
the great king with a quest system and chat group [English]

I was a lottery winner for a random new life and now I am a wolf who is on his way to become the great king of the monster domain and to be able to activate my chat group to travel to different worlds. story is in spanish but i'm using google translate to translate to english since... i don't know english put the comedy label although I don't know if my ff is (:v) at least I laugh at what I write... sometimes (:v) [The characters and worlds that you will visit and meet in the novel do not belong to me, all credits are to their respective authors]

MiguelCreative · Anime et bandes dessinées
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wutong's story before he met me and reviewing the description of what I received from the system before going to sleep.

(Any mistake I'm writing this at night waiting for me to fall asleep and since I didn't have to watch other than videos that didn't catch my attention I started writing... so I hope you like it)

[Wutong point of view]

'I had come out of my chrysalis and I could already think unlike my sisters who were only keeping themselves by instinct, I don't know how I managed to do it but at first I didn't pay attention to it and I followed my sisters into the forest in search of flowers ' - I said while happily remembering the dozens of my sisters flying freely.

'I was happy even though I couldn't communicate I could understand what they were saying to me, the days passed when we maintained a routine of looking for flowers, absorbing the nectar of the flower and continuing our journey into the interior of the forest' - I said as I remembered those colorful areas full of flowers with my sisters eating.

'But apparently all good things have to end' - I said as I got sad at this part.

'You don't have to continue if you don't want to' - I heard andrius speak to me but I shook my head at least I have to tell him to let him know that I trusted him, in this time that I spend with this group even though I don't talk much with andrius or tsubasa , i have a good relationship with alba who is linked to andrius for being his spirit or so she said, also andrius was the one who saved me and gave me the opportunity to become stronger so at least i will tell him.

'No... I'll tell you' - I said as I prepared to continue the story.

'Well... everything was going as usual, we found an area full of flowers so we began to absorb their nectar to continue our journey but while we were eating from the sky many birds appeared and headed towards us' - I said and as if still I was there I can see the bunch of birds that started to plummet towards us.

'Me and the sisters who noticed started to fly to avoid the birds, but some were not lucky enough to avoid them and were taken by a bird, but I couldn't stay there, I had to leave the place together with my other sisters who they had noticed' - I can see the slaughter of the birds grabbing my sisters in their beaks and then starting to fly back in the direction they came from.

'And that was just the beginning of everything that was going to happen to us' - I said looking sadly at the moon.

'The only sisters that remained continued as if nothing had happened and continued with their routine, looking for flowers, absorbing the flower's nectar and continuing our journey into the forest' - I said remembering my sisters who live as they used to again to their usual routine as if they hadn't lost anyone a few minutes ago. (Here I don't know if butterflies can even remember... so)

'And from then on began the days when I lost my sisters, a toad, some incept, to get caught in a spider's web, to be taken to the cave of the ants... everything went from bad to worse in just a few days' - I said.

'You know it was sad to see your sister in a spider's web and not being able to save her because even if I try I'll end up just like her and all because I don't have the strength to free her' - I said as I remembered my sister trying to free herself but staying more trapped in the spider's web, only for the spider to appear later and start entangling her in his web.

'I can no longer count how many times I wish I had no intelligence and a memory as good as the one I have and to be just a normal butterfly to be able to forget everything that happened and thus just wait for some predator to devour me and go with my sisters' - I said as I looked down to see the ground and I felt how andrius stared at me.

'One day I was alone, I was flying waiting for some predator to come and devour me to go with my sisters, but while I was flying near the trees, a jet of water fell on me causing it to hit a tree and it would be very hurt' - I said while remembering how I was drenched in water and my weak and almost broken wings.

'While I was soaked in water, I looked in the direction it came from and I saw it, or rather I saw you,' - I said as I remembered the scene.

'A big wolf (at least for her) against a fish that shoots water from its mouth, I was watching how you killed the fish and then I saw you go in the direction of your house and I was alone in the tree, somehow I managed to move into the tree to wait for my death and go see my sisters again' - I said as I remembered the feeling that acceptance of death had at that moment.

'I was alone all night and I was only thinking about the happy times I spent with my sisters and the next morning I felt that I was going to die soon so I just waited' - I said as I watched my sisters fly through the blue sky in search of flowers to absorb the nectar of the flowers.

'But then I felt a lot of weight in me and then I thought that it was wrong, what I was doing was wrong, how can I want to die after my sisters died like that without anyone remembering them and I remembered how she died what I could do nothing, because I was too weak that a spider web scares me every time I saw it, so I thought I needed to be strong, I needed to survive and keep the memories of my sisters alive so that at least there is someone who remembers them, but it was too late for me I was already dying' - I said as I remembered how desperate I was at that moment.

'Then while I was trying with all my might to be able to move I felt a vibration in the tree and to my surprise that when it turned around I saw you, it scares me so much I thought I would die and even before I would have been happy to die and go with my sisters, in that moment I just wanted to live and have the memories that happened with them' - I said as I looked at Andrius and he looked at me without saying anything.

