
the great king with a quest system and chat group [English]

I was a lottery winner for a random new life and now I am a wolf who is on his way to become the great king of the monster domain and to be able to activate my chat group to travel to different worlds. story is in spanish but i'm using google translate to translate to english since... i don't know english put the comedy label although I don't know if my ff is (:v) at least I laugh at what I write... sometimes (:v) [The characters and worlds that you will visit and meet in the novel do not belong to me, all credits are to their respective authors]

MiguelCreative · Anime et bandes dessinées
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71 Chs

the night of the zombies (4)... andrius's fight against the turkey of death

(I hope... that you like the fight and that I did it well)

[Andrius POV]

Seeing the turkey turned into a humanoid being with wings... I don't know how I'll fight him. (I don't know... how to explain the fight :v)

I mean... now it's a mid rank(E) monster even though only in mana, his body only surpasses me by a small range, it's low rank(F+++) in body, so I still have a chance if I pair body enhancement with the breathing technique to increase my strength and speed.

(He only needs one stat for him to classify like this, be it vitality, strength, speed or defense. He doesn't know which one it is or if they are all... I'm just saying just in case :v)

Well...turning into a werewolf while the turkey (I'll keep saying it like this :v) is still in his world.

'Well... here we go'-I thought as I saw that the turkey turned his gaze towards me after transforming me into a werewolf... his smile is ugly.

And before I could activate body reinforcement, the turkey shot at high speed towards me while propelling itself with its wings, barely dodging his attack, but the turkey doesn't stop there, stopping a little far from where it was standing before and I he tries to attack using his right wing.

Dodging her and all subsequent attacks from his wings, punches and kicks. He seriously hasn't quite gained that body... how can he use it so well.

As I dodge the attacks I try to focus on activating the breathing technique to increase my speed a bit and then activating the body reinforcement to start attacking

After inhaling a large amount of air and activating the breathing technique, I activate the body reinforcement surprising him by my increase in strength, I tightly clench my fist to hit the turkey hard in the chest while he is still surprised by my increase in strength .

But he quickly blocks my attack by using his forearms to receive it, which he had managed to do at the last second, sending him flying a few meters and doing a few laps on the ground.

'Okay, now I can start attacking' - I thought as I watched the turkey get up with his right arm trembling from the blow and then take a fighting position, I also took a fighting position similar to the wolf fang fist technique.

(Only the position is not going to use the technique because he hasn't practiced it yet after all it's only been a day(I think...I don't even remember :v) since he got his werewolf form...so )

Now the turkey and I are seeing each other waiting to see who of the two will attack first... and that will be me.

Jumping fast while using all four of my limbs to run and when I got close to the turkey, I jump up and clench my right fist to hit it hard.

The turkey who was waiting for me to arrive also clenched his half-recovered right arm into a fist and threw a punch to counter mine.


Creating a mini wave from the clash between our fists, I quickly adjusted my position to kick taking advantage of the fact that I'm still in the air, but the turkey blocks it and then grabs my foot to launch me away.

Spinning around in the air I readjust my position to land well and quickly dodge the turkey's attack to then dodge his left wing and then start another round of attempted punches using his fists, feet and wings to try to punch or cut me.

I dodge them with difficulty while trying not to fall because when I dodged the first two attacks I didn't step well and I almost fell, then I somehow managed to adjust my posture a bit and then I jumped back to try to give myself a break from their attacks.

But... the turkey had other plans and he raises his right arm and a blue aura comes out of it that goes towards me and then pulls my body towards him... really.

Crossing his arms in an X and blocking the turkey punch that was going straight to my chest, then he will start another round of punches with his left fist to my arms.

Opening his mouth and quickly creating a compressed ball of wind he fired it at him, making him dodge it and let go, I fall to the ground while breathing a little and use the breathing technique to recover a little from the pain... since.

'His blows from him... they hurt a lot'-I thought as I tried to recover from the pain in my arms that are shaking from the blows they received.

As I look at the turkey and his horrendous grin...it's bothering me.

'Well, since he wants to use mana, I'll do it too, even though I'll have to finish this quickly otherwise I'll run out before him' - I thought as I ran towards him and then jumped and my claws took on a light greenish color for later raise my arms and then lower them very quickly creating two wind cuts that form an X.

The turkey that was too close to avoid it without getting hurt tries to block my attack with the feathers of its wings that took on a brilliant shine and then brought them forward and when my wind cut touches them it opens them quickly destroying my attack... What are their feathers made of?

Not stopping I give a strong blow to the ground creating a mini tremor so that later an ice spike comes out of it in the direction of the turkey, the turkey barely avoids it by turning its body 180 degrees and then swings its wings forward to throw me a how many of its bright and sharp feathers in my direction.

