
The Greatest Glutton

Fannum, an orphan boy abandoned by his parents, left to die in the streets. Starving, thirsty and bleeding out from a recent mugging. He begins to question why he was born. "Why? What was the point of me being born, was it so I could die like this?" 'No! I don't accept this! I won't accept this!' 'I will become strong and devour everything!' That was the fated day that the greatest Glutton awoke. The destroyer of all. PS: Not my image.

CluelessTurtle · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Death (The End)

"Thoom!" A loud ripple broke out into the surroundings as the man through out a palm after finally catching up with Fannum.

"Boom!" Realizing there was no escape. Fannum through out a punch, imbuing as much strength in the punch as he could.

"Damn kid, are you some sort of monster?" The man scoffed as he looked at Fannum in surprise. "Nah, I'm just weird!" Fannum exclaimed as he lunged towards the man. The man quickly took a stance and threw two fingers out. This surprised Fannum, as the mans fingers would obviously snap under the strength of his punch if their attack collided. Though the man still proceeded with his attack, making Fannum become more cautious. While Fannum was contemplating, the mans fingers and his fist were only inches from colliding, and yet it was obvious that the man had some sort of trump card.

Intently staring at the man Fannum felt a chill go down his spine as their attacks clashed.

"Boom!" "Thud!"

"Ahh!" Fannum nearly yelled out of pain due to being sent flying into a nearby tree. "Ughh! What the fuck was that geezer!?" Fannum questioningly yelled at the man as he threw up mouthfuls of blood. Fannum was flabbergasted. He knew the man was a practitioner, and a wind mage at that, but due to not being subdued by the mans aura alone. Fannum assumed the man was below the high tier intermediate rank of the magic awakening realm.

But their clash just now had completely crippled Fannum's left arm, while he could feel a searing pain in his chest indicating that his ribs had been broken. "You're still to green boy. You're not even a practitioner yet and you think you can defeat me?" The man scoffed as he gazed at Fannum with a hidden look of surprise. The man had used his one and only skill that he had comprehended from his boss, Nico. In order to deal with Fannum in one blow, he used this skill hoping to disable him and quickly bring him back to Nico in hopes of obtaining a reward, yet his spell "Gales Fury" had not completely incapacitated Fannum. Though he was now critically injured and not as much of a threat to the man any more.

"Listen boy, come with me and you won't have to die. But I'm warning you, don't push me to far, because I'll kill you regardless of the boss's orders if you do." "Do you think you're capable?" Fannum snickered staring down his opponent with a playful gaze of mockery and disdain. "You dare to be arrogant in front of me little brat!" The man roared as he lunged towards Fannum.

Fannum was prepared for this and took a pounce like stance, allowing to lunge or dodge. Though he had still not made his move, even as the man was right in front of him. Fannum watched as the man once again struck down with those two pointed out fingers. As Fannum analyzed the mans swing and attack, he couldn't help but notice a little tornado coalesced around the mans finger continuously. 'Hmm, what is that? A spell perhaps? If that is indeed a spell, then it would make sense as to why he can out power me five to one.' Fannum wasn't surprised that a mage had a spell, it only made sense after all. He just couldn't discern that it was a spell before due to his lack of knowledge. As they say, knowledge is power.

Now that Fannum knew about the mans ability, he started to formulate ways to avoid the attack and counter it in his head. After deciding on an action, Fannum took a stance.

Fannum threw out a punch, weaker than before due to his injuries, but still powerful enough to cause a broken bone or two if the man was careless. 'Hehehe, dumb brat!' The man snickered inwardly, thinking that Fannum still had yet to see through him.

Just as the two's attacks were about to collide, Fannum turned to the ground directing his unstoppable momentum towards the grassy plains and struck it with all of his strength. The surrounding earth trembled before the ground exploded into dirt and pebbles. The resulting consequence of punching the floor was that Fannum had now lost all of his momentum and now had nowhere to escape, though escaping was never his plan.

But before the man could say any words of mockery, he watched dumbfoundedly as Fannum laid flat against the floor unmoving. It was then that he realized what Fannum was doing. In his rage caused from Fannum's taunting, he unthinkingly leapt into the air using his wind elemental mana as a means to propel himself forward. He relied on his monstrous momentum to push him forward in order to crush Fannum when they inevitably clashed. Though he never thought that Fannum would avoid the clash at the last second, not even leaving the man enough time to brace himself before he smashed into the ground, and barreled straight through a tree.

"You... you little fucking monster. You're dying here.... here with me." The man with a now deformed face, broken arm, and fist sized hole penetrating through his chest and exposing his now destroyed lung muttered, with a glint of fear flashing through his eyes. All of his momentum had completely destroyed his body in the crash, leaving him with his now unsightly appearance.

The Ground crumbled and created depressions under the mans feet as he pushed his mana vessels to the limit, withdrawing one hundred and ten percent of his mana's power, but also crippling his vessels in the process. He appeared in front of Fannum in an instant, and before Fannum could even react, he could only watch in horror as a palm covered in a furious wind connected with his chest sending him flying.

The moment Fannum crashed to the ground, the only thing he could feel was pain. He could not hear, see, nor smell. But he could feel and oh he did. "Ahhhhhhgggggggggghhhhh" Fannum couldn't help but letting out an ear piercing wail of agony as his overstimulated brain threatened to shut down. All of his organs had been ruptured and destroyed, his bones pulverized, his muscles and flesh continuously getting torn apart by the ferocious wind elemental energy running amok within his body. And his heart..... it had been ripped to shreds. He was only still alive due to gluttony giving him life force, though that wouldn't last. As his hearing and vision slowly returned he heard the mans last words.

"Cough...Cough, I have to admit you're good, kid." The man who was now on his knees muttered with his last breath as blood poured from every one of his orifices.

"Yeah, you too." Fannum remarked, as his eyes dimmed and his head lowered, marking the end of his difficult life.


So yeah, that's it, that's the end of this novel. I'm ending it extremely prematurely because after writing the eighth chapter and analyzing the series and it's future plot and progress, I've come to be unhappy with it. When I started writing this, I didn't have any real idea of what I wanted the story to be nor where I wanted to go with it. Also, Fannum's abilities became a headache to deal with because they were too OP and convoluted, and I'm also always more busy then I expect. So instead of just dropping the book and leaving whomever is reading this hanging, I decided to end it hear. Who knows, maybe after my exams I will be back with a knew and better novel.

And thanks for the support to those who liked this read.