural to heed her warning. After all, she was right about the Reaper.

Speaking of, I began to speculate what made him so strange and mysterious. He held so many secrets but why? Why would he hide them, why would he lie, what was he trying to protect?

Archie continued her walk, holding my hand to not lose me in the growing crowd. Her hand was sweaty but her grip was strong. I made sure to watch my step as we climbed up the rolling stairs to the Grim Library, once majestic but now daunting and unimpressive.

Blythe wasn't anywhere to be found at the entrance, instead, we found her lackey tentative at the gate. They went by the name Cancer and redirected us inside.

Archie asked, "How's Blythe?"

"Not good, she's been holed up on the upper floors for hours. We tried to get her down but she's been sleeping with that book of hers. It's been impossible to separate them."

I held onto the railing as I climbed up the stairs. Although huge, I found this place ever so harrowing. Where I once stared in awe I now looked down at the endless shelves with pity. People actually died, and they can easily die again.

What cursed fate.

"Where can I find her?"

Cancer pointed at the innermost corner of the library, a solemn look of worry on their face. Archie nodded her thanks and moved with agile swiftness to the corner, still holding her hand she forced me along almost tripping over my feet.

Blythe sat curled up on a chair, knees tucked in tight as she hugged a black book. On it, I could spy the golden cursive letters that spelled out her fiance's name along the black cover. Medina Amari. Blythe's eyes were bloodshot, stricken with tears and grief. Her hair was ruffled and her clothes were haggard. She was a mess.

"Blythe," started Archie who crouched down to come at eye level with her and repeated, "Blythe."

"Hmm," hummed Blythe, whose thoughts looked to be interrupted by Archie's call. Blythe adjusted herself in her seat as Archie gingerly reached out to her. I stood awkwardly as Blythe asked, "What do you want?"

"I'm here to ask some questions."

Blythe rolled her eyes as if to say, not now.

"I understand you're busy mourning but this is of great importance."

"For what?"

"Catching Medina's killers."

Archie's bluntness sent Blythe into an angry strike. "Don't you dare throw his name around like cheap candy."

Archie was patient, "To exact revenge, I—"

"To hell with revenge, he's dead!" She said exasperated, throwing her arms up in defence, "What does it matter if you slay them, it's not going to miraculously bring him back. He's gone, forever."

For a moment it looked like Blythe would cry but her tears never came, maybe she cried them all out already.

"I know," breathed Archie, her voice quivering slightly, "I know."

"He's died twice now, neither time brought him peace. Did you know he believed himself guilty for all the times you messed up? Every time, every mission when something went wrong he'd place all the blame onto himself even when he knew it was your mistake as a weak Captain."

"Blythe, calm down."

"Calm down? My partner is dead because of you. And that Shifter, if she never came this never would have happened. It is because of your two selfish wishes that my Medina Passed. Gone. Forever."

I knew at the back of my mind Blythe was just in a bad mood, she needed to blow off some steam, she needed to let it out but damn, it hurt like hell to hear her accusations because it was the truth that both Archie and I had agonized over, again and again, leaving our minds restless.

"Blythe," forced Archie, whose demeanour was as steady as the calm ocean, "Blythe we need you to help us bring Medina's soul to peace so please, I'm begging, help us."

"You're a disgrace," spat Blythe. My blood began to boil, sure — place the blame onto me. I didn't care, but to blame Archie who was trying her best… I could not allow that.

Before I could step in Archie held out a hand to stop me. Begrudgingly I obliged and I kept my feet rooted into the ground, but I was ready to pounce at any given moment.

Blythe tore away from us, and ordered, "Get out of my library this instant."

Well, there went our chance of gaining any definitive clues to help narrow down our suspects. To think Blythe would be so adamant to condemn us, and so easily at that. It broke my heart because the moment Cancer shut the door behind us, Archie folded over onto the floor and felt the ground rumble.

I didn't crouch down knowing she'd get up herself. "You okay?"

Archie shook her head but stood up anyway and wiped at her face. I tried to read her, deduce whatever ran through her mind but she simply kept her face blank scarce of emotion.

With a heavy heart, she announced, "There's someone I want you to meet. Follow me."

I love the next chapter so stay tuned! Also, poor Blythe:(

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