
The Great Voyage: The cartoonist of the Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece The strongest king of pirates

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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224 Chs

Chapter 207

Chapter 0207: The World Cries Out: Kill!!!!

"Luo Lan!! Don't you fool the public here!!! "

Sengoku roared, and he angrily accused, "The Draco are the descendants of the Creator of this world, and their current power and status are what they deserve!!" No one can disobey the Draco, this is what three-year-olds know!! "

"Oh? Is it? How about we listen to what the parties say? "

Luo Lan pouted, and then reached out, grabbed the other half of Charross's hair, violently picked him up, and asked coldly: "Dead fat pig, tell me, you killed someone, should you pay for your life?" "


Hearing this, Charros Saint had question marks in his head? I'm a Draco son, you ask me this kind of question??

Suddenly, he said furiously: "How is it possible!!! You pariah!! I'm the Draco Charros Holy!!! "


As soon as his voice fell, Luo Lan directly slapped him in the face one by one.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed Venus, and his brain was confused…


The entire battlefield resounded with the sound of gasping for air!!! This Nima…

The live broadcast gave the Draco a big fight, which is even more excessive than killing the Draco.

"Give you another chance, do you want to pay for the killing?"

Luo Lan was as indifferent as iron, holding Charross's head and asking coldly.

Charros Sheng's heart was very hard and wanted to reply, but the fat pig's face that was torn in pain made him dare not rebel against Luo Lan's question.

He was not a fool, of course he knew that if his next answer dared to disobey Luo Lan's meaning, Luo Lan's big pocket would call him in the face without hesitation.

After hesitating for a moment, he could only speak very suddenly: "To…, to…"


14 Luo Lan shouted again and asked fiercely: "Say clearly!!! What do you want to kill!! "

Another slap down, Charrossan felt that his head was about to explode, and the severe pain instantly shook his brain, dizzy and wanted to vomit, extremely uncomfortable.

However, he did not care to think about the pain, and quickly howled: "Ah! Kill to pay for your life! Killing pays for life!! "

Luo Lan casually loosened the hair of the Charros Saint who was grasping, and then looked at the Warring States: "Did you hear that?" Even your master understands the simple truth of 'killing to pay for life', but your old dog still has a shameless mouth??? "

Listening to Luo Lan take a bite of an old dog, the anger in the heart of the Warring States ah… Blood pressure soars!!

"Stop!!! That's what he said under your intimidation!!!! "

Sengoku said furiously.


A disdainful laugh came from Luo Lan's mouth, and he looked at the camera of the live phone worm, "Could it be that these civilians who are watching the live broadcast, they are afraid of the Draco because they are forced by the deterrence of you big wolf dogs called the navy?!! "

The navy present suddenly changed his face ~~~

Especially some young naval soldiers, listening to Luo Lan's questioning at this time!!

Such mental torture suddenly felt a blush in the face!!! Oh, yes...

Why do even three-year-old children know that they can't go against the will of the Draco??? Was this also the case when the Draco first appeared?

Obviously…, anyone with a little intelligence should understand that it is not!!

But why doesn't everyone dare to disobey the Draco now? No doubt that's because over the years…

As long as there is a rebellious Draco, the Navy will wipe it out by thunder!!

In the long run…

Where else would there be a 'fool' who rebels against the Draco?


Sengoku directly degenerated from the form of the Great Buddha to the appearance of an ordinary human, and he covered his heart with his hand, panting.

I wanted to say something, but Luo Lan stopped drinking: "You shut up!!! "

"Sengoku, you old dog!!!"

"Twenty years ago!!! O'Hara's scholars accidentally learned something about the dirty and ugly side of the main government of the world 800 years ago because they accidentally learned something about the dirty and ugly side of the main government of the world 800 years ago, and they were put in the black cauldron of the main house of the world to harm the world!!! "

"As soon as the World Government gave an order, you, an old dog who was still an admiral at the time, did not hesitate to issue an order to slaughter O'Hara!!"

"What's wrong with those scholars? They just want archaeology!!! "

"Take 10,000 steps back and say!! Even if those scholars endanger the rule of the World Zhengfu, then the World Zhengfu does have a reason to kill them. Whether this reason is right or wrong, but at least there is a reason…"

"But!!! You old dog, please tell me!! Those ordinary residents of O'Hara, what is wrong with them!!! Is it because they are afraid that an archaeologist will be mixed in among them and kill hundreds of thousands of people in O'Hara??? "

"Say deterrent by force?? You old dog who stepped on a horse also deserves to say this in front of me??? "

Perhaps because of feelings, Luo Lan almost roared and questioned the Warring States fiercely.


Not questioning, but contempt! It's contempt!! Is it an angry rebuke!!!

On the deck of the Golden Melly, Nick Robin's whole body trembled ~~~ The slender palm covered the red embroidery, and tears could not be suppressed welling out of his eyes.

This stinky brother…

Is he coming out for me… Well, yes, it must be!!!

O'Hara is Robin's heart knot, an indelible pain for Robin's life!

