
The Great Other (ASOIAF)

Transmigrated into Westeros as an Other with Great Sage. He breaks out of the control of The GreatOther and strikes out to create a legend of his own. 1st World : ASOIAF 2nd World: Marvel

Ash_D_Born · Livres et littérature
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

House Ragnarsson through the years

House Ragnarsson was started by Loki the Frozen. It is rumored he arrived arrived at Bear Island sailing from the west. This rumor was not denied by him or any other member of his house ever since.

They feature tall, strong bodies with the only case of natural blue hair and sky blue eyes. Since its inception all males of this house have blue hair whether true born or base born.

It is said Loki was a sorcerer. A strong warrior also. At the time the land has holds the Ice DragonFort was not habitable to others cause of the cluster of trees and the huge waves that wash the shore.

Loki went to Bran the builder it was not mention what was said but Bran the builder finally built the last castle in his life for the Ragnarssons which was then named the Ice DragonFort

A massive castle and still one of the strongest till date. The fort spans over 10 kilometers housing a town and some villages within its 500ft white walls. It is said there are enchantments on the walls, castle and lands itself.

The lands are one of the most fertile in Westeros able to produce food at the quality of the Reach. The Icefort is also built on hotsprings which heat up the castle to a sufficient degree. The castle itself is massive easily the same size as Casterly Rock with a lot of rooms. The three highest floors are barred from those not of the line of Loki Ragnarrson. It is a mystery what is kept there or who lives there. What we know is no one who entered and was not of the bloodline have lived to tell the tale.

The Ragnarrson sigil is a blue colored dragon on a blackfield. With their house words, Only we remain.

After a few years of development Loki the Frozen crowned himself High King of the North and started attacking surrounding noble houses. Many fell and their lands were assimilated into the Ragnarsson's lands and the survivors being made vassals of the High King. After he amassed 150km worth of land in the North Loki stopped advancing.

Maybe because the Starks and other houses were prepared to attack them to.After The Frozen was stopped he started building a massive fleet to raid along the coast and the narrow sea. This started a culture not to different from the Ironborn in the house as all of the children of House Ragnarrson are expected to lead their own ships to raid and trade by 17. A culture still held onto today.

Loki took three wives. Their names lost to history but each gave him a child. The heir Ivar the first, Mina the Reaver and Rolland the peacemaker.

House Ragnarrson is also the only house in Westeros with the strange custom of the children choosing the heir. Anyone can be chosen even the women as was shown by Elena Ragnarrson in 94AC. If a female leads the house whoever married her is married to her as a consort with her having all the authority and him none.

They are a very martial house but prefer to solve problems by voting amongst themselves if it gets to drastic.

There are rumours of the house being magically inclined as the Starks with skinchangers, greenseers and sorcerors in their history. Which might explain the sacking of the Dreadfort in 300BC where a preemptive attack was made against the Boltons for little to no reason almost ending their line if not for the intervention of the Kings of Winter.

It was later found that Lord Bolton was having plans sith house Ryswell and Flint to attack the Ragnarssons. This lead to the now famous saying, 'If you come for the king you better not miss.'

From that day onwards House Bolton has been oppressed at any opportunity by them. Rumour says they are actively waiting for house bolton to rebel against the Starks so they can end their line for good.

House Ragnarsson had the most amount of Valyrian Steel weapons in Westeros today. While some houses have one or two. They have six and none have ever gone missing.

Two swords called Cold winds and Riptide, a circular shield, a spear called Dragon point, an axe called Ymir and one armor.


Loki Ragnarrson POV



Almost eight thousand years have passed since the Long Night and the coming of the new one is approaching steadily. The world's has been steadily siphoned by something in the Lands of Always Winter.

After spending a two centuries locked in the library of the Ice fort which unknown to the world has the most extensive library in this world.

When I was younger I spelled the Citadel with a scan and scribe spell. Whatever is written in the Citadel notes, conspiracies, treason, letters as long as words are put down on parchment it is scanned and transferred to The Library. Which automatically labels and categorizes them.

Because of what I know about their order there is a family rule to never employ a maester to the household. Mid wives are used for pregnancies and third sons or daughters are the ones who take up part of the responsibilities of a maester.

Fifty years ago the Starks finally defeated the Ragnarrsons in battle and took them in as vassals. The boy king Artos Stark set a trap and surrounded them from all sides. They had gotten complacent and finally were brought down as the last High Kings.

A hostage was taken as a ward and the Ragnarsson's swore fealty in perpetuity to the Starks. As the last kings were beaten the Starks were the undisputed leaders of the North. They lost but they survived.

Now they will keep moving foward.

I received a premonition recently about the doom of Valyria. Its still twenty years away but I decided to start making plans but before I deal with it I have to deal with whoever this is that is in Ultos.

Some centuries ago a new aura came into this world. Like a beacon in darkness until it dimmed… but never went out. I am almost at the location in the deep and harsh forests of Ultos.

Ahhhh I have seen her before. Was it my past life. A red haired woman with a golden arm about the same size as me (7'4) was sitting next to a fire roasting a wyvern.

'Great Sage scan her.'

'On it, Loki.'

Name: Malenia 'The blade of Miquella'

Status: Demigod (reduced strength due to change of worlds)

Powers: Strongest swordsman, Weakened Run of Flask of Crimson Tears (able to steal lifespan from targets attacked and add to her own for healing or to increase her lifespan), Affliction: Scarlet Rot (cured due to death and transfer of worlds),Magic.

She is from the Lands between. A game you played in your last life Elden Ring. She was killed after her soul was to be released an anomaly happened and she was transported to this world in a weakened state compared to her prime.

Caution is advised if you want to fight her as in combat she would easily defeat you. Your only hope is magic.

Damn I remember her now. She was the hardest boss to beat. I can't defeat her now anyway. Its been too long since I fought someone on my level. My skills have atrophied.

'You finally arrived. Since I came to this world I felt you. But you never answered the call. Craven I name you.' said Malenia as she slowly stood up and grabbed her sword.

No no no. I didn't come here for a boss fight. I had enough with Bran.

'I did not know it was you. And I am no craven.'

'Then bare your steel for you stand against Malenia, The blade of Miquella.' She pointed her massive sword at me then swiped it downwards as she continued,

'And in this realm and others I have never known defeat.'

She moved and our swords met each othet in middle.

Felt the need to add one more character that can be translated into the world and at his level. He’s been at the top too long and needs a rival.

Add stones

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