
Chapter 1"Rebirth"

In the Country of Philippines, in one of it's Province, in a certain apartment with 2 floor that have poorly design and condition as if earthquake come the apartment the will colapae,inside one of the 2nd floor building room, there was a Young Man about the age of 23-24 with messy black hair and dim black eyes wearing a broken clothes full of stitches playing a game Called "The Magister Code"in his broken down Computer

"Agh This game Suck"Said the young man, This man was Nathan, an man who was abandoned by his parent because his dream was to became an writer of novel so he dropped out of school and that was when his parent found out about it, they became very angry and hes father even Punch him in every nook of his body so hard saying like

"What can being a Writer do to your future me and your mother worked very hard just to put you on collage of machine and yet you drop out just because you want to become A stupid writer"he tried to refute but can't as his father keep punching him

he was put in bed in hospital for several weeks with some broken bones and bruises ,while his Father was put in jail to be released the same day as he was released in hospital, the one who payed for his bill was not his parent but him and they even disowned him the next week, and the only reason he was able to live in a shelter because hes friend found a super cheap Apartment, and when tries to looked he was about to not rent because it looked dangerous but he have very little money so he decided to rent the room, to get by the poverty he works in several part time job, while also writing a Novel but it was not popular so he earned a very little money about 1 dollar one day

Looking at his computer it was still 11:00 am

he decided to re watch the Harry Potter movie

as he watched the sky slowly turn dark and

Looking at his computer again and see the time "3:23 pm"the time where hes shift in a part time job in a convenience store of "Seven Eleven"Where he earned a 50pesos for every minute,

and before Going to the Store he Showered and Clean his body to look presentable and also wear a nice looking suit even if it cheap as long its not full of stitches, locking his apartment door and he's not even sure if the lock is working properly, walking down the stairs to downstairs

As he walked toward the shop as it was a little far away from his apartment, he see many families happily chatting, as he walk and see them he's hand turn into a fist, while he though "In the future I'm sure that all of them will be torn apart from each other"as he finally arrived at front of the store after several minute of walking, he push the door inside and he walked to his senior who is called David who worked here very long time here before him

"Good afternoon senior"Nathan (trying to be polite)said with a polite tone,

"Good afternoon too"David said and walk to the locker room to switch his clothes,Nathan also goes to the locker room to switch his attire to a Part time clothes

As I finished changing I heard David voice

"Nathan I'm gonna leave the shop is all yours"

"Okay"Nathan said and he go to the counter to wait for costumer,as minute passed a costumer appeard the costumer has a very round body with a Gluttonous face

"Welcome to Seven Eleven sir"Nathan said(trying to be polite) and within his mind"what the heck did this Guy eat to get that kind of body"Not minding Nathan, The fat Costumer quickly pick up a basket and goes to the Chip area and took many kind of it like potato chip,Nova,Etc, he next went to the soda area where he took a bunch of coke and then goes to me

"hey dude also add some hatdog"he said while licking his lips

"Sure sir"Nathan said,and quickly scan the prize of each food and then went to where the hatdog was and to make some and after he finished he put it into a plastic bag

"Sir that will be 187 pesos"Nathan said and the fat guy took out his wallet revealing a stack cash, tooking our 187 he handed it to Nathan and leave

"Thanks for Buying",several minute passsed again and a beautiful woman with revealing clothes with a tired face walked toward Nathan,

Nathan seeing this can't help gulp,and quickly ask

"What do you want to buy ma'am"

"Sir..*gasp*..Can...I *gasp*..buy a..w..watee"said the woman while gasping for breath

"Sure"Nathan said and quickly took a bottle of watee and put it in a plastic giving it to the woman,the woman give Nathan the money and then the woman leave while, Nathan then see a fat guy who is likely the woman boyfriend tand he can't helped sigh of how heaven is unfair


As Nathan Finished his Shift as it was now 8:20 pm,he met alot of weird costumer like one was a buddha,one dancing while shopping and a girl when talking is like singing.Tiring him as hell,but another of his senior saved him from this hell he quickly said goodbye and he Goes home to sleep early

As he unlocked his door he immediately close it and run toward the bed to sleep but bad luck was on his side as the Rooftop started to fall toward him and the whole apartment started to collapsed and he was pierced by an iron shard in the head causing him to Lose consiouness but still great as he will not feel the pain of dying slowly, But what he did not know was that his soul that was unconsious was slowly pulled into his computer while the Harry Potter Title was in Screen..