However, at this moment, Robin clarified the 'devil's theory' for O'Hara in front of the world's live broadcast, and even exposed what the navy did!

It also exposed all the smearing behavior of the world's main government!!! It can be said that…

Nicole Robin's resentment, hatred, all of them were completely released at this moment with Luo Lan's words!!!

Smelly brother…

You do this for me, what the hell am I going to do to repay you…

And at this time, Luo Lan seemed to have telepathy, and set his eyes on Robin's side ~~

Then he continued: "There is a person~"

"There is a little girl!!!"

"At only 8 years old, I witnessed the complete destruction of my hometown under the demon slaughter order!!!"

"She obviously doesn't know anything and hasn't done anything bad? Maybe God favored her and allowed her to survive…"

"But what did the main house of the world do??"

"But what did the Navy do??"

"The main house of the world charged her with the crime of 'son of the devil'!!!!"

"The Navy is endlessly chasing her!!!"

"You know…, she's just an 8-year-old girl!!!

"She was pure white like a piece of paper…, she should have lived a carefree childhood ~~~~"

"But who will tell me…, who knows everything about her!!!?"

"Who ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent O'Haras!!!"

Luo Lan's words directly shocked everyone present!!!

Not only pirates, but even many navies are clenching their fists at this time!!! Damn!!!

That girl was innocent!!!

The inhabitants of O'Hara who were wiped out by the Demon Slaughter Order are also innocent!!!

A pirate forcefully thrust the big knife in his hand into the ground and roared, "Mad!!! Damn the navy!!! They are the lackeys of the Draco, cold-blooded executioners!!! "

Another pirate shouted, "It's the damn world Masamu that ruined everything for them!!" "

"So many innocent lives!!! Say that we pirates kill people?? The Navy kills more innocents at one time than all of us in our lifetimes combined!!! "

"Hahaha!! Also represents justice? Go to the justice of the special mother!!! "

"Bah! Now looking at the two words of justice on the naval cloak, it's really disgusting!!! "

The pirates cursed angrily.

Some navies who were still fighting with the pirates just now, because they were relatively close to the pirates, listening to the pirates' angry scolding and ridicule at this time, they were suddenly ashamed one by one, and their faces were hot!!!

They were scolded and angry!!!

But others scold as if there is nothing wrong… Yes!!!

I can only be incompetent and furious!!! In front of each live broadcast screen ~~~

"Ugly navy!!! Disgusting world main house!!! "

"Killing so many innocent civilians is even to slander people as evil that endangers the world. Mommy has to be a cousin without you guys!! "

"It's vicious!! Even the only 8-year-old girl didn't want to let go!!! "

"yes, what can an 8-year-old girl know? The endless hunt is simply not human! "

"Thanks to this warrior, let me see the ugly side of the main government and navy of the world!!"

Navy headquarters, on the execution stand.

Luo Lan raised his head and met his gaze on the camera of the live phone worm.

With a strong rhetorical tone, he said loudly: "People who are watching this battle!!" If you still have a little conscience, please let me know!! This Draco who killed innocent civilians…, I kill or not??! "


The Warring States suddenly looked like!!! Coincidentally~~

Mary Joa's five old stars were also shocked!!!

They looked at Luo Lan's gaze at this time, full of fear!!! Yes...

This young man is terrible!!!

In just a few moments, he may have to change the concept of the whole world!! Really...

Just like Sengoku and the Five Old Stars are worried about 890 ~ "Kill!!" ——"

On the deck of the Golden Melly, Nicole Robin seemed to turn the hatred accumulated for so many years into one breath, and screamed ~~~ with all her strength

This sound seems to be the beginning of a symphony ~~~ and like a small pebble thrown into the lake ~~~

Instantly set off an uproar!!


A bearded pirate gritted his teeth and roared.


Another red-turbaned pirate also trembled with anger.




When one pirate after another shouted out the anger in their hearts, in the end, these voices turned into a neat "Kill!!" "


Some conscientious navies can look at it and clench their fists and mutter: "Kill…"

Of course... It's just a small scene!

A truly big scene in front of big screens around the world!!!

At this time, those naval intelligence officers were all frightened and pale, sweating profusely ~~~

Because every

In front of a big screen, all those who are watching this war deserve the same thing to do…

That's chanting in unison… Kill!!

"I heard the voice of the people ~~~"

Luo Lan looked at the camera Wei Wei smiled, and pointed her left hand to the camera, indicating that she was used~

Then, he grabbed the frozen blade and raised it high.

"You dare!!! ——"


"Don't do stupid things!!"

Almost all of the top officials of the Navy cried out as if they had been stepped on their tails.


Luo Lan didn't bird them at all ~~~

The icy frozen blade fell with a bang!!!

Such a big head immediately flew out from the neck of Charros Saint ~

Blood dripped down the frozen blade, and the cold mist seemed to come from the cold qi of the Nine Ghosts, to take away this unforgivable beast…

Wow!! – This knife goes down…

The whole world exploded!!!