
The Great Sorcerer's Bride

I've had the perfect life anyone could ever dreamed of. I'm currently in line to be promoted at work in less than a year, I owned my own room, I have tons of savings and I can buy anything that I want until this mysterious man shows up to my door. "Wife." His grey eyes are sparkling as he stare at me from head to toe. "You're late to our wedding." Wedding? Oh no.

aphtrbl · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


"Once upon a time, there was a very powerful young man who can do all the things impossible." My eyes widen in excitement as my Momma brush my hair while she enthusiastically tell me my favorite bedtime story.

"Like make a house made of candies, Momma?"

"Yes. And so much more."

"I want to meet him, Momma. I'm gonna ask him to give me lots and lots of candies!"

"Yes, but not now, Harpie. Not now, but soon."

I softly groan as I clasp my head, I feel like I've been hit on the head using a big mean bat by a huge ogre.

"It's time." I turned my eyes to see the man that showed up on my doorstep. He was sitting on a velvet elegant chair holding a cup filled of red gooey liquid that looks like a wine, I guess.

"What time is it?" I looked around and just noticed that I'm in a very unfamiliar room that resemble something vintage and definitely looks victorian like the movies set on the early days where people wear corsets and huge puffy dresses.

"Shouldn't you be asking where you are right now?" He arched a brow, looking amused.

"I was about to ask that too." I arched my brow back. He may look really intimidating but he can never intimidate me.

He let out a hearty laugh and placed his cup down before pulling his sleeves to check on his wristwatch.

"It's around 9:30 on Earth, probably." 9:30? Damn. I'm late for work and Mr. Cross is expecting my presentation by 10. Damn. And what does he mean by 'on Earth'. I think this guy is high.

" And you're in the Blackwood Mansion." he added.

"Blackwood Mansion? What am I doing here? Did you just taken me as your hostage? I don't have money!" I exclaimed and stood up to see me still wearing this white puffy dress.

"Lady, look. We've got more money than you. And you took a long time to wake up, its almost time for the ceremony. Come on." He rose to his feet and opened the door.

"What ceremony?" I asked with a frown.

"You'll see though I highly suggest that you should just go with the flow to avoid any unnecessary procedures."

Wait. What the hell is he talking about? This is starting to worry me a lot but I must stay calm or else I'm gonna end up like the people who wind up dead because they panicked on books.

"I'm Clifford by the way. Don't worry, I won't hurt you." He grinned and his pointy tooth come out. Lol, look at this vampire wannabe. I must say he looks really handsome plus his white pale skin resembles the typical vampire look. I ignored him and stepped out of the room.

I must find a way to escape this place.

I looked around and everything still looks Victorian and the hallways is field with large paintings and antiques too. At the end of the hallway is a staircase, I guess. Clifford walked in front of me and ushered me towards the end of the hallway.

He halted to a stop. "Oh, I almost forgot." He walked in front of me.

"évoluer'' White light once emit again from by body and I remember the moment before I lost consciousness.

The white puffy gown that I was wearing suddenly changed into gold and black elegant dress.

"H-How did you do that?" I stuttered as I stood frozen, slightly creeped out and amazed of what just happened.

"No time to explain. Come on, everyone's waiting."

When we reached the staircase, I saw a crowd all wearing dresses and tuxedo all in gold and black.

Clifford stood on the top of the staircase, tilting his head to the side as if telling me to go first so I made my way down the stairs and everyone turned their eyes on me

'There she is.'

'That's Harper?'

'She looks..normal.'

Everyone started to whisper something as they all stare at me. I bit my lower lip as I made it on the bottom of the stairs.

How did I end up here? I guess I'm dreaming so fuck it.

Clifford, out of nowhere, appeared beside me and linked his arms to mine before guiding me to the middle on what looks like an altar.

"Don't mind them. I promise you everything will be over in a jiffy so just relax." He whispered as we slowly start to walk to the altar with a soft, piano music on the background.

I feel like I'm on a wedding ceremony and I'm the bride. Seriously this is turning into a very weird dream which made me chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"This dream is weird."

"Well, I hope you're just really dreaming."

He sighed and stopped at the altar. He walked to my far left and stood there facing the door at the opposite of the altar.

The door suddenly open and a man wearing a black and gold tuxedo entered the room. Everyone got to their feet and bowed their heads. I frowned. He started to make his way towards the altar, towards me.

I noticed how his blonde hair looks so soft, his unique grey eyes glinting and his charisma that makes me feel, i don't know, intimidated i guess.

He stopped and stood right in front of me, looking at me from head to toe.

"Let's start." He said in a very deep, husky voice. We both turned to an old man behind the altar. He also has grey hair and grey eyes. He somehow looks a bit like the man in front of me but old.

"We're all gathered here for the union of the Grey Blackwood and Harper Ashton." Union? What?!

"Do you, Grey Blackwood, take Harper Ashton to be your wife?" He turned to the man beside me.

He nodded, "I do."

"And with the power bestowed upon me by the ancient goddess of magic, Hecate. I now pronounce you husband and wife tied by the magical bond. You will forever be linked to each other. Mind, body and soul. Let these be the eternal rings a symbol of your union together." I felt a sharp, stinging pain on my ring finger and saw a golden ring placed on it.

"You may now kiss your bride."

It all happened so fast.

His hands cupped my face and stare into my eyes before lowering his head to place soft kiss on my lips.

I felt a warm breeze enveloping my body when his lips touched mine. I feel like something was awaken inside me.

"You're not so bad, Harper." He pulled away with a smirk and everyone clapped.

What the hell-