
The Great Sage

Born into the arcane world, he was granted the name, Sage, at a young age for being an unbelievably bright child that was blessed with superb talent. Sage Braheim was a top student. He would consistently place first in every academic endeavor, but, all of a sudden, he came last?!! Find out how Sage Braheim overcomes his personal struggles, great obstacles, and much more on his road to truly becoming a great sage!

HireMeImDesperate · Fantaisie
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Sage Braheim

The Braheims were not your average ordinary family. They were a family highly adept in the mysterious arcane arts normal people called magic. In the arcane world, the Braheims are an extremely famous family; known for giving birth to many talented individuals, and for their various historical deeds. Their ancestor, Miguel Braheim, the greatest Magus the world has ever seen ended the world's largest war saving the entire human race.

In the library of Mageri Wisckeri: Institution for Aspiring Magi, a light brown haired boy sat cross-legged, deeply indulged in reading a book. He had a small face, and rather plain features with the exception of one thing: he had silver colored eyes. While most of his features were fairly ordinary, his silver eyes combined next to his light brown hair made him appear extremely sharp for his age, not that he wasn't already as his silver eyes quickly darted back and forth from page to page.

This boy was Sage Braheim, the heir of the Braheim family. Sage was a extremely intelligent child, and highly gifted in the arcane arts even among the Braheims hence given his name. At the age of five, he had managed to cast his very first spell. A task that could only be done usually at the age of seven. At the age of ten, he was tested to have exceptional affinity with all the six major elements: water, fire, earth, wind, darkness, and light. It was said the higher affinity one had, the easier it was to comprehend the mysteries hidden within the elements.

This year, Sage was thirteen years old and was in his third year of studies. From childhood to now, Sage had always placed at the very top of his grade. He would come first in every class regardless of the subject, whether it be on the History of Magic, or the study of Elemental Theory, and so forth. Even the most troublesome subject, Potions, which had stumped many other students posed little to no issue for him.

Aside from just the usual classroom examinations, the school would also hold two Practical Assessments every year. These Practical Assessments had two primary purposes: To test the students' application of magic in real-life scenarios, and to select students that would represent the school at the annual tournament near the end of the every year.

The top 5 students that had the overall highest scores from both Practical Assessments would be given the honor to compete for their school. Needless to say, in the recent two years since Sage began attending the institute, he has always achieved the highest score. And yet, for some peculiar reason despite possessing the top score, he had never participated in the annual tournament.

Many wondered why Sage never went to compete at the annual tournament; some said he's afraid of losing, some claimed he was banned from competing, others believed he thought it was beneath him, but no one really knew why.

Regardless of the reason, the students were very much thankful that Sage never took part as this meant their odds of making the annual tournament became much higher.

Today was an important occasion for all students, it was the day when the results of the first yearly Practical Assessment, known as the Midterm was being released. Without a doubt, everyone was certain Sage's name would be on top of the list as per usual. However, a strange thing occurred. No matter how they looked, Sage's name was nowhere to be found.

"Did they make a mistake? I don't think I see Sage's name up there??" asked a student in confusion.

"Maybe he didn't take it this year..." someone guessed.

"What are you talking about? Everyone has to take it!" another student snapped back.

"Well, maybe he was sick." someone else retorted.

"Sick? We have healing magic. More like murdered, if you ask me. I've always known that geniuses die young." piped a small boy with blonde hair. "That's why I try not to stand out too much." he added, shrugging his shoulders.

"You must want that to happen, wouldn't you Mason?" a sharp voice rang out coldly. "So you wouldn't have to come second all the time."

A tall-looking girl came into view wearing the classic student attire, black robe and all, with long curly black hair that was pink at the ends.

"Just saying, Melissa, relax," he said slowly. "No need to get so worked up, its not like you're his girlfriend or something. I mean, he's already engaged."


A reddish glow appeared in her cheeks, which really wasn't a surprise for anyone to see as it was quite obvious Melissa had a crush on Sage for the longest time. Well, everyone that was except for Sage. After all this time, somehow he just never noticed, or at least he pretended not to.

"If I were you, I'd give up," Mason said without concern. "He's with someone much better, after all. You'd-"

"GUYS!!" a fatso loudly interrupted. "I think I found his name! Its-its-"

"What, what, just say it already!" said Mason, clearly annoyed at being suddenly interrupted.

"Its-its, at -at the bottom." said the fatso stammering.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Mason said angrily, very much annoyed as he turned to look at the end of the list, a place he would usually never bother to check. "Do you really think he..." unable to finish his sentence, Mason could only look onward in surprise.

Printed neatly at the very bottom of the list in fine ink was the name, Sage Braheim, next to a clear red zero.

First chapter with many more to come! Hope you stay along for the ride! enjoy~ :D

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