
Chapter 12 Windy the savior

Windy walks around hearing but quietness suddenly a group of students ambush him all mages at least 5 all pointing at windy with light on there finger.

Student 1:is he part of them.

Student 3:I don't think so

Jack: hello I'm jack,this is Cary,len,ren and sen

Ren:Hmm a flee bag

Cary:this will be interesting

Windy just sits and watch all of them

Starler:leave this wolf his not....one of them..

I can see it.

Windy finally stands and looks at her

Starler:I'm the leader of this group and are you going to help us

Windy just sits


Suddenly multiple cultures fly around beams coming out from there mouth.

Starler:mages force fields now

A large force field surrounds them including windy

Starler: How long till it breaks

Cary:umm not long miss it ...ARRGHHH it's to... approximately 1hour

Starler:jack I need you to go out and try to take out some

Jack:yes miss

Starler:can you help please

Windy just sits and look around immediately he runs at the force field and breaks it with its claws

Cary:what the hell did he just break my shield with a single claw attack respect

Windy gets to his humanoid shape https://images.app.goo.gl/EpBCeYvtW7zxs6oT7

Slices a teridctles head and kills it

Starler:His our saviour