


I wake up, shit!! why do they always attack me I take my sword at the side of the bed and go outside I see a large lion covered in fire when it sees me it stands up now having legs and it's paws turning into hand with yellow fur and claws.shit a humanoid fire tier I charge at the beast with my sword the next thing I see is a claw swiping my chest with fire I crash at my house my hand bones broken.I Alexander won't go down without a fight using my right hand I go for a down slash the beast hold it raising it up with my hand still holding it IM NOT GOING TO DIE he says as he kicks the the beast chest the beast looks at him and digs his claws at his head it smiles looking at him ARRGHHH I'll FIGHT Back with one last push he swings his sword at the chest of the beast the beast falls it's blood spilled on the floor and Alexander close to it mixed as the blood goes to get her they mix before blacking out Alexander sees a message.

[[The summoning system unlocked]]

Beasts:fire lion

Name of character Alexander Hamilton and lives in the woods thank you

I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up! first time writing I know first page is a little sluggish but next chapter promise will be awesome

Dragon_magecreators' thoughts