
Sparring 2 v 1

(This is only a short chapter, so forgive me)

By nightfall, the once distant mountain range seemed to have doubled in size. I wondered how big the Grand Mountain Range would be when we reached the foot. Needless to say, I was excited to get out of the tiny outpost that was my hometown, Ashber.

We eventually stopped to set up camp near a small cluster of boulders. It was a good spot with the rocks blocking off nearly all of the wind and a lot of scrap wood from fallen branches to use as a campfire.

I read the book that I brought from my house called "A Foolish Hero".

After reading it, I close the book and put it in my bag. I feel a little sleepy but I don't want to sleep yet.

"Hey Reynolds, do you mind if I test littles Art and Alex?" I heard Adam ask my dad. I mentally smile. Maybe sparring with other people will help me.

I never fought anyone besides my dad after I reincarnated. Therefore, I need to gain experience again for this new life. Yes, I do have numerous experiences fighting with melee weapons, but my child's body is not used to my brain who has accumulated my past life's experience.

There are several solutions to this. The first is growing up, which is the longest method I don't want to choose, but the second, which is experience and adaption, will greatly help me familiarise my child's body.

Both my dad and mum seemed at least a bit hesitant at first, but trusting their old comrade, my dad just replied, "Alright, but be careful. I haven't had the chance to teach them how to properly fight yet. We've just been doing light strength and mana exercises 'til now."

Adam got up from his makeshift log seat and looked around until he found a short stick he felt satisfied with.

"Come here Kiddos. Haha, let's see what you two made of!"

I glance at Art, who's nervous about sparring with Adam. Art then turns his head to me, and I shrugged as I followed Adam. In the end, Art had no choice but to follow us.

Retrieving the wooden sword we received as a present from our parents, we walked to the edge of the camp where Adam was waiting near a small clearing.

"You both know how to reinforce your weapons right, geniuses?" he asked, emphasizing the last word.

The provocation doesn't work on me, obviously.

Art and I don't have any plans but since we are twins, we all know that we need every chance to defeat him.

Then the fight began!

Art and I pour mana into our legs and dash forward to the red hair.

Adam, who had a smug on his face, was prepared to block our attacks. I changed directions, causing Adam to be confused.

Adam who's prepared to block Art's horizontal swing but suddenly Art feinted and used special footwork. I notice that he couldn't really perform the skill perfectly because of his child's body.

Adam's smug vanished from his face.

At first, I come from behind as I swing my wooden sword at Adam's nape, but at the last second, he manages to block.

When I leap backward to gain some distance, I notice that I almost trip because of my small body. I click my tongue.

At the same time, Art and I rush to the redhead. This time we will attack together, and let's see if the red hair can block our attacks.

His eyes opened wide as he realized what was about to happen.

We reinforced our wooden sword because our children's strength won't affect Adam, who's a veteran.

I leaped with a bit of mana. I focused my gaze on his neck. Art is targeting Adam's open ribcage.

We begin to deliver the attacks, we swung our wooden swords.

The look of surprise on Adam's face lasted all but a split second before he swung his stick at my head. I swerved my head to avoid it. Adam quickly focuses on Art as he tries to kick Art, but Art manages to squat at the right time to avoid the attack.

I tried to thrust my wooden sword at Adam's ribcage, but suddenly I changed my mind.

At the last second, my instincts go crazy as I swiftly do a side block. While I did block the blow successfully, my 4-year-old body couldn't withstand the force of the blow as I flew to the side.

I use all my strength to stab the ground with my wooden sword to stop my body from slamming into the tree.

Thankfully, I reinforced my whole body before I took the blow, or I would've seriously gotten hurt.

I see that Art destroyed Adam's stick before he flew, gracefully skidding on the ground like a flat rock on a lake.

Seeing that mum was going to heal Art first, I lay on the ground tiredly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Durden thumping Adam's head with enough force to make him stumble forward.

Sheesh, I'm exhausted.

I notice someone, Jasmine, staring at me closely.

"Your fighting style is almost identical to the assassin's style but different. Where did you learn that?" Jasmine asked curiously.

"From books," I answer with my stoic face. I'm too tired to act like a cute kid now. Seeing that she's not convinced, I ask her.

"Want to learn?" Jasmine only nodded, like a child who wanted candy. Her eyes seem to really want to learn my fighting style, huh?

It's true that my fighting style isn't really an assassin's style.

Mum arrived to heal some minor bruises.

"Are you okay, Alex?" Mum asked with anxiety if I had gotten a heavy injury.

I replied, "I'm fine mum, just minor bruises."

My mum then sighs with relief as she heals my bruises.

* * *

After the sparring, I slept in the tent with mum and Art.

While others trying to learn Art's feint technique which I didn't bother trying to learn, it's only useful against one person anyways.

- The Journey Continues!

1015 words without A/N.

Well, I do hope the fighting scene is good enough for you guys, I'm not really good at writing action scenes so pardon my mistakes.

This chapter was supposed to be 2000+ words long or longer but I decided to cut it in two.

No chapter tomorrow as I haven't finished the next chapter.

Some spoiler again about Alex's future mentor.

Name: Lucy

Gender: Female

The last name is unknown, no one knows her origin. Even royalty who tried to discover Lucy's origin never know who really is, all they know is she suddenly appears at Xyrus city and registers as an adventerur.

S-Rank Adventurer. The strongest adventurer, she is a deviant who use ice magic as they never really saw Lucy using others elements.

Title: Ice Death (Esdeath?) and Ice Empress.

She held great status because of her rank and maybe the only one who achieved S-Rank Adventurer. (I really don't know who has S-Rank Adventurer in tbate)

No one really confirmed her mana core but it's believed that she is a silver core mage.

A unique trait about her is that she has heterochromia eyes.

(wElL, I really give too many hints about her real identity but I doubt anyone will discover her true identity for now. No, I am not mocking you guys.

Please inform me if I made mistakes as I write this at the middle of night so I really need sleep right now)