
the great king with a quest system and chat group [English]

I was a lottery winner for a random new life and now I am a wolf who is on his way to become the great king of the monster domain and to be able to activate my chat group to travel to different worlds. story is in spanish but i'm using google translate to translate to english since... i don't know english put the comedy label although I don't know if my ff is (:v) at least I laugh at what I write... sometimes (:v) [The characters and worlds that you will visit and meet in the novel do not belong to me, all credits are to their respective authors]

MiguelCreative · Anime et bandes dessinées
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71 Chs

teaching alba [mana control], acting as a wise old master, training my ice magic a bit, and alba's first overkill spell.

[The next day]

'Damn... I'm sleepy' - I thought as I woke up from the light that enters the cave.

She turns to look at Alba and I see that she is still asleep with a smile grabbing at my fur.

Even though, she looks very cute like this, but I have to wake her up since there are many things to do today.

I shook her with my paw to wake her up I don't use telepathy because I wouldn't want a voice in my head to wake me up...so.

After shaking her a little she started to wake up, she gets up and wipes her eyes for later.

"uaaah"-she yawns as she throws her hands up in the air.

"Andrius?" She spoke to her in a low voice, still half asleep.

'Yes, here I am, good morning Alba, how are you?' - I said good morning.

"Good morning too and I'm fine just a little sleepy"-she said as she continued to stretch and began to fly around me.

"Well sorry for waking you up, but today we have a lot of things to do '-she excused me out of politeness.

"What things?" - asked.

"Well... the first thing would be to eat, right?" -I said while she took out one of the chickens that I have left from her inventory, then she turned to see her and asked her- "do you need to eat?".

"No, but... yes, I can eat"-she replied as she stared at the chicken that looked delicious since it's still hot.

I stared at her and then took another chicken out of her and gave it to her.

"There is this you can eat" - I said to start eating myself.

She stared at the chicken for a few seconds before flying towards it.

"Thanks for the food"-I don't know if she thanked me or if it's what they say there in her world but... well.

We ate and surprisingly, even with such a small body, he could finish a whole chicken and only leave the bones.

After finishing eating and drinking water, I told him to get on my back to go to the place where I train, I mean the river, since I don't know if he would keep up with me when I run.

A minute and a half later we reached the river, it was as beautiful as ever.

"Wooow it's so cute here"-she said as she flew along the river bank.

'Well... today we come here because I'm going to teach you how to feel and control your mana from your body'-she spoke as she returned to where she was and nodded with a serious look.

I didn't need to come here I could do it in the cave but I also want to train my control over ice magic a bit... so.

'Well the first thing you have to do is go and sit on that rock' - I pointed to a rock that was perfect for her to sit on for a long time.

She went and she sat there waiting.

'Okay, now settle into a meditative position... do you know what it's like?' - I told her and then I asked her since I didn't know if she knew what the position was.

"Yes, when I was in town I saw a person do the position, although, I don't know what it is for"-she agreed.

'Ok then, take a position, close your eyes and try to feel the mana that is inside your body' - I told him what he had to do, hoping it would go well since it was the first time I had guided someone to do this.

She nodded, took a position, closed her eyes, then screwed up her face trying to find the mana in her body... calmly.

'You have to relax your body and mind to try to find the mana within you' - I said as I began to feel like a teacher who is guiding his student. I only need a beard and a human body to act like an old sage. I'm not missing much.

[5 minutes later]

Seeing alba try to feel her mana, I don't want to leave just in case something happens so I decided to watch, at least until I feel her mana and while I wait I'm practicing with mine.

She widens her eyes and puts on a frustrated face.

"I can't feel it, this is very difficult"-she said as she turned to see me.

'...'-I stared at her speechless, since it's only been about 5 minutes since she started.

I got up and started to walk around her to give a sense of mystery and then start talking.

'You don't have to rush things, little grasshopper, everything is in due time... besides, it's only been 5 minutes since you started' - I said while imitating those teachers from the series to try to seem like a wise teacher.

"But it's difficult, the other things I learned just needed a few minutes to learn them"-she said while making me stare at her for a while without words before starting to speak again.

'Easy, easy little dawn, keep trying, patience is a virtue you have to have to go far in life' - I said while trying not to get out of my role as a wise old teacher.

'Now keep trying, since we still have time' - I said as I went back to bed to continue practicing my control over my mana.

She nodded and kept trying to feel the mana from her body.

[50 minutes later]

I was upside down looking up at the blue sky as I waited for Alba to open her eyes to tell her what to do and me to start my second part of the training which would be to practice ice spells, even if only the basic ones and possibly a medium or high one. ..although honestly aside from knowing the names of low rank spells, I don't know how mid and high rank spells are classified.

So, for me, as long as I have Mana to do the spell, it has no rank... I'm a simple wolf, life gives me lemons, I cast a spell on you and it froze the lemon... that's how wise I am.

I can feel how dawn begins to open his eyes, I am using my mana senses 3 meters from me, since apart from looking at the sky I am training, I did not waste time resting, I am always training without stopping... even if sometimes I need a break... so.

