

A war had erupted between all the powerful races that ever existed in the age of magic, vampires, dragons, werewolves and humans.On their quest to conquer each other,many have been affected negatively that a new government was started on planet Mars.This government brought in people from all races that are tired of the war. Krad,had been raised by Druid Sage on a different far away planet,but brought to Mars by Druid.One day Druid disappeared mysteriously and Krad blamed the war of it.Nothing of Druid was left behind, except a magical hurt and round glasses,then a mysterious old looking book.On touching the book,Krad suddenly received a magus system that would help him to grow powerful fast. He sets a journey,a journey to stop the war and to end the ones that caused it.

CHImanga · Fantaisie
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48 Chs


All over the planet,cries were heard as blood was shed and many died. The planet where there was supposed to be peace,there was now chaos. Vampire mages were opening up portals bringing in more vampires. The ones who came,knew what they were supposed to do,so most would turn to the bloodsucker form and go in to attack.

The group had rejoined at the back of the building,and the last one to come was Krad's team of rescued students. They all looked worn out and did not think that they would fight for any longer. As they updated each other, that's when they noticed that one person was yet returned.

They waited for a bit longer,but instead of the expected person to show up,it was Eugene who came with a tall man by his side. Krad's gang was tensing up as they waited anxiously,and this did not go unnoticed by Eugene.

"Is everything okay...I know things are not okay right now,but you look nervous."Eugene asked. Almost suddenly,Caleb answered.

"Hellen,have you seen Hellen?!"He asked as he approached the teacher and wanted to grab him.

They could see the look on his face and they immediately knew the answer. "Am sorry,I haven't seen her.'Eugene replied.

"No...no...no we must search for her!"Caleb insisted.

"Am afraid we have no more time to waste."Eugene said."And you should use your brain a bit. Everyone is now almost killed,and I don't know if you can feel it,but there is this strong energy that has landed on the planet. I don't know who it is or what it is,but you are supposed to be out of here immediately!"

Caleb went quiet for a while,not showing what he felt. His mind was on a rollercoaster ride as he debated on what to do. His face then grimaced in anger,his eyes now glowing bright yellow.

"If you are not going to help, I'll do it myself."Caleb screamed."Am not going to loose her for the second time!"

He snarled like a dog as his body became larger and building up muscles. Silvery fur was growing all over his skin,as his mouth turned to a snout. He was now five times larger than he was in his normal form.

Never in their friendship,had they ever seen Caleb transform into his beast form. No matter how tough a fight would be,he would never transform.But right now,they could see him as a werewolf beast.

"AAAAAHWUUUUUIIII!!"Caleb howled as he prepared himself to ran.

Before the others reacted, Caleb had disappeared from their sight. Not that he had teleported,no, he was running through the streets very fast trying to search for Hellen. Any vampire that would appear in his way,he would bash right on it killing them.

He had already covered every area around the school while running on all fours like a wild beast. After a long search, that's when he could also feel an energy that wasn't there before. And it was stronger from only one direction,so he ran towards the place.

After covering a few metres, that's when he saw her. But she was on her knees and was covered in her own blood. She was badly hurt,and around her were countless bodies of dead students.

Next to her standing strong,was a man wearing red armour,and had his hand clanging on Helen's hair. "Leave her alone!!"Caleb shouted as he dashed in. The strong power that he felt was coming from this man. When he was close enough,Caleb leapt up in the air aiming to attack the man's head.

Just then,a loud bang from the man came off. Caleb was hit by an invisible force, lifting him up in the air and pushing him back at great force. The force pushed him backwards as Caleb was flying reverse from where he came from.

Still in his werewolf form,he went on crashing through the arena walls through the middle building,and coincidentally,while still flying,he hit someone as they flew together in the air. They crashed through the east building and found themselves next to the others behind the building,a large hole going through it.

Krad stood up beating the dust out of his clothes as he was bleeding and injured. Looking at Caleb,his body had already reverted back to what it once was,but he still lay down on the ground. He was bleeding insanely and looked like he had hardly passed out.

