
The Greatest Sinner


Arlemit · Fantaisie
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326 Chs

The Next

To everyone's shock, Evan decided to cut off his own leg. It was really crazy, but it was the way to win. Even the perpetually calm Draven was shocked for a split second; no student had ever done anything like this before.


Draven did not hesitate long, he quickly struck the next blow, but Evan was ready for it. Suddenly, an ivy vine coiled around Evan's body and tossed him aside. Draven's fist passed above Evan's face. At the last moment, Evan threw his scythe toward Draven. The examiner ducked slightly and dodged the flying weapon.

<Damn, that's too bad, with wounds like that there's nothing I can do anymore.> Evan thought to himself watching Draven.


The next moment Draven disappeared from his sight, but Evan suddenly felt a severe pain in his back.