'Then I felt as if they were me and I was flying towards you I was very scared that when I was close... I had accepted death again and was apologizing to my sisters for my weakness' - I said to see andrius make a face It seems that he remembers the moment.

'But then you gave me a water that healed me and you also gave me a flower to absorb the nectar and be able to eat, by the way it was very good, but then you left me and you like it in the same place where you were the day before your fight against the fish' - I said as I remembered the great taste of the white flower that andrius gave me that day.

'Since that day I have been going to the place where they live to see you, until one day I don't know but I felt the need to continue flying into the forest until I reached the cave where you found me and I ate one of those fruits that had , you should already know about there' - I said as I finished telling my story from before I met him.

'Excuse me...'-Andrius apologized as he lowered his head and ears sadly.

'No, you didn't know' - I said I already forgive him after all he saved me.

'No... when I was doing that I thought you were dramatic and even now it doesn't matter... I just, I just want to apologize'-he said as he still kept his head down.

'Okay, you saved me, I forgive you for that scare a long time ago, besides helping me become stronger, I thank you very much, andrius, and I'm sorry about when you asked me to be part of your group, but I thought that when You asked me for that, could you? It would be an easy butterfly to convince, so that's why I wanted the fight... I still want it, but that's beside the point' - I apologized and then let out a small laugh because of my fondness for fights.

'Yes, at any moment I'll fight with you'-he replied while looking at the sky.

'Thank you andrius... for everything you've helped me with... thank you' - I said as I began to fly towards the cave without waiting for andrius to respond.

[Andrius POV]

'You're welcome, oh I should also say thank you, since in the end thanks to you I got alba and among other things' - I said while looking at the sky thinking about what wutong had happened.

I don't think I've been able to bear something like that, she has a very strong will... as she expected from a heroine... ok even with that.

But the heroin part was reflected in the part of enduring a whole night dying and living until the next day I found her.

(Sigh) My desire to sleep went away a bit after the wutong story before he met me.

'While I'm sleepy, let's see the rewards in my inventory' - I thought as I opened the inventory area and saw the rewards.

[transformation: skill that allows you to obtain a humanoid form, the skill has 6 levels being:

Level 0: size control: allows you to control your size at will, being able to turn back into a wolf cub or return to your original size, you cannot give a size greater than the original size.

Level 1: Werewolf Form: Allows you to transform into a humanoid being, a werewolf... in this form you will maintain your physical power.

Level 2: beastkin form (this form is more like legoshi beastars but... not so skinny :v).

This form decreases your physical strength by 10%, it can be removed if trained in this form.

Level 3: Demi-Human: This form gives you a more human appearance but still keeping your ears, tail, and claws, your strength will decrease by 30% but can be negated if trained in this form.

Level 4: human: this form is the final form you can become a human like any other, the disadvantage that apart from that your strength will decrease by 50% your senses will also decrease considerably, but you can recover the strength trained in this form and the senses they are the same but possibly weaker than in your true form.

Level 5: Full Control: This level gives you full control over your transformations being able to change size to whatever form you are in or if you are in your human or demi-human form being able to transform a part of your body into a werewolf.

Level 6: #*#'=_$]

'Ok... the first ones were fine but I don't want to be a furry but I wonder what level 6 will be' - I thought while I was silent for a moment while thinking about level 6... but well for now let's continue.

[Wolf Fang Fist Technique: Technique that performs a combination of claws and punches to physically attack your opponent, and then ends with a double palm strike to launch your opponent from a distance. His movements resemble the bite of a wolf.

(The creator of this technique was yamcha)

The attacks of the technique are:

Blinding wolf fang fist: First, he charges at the opponent and kicks them. He then charges his energy from him into a powerful Wolf Fang Fist with a hand movement similar to firing a kamehameha. Finally, he charges at the opponent and hits them with the Wolf Fang Fist.

Neo Wolf Fang Fist: With more ki control, he can increase the power of his physical attacks, dealing devastating blows to his opponent in rapid succession that can leave his victims battered and bruised.

Ultra wolf fang fist: This is the upgraded technique of Neo Wolf Fang Fist, He takes a stance and runs forward, with a blue wolf spirit behind him. If successful, he will assault the opponent with all his might, sending them flying on the last hit, while howling like a wolf, this move causes a real hard fall.

Wolf fang fist pitching fist ball: As a baseball player, Yamcha adapted his martial arts skills and trained to play baseball, allowing him to develop this new type of throwing technique. Basically, it's a throw with the speed of the Wolf Fang Fist and the controllability of the Spirit Ball, creating an extremely effective throwing technique for striking out batters on the opposing team. (: v I left it the same so)

Tiger jackhammer fist: It is a series of punches used repeatedly before ending with a kick, firing the opponent.

Wolf fang volleyball fist – Knocks an enemy out of the air with a powerful kick and hits them with a top punch, before landing on the ground and yelling the name of the attack in a graceful pose. He then follows up with Tien's Volleyball fist: a sliding punch and headbutt, keeping the enemy in the air like a volleyball, before spinning mid-air to pin them to the ground with the force of the Wolf Fang Fist's final blow.