He felt immense pain all over his body,a pain he had never felt before in the whole of his entire life. His skin, mostly his front side where he had been his by the invisible force from the strange man,was pink and looked swelled up.

He was finding it hard to heal or even move,but just lay there still. Tears ran down his face as he remembered what he had just seen. A bloody Hellen,and she looked like dying. Caleb wanted to stand up and go back,but his body wouldn't listen to him.

Krad quickly went to look on his friend,who would groan in pain whenever he touched him.

"I have no idea what happened, but I am sending you out of this place this instance!"Eugene declared as he signaled to the young mage to start his things. They had collected a total of nearly two hundred student,so Harry,the mage would have to use all his mama to do a mass teleportation. It's not like if he even tried to save his mana that he would help in the war, so he powered all of his mana in the power.

The ground around all the students lit up white. The white light rose up like a dorm covering the students,but before covering all of their views,Wendy saw a large number of vampires and bloodsuckers coming towards them. 'Stay safe teacher.'She wished him well as they disappeared and the white light died down.

The two adults felt relieved that they had been able to save a large number of students,but things did not look like they would be well for them. "What are you doing here!"Eugene asked."It's not like I guarantee where they are now that they are safe,so follow them. If nowhere is safe,keep on teleporting them till you find a heaven for them!"

Harry was hesitating. He felt like he wanted to help out Eugene out of this one. They were already surrounded and the vampires were approaching them. It was clear that they had dealt and killed everyone else."I want to help."Harry replied as he took out his wand.

"You useless coward!"Eugene cursed."You won't even help but get into my way,get the hell out of here or I will kill you myself!"

"Why don't you come with me?!"Harry pleaded."I can save us!"

"My will was to always protect Mars!."Eugene shouted."And if this is the end for it,then so shall it be together with my soul. But I won't die empty handed!"

The threat was clear,and Harry had no other choice,and Eugene spoke like an old mad man."Fair well master."He said as he closed his eyes. He moved most of his remaining energy and transferred them to Eugene who was standing five metres away from him. Eugene felt the power boost,they both knew that he won't survive,but Eugene thought that Harry wanted him to last a little longer in this.

Then,a white light completely covered Harry's body as he had disappeared also, travelling to where he had teleported the students.

The a thousand or something vampires ran at him at full force,and Eugene was preparing. He swang his wand like a mad person sending out large amounts of white sharp slashes of mana killing many. The others soon reached to him and were clawing him badly.

"Die *ss h*les!!"He screamed as he harnessed more power and a burst of white aura went to all sides,like a ball of white energy coming from his body. It had pushed many back, leaving him to the center bleeding from the deep claws he had initially received.

The vampires were not giving up,as they came in again like brainless beasts. Eugene produced a large flow of flames from the tip of his wand burning many of the vampires. Just then he was punched from the back and sent forward at great force that he got engulfed with his own flames.

He quickly cancelled the skill and activated his water flow powers extinguishing the flames on him.He was badly burnt all over . "Die b*tches!!"With his wand,he stubbed it through his chest and it had passed between his lungs, crazing his heart slightly,then a small part of the wand appeared from the back.

Eugene never felt pain like this as he coughed out a whole load of blood. 'I must keep... fighting.'The reason as to why he stubbed the wand inside him was because he wanted to harness his magic without having to hold the wand with his hands. As long as the wand was in contact with his flesh,then he could activate any magic power.


He spread out his hands to both his sides,as he produced large flames that looked like tunnels consuming the vampires. He did this while turning around to make sure he got everyone.

Just then,the flames died down. The pain from his chest was too much. Even though there still remained like two hundred more vampires,he had eliminated quite a large number. He fell on his knees holding his chest.'This is it?'He thought.

"Long time long seen old friend."A soft voice said from infront of him,and on lifting his face to see who it was,he saw the principal,Frank Bloodvessel.


Author note; Thank you guys for reading the whole of volume 1,THE FALL OF MARS,hope you will continue to enjoy my work. So far I would feel appreciated if you comment on how you felt about that volume 1. If there's a mistake somewhere,point it out,we are on this together. Thank you.

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