She managed to feel her mana about 10 minutes ago, but she was trying to move it with little progress if I do say so, but well, it took me more than 1 hour to move my mana throughout my body... so.

"Andrius, I managed to feel the mana in my body and tried to move it... but I couldn't"-she began, speaking with a happy voice and then moving on to a sad voice... what to do with this girl.

'Well done alba, you're already making progress, but remember not to rush, because rushed things always end badly' - I congratulated her and advised her, but honestly, I don't know, I don't know someone or seen someone who did one thing in a hurry and it went wrong, but it's to teach alba a lesson... so.

'Now practice moving your mana throughout your body for the next 4 hours, don't worry I'll let you know when you can stop, so you can try your first magic spell later' - I told her as she nodded and started training again.. I hadn't told her that she had to start now... but well, leave her, she's a spirit, she must have better stamina than a normal person... I think.

If next time I tell her that she needs to rest now I can't because she already started.

Walking towards the river in a part where I can see her, I open my mouth and start to control my mana to make a ball of ice.

I realized that doing this, even if it looks a bit silly, helps to create a spell more easily... so let's move on.

Little by little the cold mana was gathering a few centimeters in front of my mouth and a ball of ice that was about the size of a tennis ball began to appear.

Feeling the ice ball ready after using 20 mana, I cast it about 7 meters away and it ended up hitting a rock sticking out of the river, hitting it ended up cracking the rock.

'Well okay...I guess?' I thought as she continued practicing.

[3 and a half hours later]

I was lying by the river watching Alba train, 2 minutes ago I ran out of mana so I had to take a break before telling Alba that I cast her first magic spell.

Resting watching the river water run from left to right, the fish swimming free before some animal catches them to eat them... I know how to ruin a relaxing moment... right?

Getting up and going towards dawn I can see that he is training very hard, so I decided to stop half an hour ago, I don't know since I became a divine beast I feel that I can better guess the time like, if I say train for an hour, I can tell how many hours and minutes have passed... not that I'm complaining.

I approached and began to send telepathic waves towards her to wake her up from deep meditation, I learned to use these waves after learning to read the mind and mental conversation, it is useful for these cases, since they are only weak waves that help to get out someone in some trance.

And if I'm remembering now that I can use them, when I woke up I was still asleep and I didn't remember.

"Andrius... has it already been 4 hours?" - I ask after coming out of deep meditation.

'No, but I think you should rest a bit so you can try your first spell and then we can go find our partners' - I said as she nodded and then gave me a confused look.

"Companions?" - he asked, reminding me that I didn't tell him what we would do today.

'Yes, well... comrades, we are going to convince one and we will only bring the other with us since he is the one who "helped" me to practice my telepathy so I wanted to take him with me' - I said as I sat down next to her.

"Oh... but why don't we just take the other one without asking?" She nodded and asked me confused.

'Well one of them should be smart enough to know what it's like to join a group and the other one is just a normal animal, so I don't think he'll answer me, but I don't want him to end up dying after "helping" me practice' - I answered the butterfly, I think you should be smart enough to know since she is one of the heroines and Silvi well... she "helped" me so much that it would be a shame if she died and even more so after I gave her a name.

"Oh sure, let's go when you want to go"-she answered with a smile while looking at the river.

[20 minutes later]

It's been 20 minutes and I'm almost all mana full and alba should be good enough to start... so here we go.

'Well alba, what we want to do now is create your first magic spell" - I spoke to her as she nodded.

'First close your eyes and raise your hands in front of you, then you are going to try to concentrate on your mana'-I told her while she did what she was telling her.

'Then try to imagine what you want to do with the ice it can be an ice ball, ice shield, ice stake, etc etc etc, as long as you have the image detailed enough in your mind and enough mana to do it is fine' - I said while she nodded with her eyes closed and concentrated even more.

'If you're ready, go sending your mana from the body to the outside in a controlled way so that it doesn't end up exploding and then gather all the mana in the spell you're going to do' - I said as I felt how his mana moved from his body to his hands and then out and start gathering in front of her.

The mana began to gather and form a long cylindrical ice with a pointed tip... it's making a spear.

The spear is fully formed I can say that for her first time she is doing very well... but she hasn't stopped yet, it seems that we have a perfectionist.

Why perfectionist because when completing the basics of the spear, she continued to compress it, becoming almost perfect and began to add details, but as long as it did not lengthen, see the photo below .... (: v)

[Ice Spear Photo]

'Well... if you have it ready throw it wherever you want the farther the better' - I said as she sent the spear flying away from us.

And after about 100 meters, it stops but not before passing through 4 trees and falling nailed to a large rock.

'Well done even though I think it's a bit exaggerated, but it's ok... I think' - I congratulated her and said and then spoke in a low voice.

She gives me a thumbs up before she starts to fall out of the air in a faint...that's why I said it was over the top.

I pick her up with telekinesis and gently lay her down on the rock.

'...' - I stare at her thinking what I should do with this little girl.

Shaking my head and waiting for her to wake up or if she doesn't wake up for at least 1 hour then I'll take her and go find the butterfly and silvi.

I hope all goes well... please.