Wolf hurricane: This technique is started by jumping over the opponent, then landing on the opponent with the foot. Then, throw a punch at the opponent, jump back, then jump forward with another kick. Finally, the technique ends with a large claw on the opponent's body, dealing heavy damage.

Wolf Slice Fist – Kick your opponent into the air, then kick and hit them again.

When learning it he has to have some kind of energy to be able to use it to its full potential, preferably a kind of fighting type energy like ki, but another one also works even if in a lower range of power.]

'Hehehe... I can't wait to learn that technique and be able to use it, this technique was one of my favorites because of the wolf that appears every time they attack' - I thought as I imagined myself in my werewolf form using the technique I should be much better the power to have real claws... No?.

Now I know the potion so let's skip it.

I'll see the sword and pants when I can use them... even though I already know from the wiki description in my past life.

Now let's look at the breathing technique...

[breathing technique: breath of the beast: Breathing styles are swordplay styles that make use of an esoteric breathing technique known as full concentration breathing. practiced and taught by members of the Demon Slayer Corps and are used in combat by Demon Slayers

Total Concentration Breathing – is an advanced, esoteric breathing technique where a user inhales the maximum amount of oxygen within a specific breathing pattern to elevate their physical and mental prowess to their highest limits. The effects include a host of enhanced physical and mental abilities, such as superhuman physical characteristics (i.e. strength, speed, stamina, durability, and agility), faster thought processes, maximization of concentration, and hyper-information processing. At a more advanced level, Total Concentration is also capable of coagulating wounds from serious injuries and slowing the circulation of poison in the bloodstream.

Recovery Breathing Technique: which, by taking a brief moment to focus and stabilize your breath, allows you to recover from the fatigue and stiffness of the muscles that prevent your body from moving.

Total Concentration: Constant: It is a state of Total Concentration Breathing during the morning, noon, and night, and even while sleeping, that advanced Demon Slayers, such as the Hashira, can maintain constantly. There is a huge difference in strength, speed, and stamina between someone who can hold Total Concentration Breathing at all times and someone who cannot.

Fang Moves:

First Fang: Pierce - The user stabs the target's neck with both blades.

Second Fang: Slice - The user unleashes a double slash with two X-shaped blades.

Third Fang: Devour - The user launches simultaneous horizontal slashes towards the target's throat to decapitate them.

Fourth Fang: Slice 'n' Dice - The user makes multiple double diagonal slashes with both swords.

Fifth Fang: Crazy Slash - The user slashes everything in all directions while in the air.

Sixth Fang: Palisade Bite - The user launches simultaneous slashes with two swords from both directions in a saw-like motion.

Seventh Form: Spatial Awareness - The user uses their sense of touch to identify the position of enemies and their weaknesses by sensing small disturbances in the air. This technique was so strong that Inosuke Hashibira could feel all the demons scattered throughout an entire mountain.

Eighth Form: Explosive Rush - The user charges towards their opponent at blinding speeds while swinging both swords.

Ninth Fang: Extend Bendy Slash - The user dislocates their arm joints to increase the range of their attack and then launches a swift forward slash.

Tenth Fang: Spinning Fangs - The user quickly spins their blades in a circular motion, deflecting enemy attacks like projectiles.

Sudden Throwing Strike - The user launches both blades in a spinning motion towards an enemy.

To be able to use the moves requires a humanoid body that can hold the swords, the breathing technique can be used as long as you have lungs...if only you can first use the breathing technique of total concentration, recovery and total concentration: constant.]

Now, now if we're speaking my language... I can't wait to train her... but, now comes the grimoire.

[four-leaf clover grimoire: blank: A grimoire is a book that allows its user to cast specific spells that are far in advance of their own natural magical abilities.

Grimoires are magical items that greatly enhance the user's ability to use magic. They also serve as a written record of all of a user's spells. Most of the pages of a grimoire are empty at the beginning; as the owner of a grimoire grows and develops as a person, the grimoire grows and develops with them, and new magic spells are inscribed in the book to fill the blank pages

Currently blank they wait for the user to use it.

Currently sealed until the user has the required magic power, the user has to reach mid-rank in order to unseal it and use it.]

'Oh...' - is the only thing I can say for the great disappointment I'm having at the moment.

That is to say, gain many necessary and very useful things like the breathing technique and the grimoire in addition to the transformation skill and then the wolf fang fist technique that is a wow.

'But... now I can't use any, not even half of its power, because 1) I have to train to be able to use it and 2) I don't have enough strength to use it... I'm not complaining, since nothing is easy much less how I'm getting it but a part of me is a little disappointed that I can't use them right now, that's the otaku part of me seeing his favorite techniques just a hand movement away and not being able to use it... (Sigh) let's rest I got sleepy after reading so much... good night moon and stars' - I thought as I looked at the sky and went inside the cave to sleep.