

It took me a week to get back to be completely healed. The first thing I did when I recovered was to perform high-level tier castings and see if I will feel any pain or disturbance. Evienne and I teleported ourselves to the isolated island, and try out some high level magic and I am glad that there is no pain anymore. I hug Evienne and thank her for everything she has done.

"Evienne, thank you, thank you for everything"-Demetri.

"You're welcome Demetri, I am glad that you are okay now"-Evienne.

"Let's go back, we have a lot of things to do and we need to start now because there is not much time left"-Demetri.

After we return, we started working. Stephan and Alice bid farewell to me because they will be participating in a raid. I let Kalesi go with them and told him to only intervene if they are in trouble.

Evienne and I started working on Ceres after they left. Evienne takes the lead on what we are about to do because she performs the spell a lot of times. She draws the magic writings around Ceres chamber and then the magic circle underneath.

She started reciting some old language spell while holding out the one of her feathers that she gave me. The feathers started glowing and flew towards Ceres and then got absorbed by him. After Evienne finished reciting the spell, Ceres also stopped glowing. I tend to Evienne because she turns pale.

"Are you okay Evienne?"-Demetri.

"Yes I am, just a little tired"-Evienne.

"Thank you again for everything Evienne, you should take some rest first, I'll take care of everything from here"-Demetri.

I help Evienne to go to my sister's room so she can take some rest. She is using my sister's room for a while until I am finished building her home, I am planning to build for her so she can have her own home and privacy.

After tending to Evienne, I texted Joel if I can get some things that might be available in his HA lab, he said that I could stop by anytime to look for myself. I did what he told me to do and I teleported myself in the HA lab. Since teleportation is not controlled by where you will land in the space you will be teleporting, I scared some of the stuff and broke some stuff.


"Don't worry, I will fix the mess, and I'm so sorry for scaring you all"-Demetri.

I cast restoration on everything I damage before going with Joel to look for the stuff that I am looking for. I took some giant reptiles' scales, Adela Plant, Chimera's fur, and many more. After getting the stuff, I return home. I go directly to the Chamber room where I saw Evienne looking around.

"Welcome back"-Evienne

"Evienne, how are you feeling?"-Demetri.

"Better, where did you go?"-Evienne.

"At the HA, get some stuff to help perform the soul transfer"-Demetri.

"Soul transfer? you have done soul transfer before?"-Evienne.

"Yes, I have done it to myself actually, when I know that I am going to lose against the darkness fragment, I perform soul transfer right there in the battle, but I must have missed something because instead of being reincarnated in the other world, I reincarnated here"-Demetri.

"You actually perform it to yourself? and is successful?"-

"Yes, you see I created a vessel for me and my friends so when the time comes, I will transfer our souls to our vessels, new us"-Demetri.

"Ha! You know from that moment, you creating vessels and transferring souls, you already surpass Visyries, he tried to do this so many times before but hasn't done it successfully even once, you really might be the child of the prophesies, the one that my sister tells me before she left and explore the worlds"-Evienne.

"I really have no idea anything about Visyries or anything about prophesies let's just hope for the better"-Demetri.

Evienne help me with the materials, grinding them and mixing them into Elixirs of New Life, an elixir that I personally experimented with and brewed and the result is the success of the creation of vessels and soul transfer.

I took out Daya's vessel and lay it on the floor. I surround her with the elixir of new life and place the Phoenix feathers on top of her. And then surround us with multiple magic circles just like I did before when I did it to myself. I took out Daya's soul and started the soul transfer.

The place started to heat up and the air started to feel heavy, which is not new to me because it is what happens when performing the soul transfer.

"Khari--- Demetri are you okay? your eyes are glowing, you are glowing"-Evienne

I don't get to answer Evienne at the moment because I have to focus on transferring Daya's soul onto her body but after successfully doing it, I collapse on the ground and catch my breath. I look at Evienne and give her an answer. I feel Daya's pulse if its their while answering Evienne.

"I am fine Evienne, thanks, just the side effect of when I use my mana on full power, I glowed blindly bright"-Demetri.

"Is your mana core okay? are you okay?"-Evienne.

"Yes, I am okay, I got help in me"-Demetri.

You will always got my back boss-Kaya

"What do you mean by I got help in me?"-Evienne.

"Well you see I got one of my summoned souls in my past self stayed in me, she is actually my first soul summoned, Kaya, she's a seer, an oracle"-Demetri.

"She stayed?"-Evienne.

"Yeah, she is very different from the other soul summon, others need my orders for them to do something, but Kaya has her own free will, for now, she is like a conscience in me, her soul is within me, I am still on the process of making her a new body per her request"-Demetri.

"Multiple souls can possess or live in your body?"-Evienne.

"Yes, I find it weird too but we have all of the time of our lives to discover the truth about everything but first we need to focus on the now"-Demetri.

Evienne help me carry Daya to my room and wait for her to wake up.