Jumping up and flipping back to dodge the attack, I stare at the turkey as I think of how to kill it.

But... the turkey again doesn't give me time to think and he shoots towards me starting another round of blows that I follow and so we begin an exchange of fists and kicks... apart from his attempts to cut me with his feathers that I He launched because it seems that he can control them telekinetically.

He swings his right arm to the side causing the blue aura from before to come out and head for a rock next to us, he grabs it and then makes a quick move towards me, sending the big rock to hit me.

Seeing that I can't dodge it, I clench my fist and give a strong blow to the big rock, which starts to break and then breaks into several pieces and gives me a view of what is coming towards me... a lot of feathers turkey diamonds.

Jumping and turning backwards repeating the process several times I managed to avoid all the feathers that were coming towards me, I managed to avoid them but when I was about to make another jump with a backward turn the turkey had reached in front of me while his knee was in front of me stomach trying to knee me... which it does.

He sent me flying with a force that made me go through several trees that were near our fight... while I was flying and passing through the trees it makes me wonder, because I always ended up getting into fights that I couldn't possibly win alone. .. the first was the wolf, then the bear, and now the turkey... seriously, I should take things more slowly.

Ending up thinking that I should take a break from the fights because I end up hitting the last tree and I can't even try to get through the pain, because I have to dodge another round of turkey feathers that were trying to cut me.

Ignoring the pain, I take advantage of my werewolf body and begin to move quickly through the trees, avoiding the feathers that remain embedded in their trunks... long live the trees of fantasy worlds, they are more resistant than normal ones.

(Just in case... the attack of the feathers varies between (G+++) to (F+) and they are not as strong as the physical attacks of the turkey that varies between (F+++) and (E) there is a difference that's why the feathers stayed embedded while the knee of the turkey made andrius go through several trees before stopping... but hey, don't think too much about it :v)

While he was praising the trees the turkey had reached where he was starting another round of exchanging blows but this time without using his wings because it seems he lost them by using his feathers that way.

Squeezing my fist as hard as I can, I try to hit the turkey in the chest, succeeding and taking what I owed from the knee I send it flying past many trees before stopping because it ended up embedded in a mountain wall.

Not content with that, I use telekinesis on a large boulder I found and start spinning around to gain momentum and throw it at the turkey for it to smash hard while it's still embedded in the wall.

And...that's the last I see of the turkey since the rock blocked my view of his body...but better check.


Running to where the turkey and the rock are, but stopping when I'm getting there because with my enhanced senses I hear a sound coming from that place so that later the big rock starts to break turning into several smaller rocks and a furious turkey comes out of she.


Turning his glare at me he makes a few motions with his hands and I sense danger from behind me making me dodge only to see the pile of glowing feathers headed his way.

Controlling his feathers he shoots towards me to try to hit me, which I can't dodge and I only have to protect myself by crossing my arms receiving and sending myself flying but I use the impulse of the impact of the blow to adjust my body a little and start a fight of blows against the turkey and its sharp feathers.

But it seems that the turkey is very upset because his feathers turn red and look sharper, while in the air he turns his body and attracts all the feathers and creates a pillar made of feathers and then with all his forces throw him towards me...

[Photo, but smaller]

While lying on the ground watching it, I take a deep breath using the breathing technique while increasing the mana in the body enhancement causing my muscles to ache from the increase beyond what I can take... and all of that in one second while the pillar of red feathers arrives

I try to parry the attack as I can't and don't think I can dodge the attack.

I barely stop him as I feel how the turkey puts more pressure on the pillar to try to kill me.

Clenching my teeth while feeling the force of the falling pillar increasing, I put as much mana as I can into the body reinforcement to try and destroy the pillar, after a loud roar… I snap it in half and then jump up and out. shot towards the turkey who is surprised that he has stopped and destroyed his strongest attack.

Coming in front of him mimicking a spear with my claws I aim straight at his heart and pierce through him but he doesn't die right away so I keep hitting him for all the pain he has caused me until he is completely dead.

Seeing him go back to his turkey form and turn white makes my body relax and the pain begins… I'm feeling the pain.


My transformation is undone by consuming all my mana and when I return to my real body I start to groan in pain from overdoing it by using body enhancement.

Trying to endure the pain, until I see alba coming towards me in the distance and that's the last thing I see since everything is dark... and I pass out.


I may have exaggerated a little... a lot, in the fight but well, when a fight is not exaggerated. :v

I only hope that it has been entertaining for you, I was without Internet when I made it. :v

if you liked it... comment, leave your like(power stones), subscribe(save it to your library if you like my fanfic) and see you another day in a new chapter of [the great king with a quest system and chat group ] until next time. :v