

Read this story till 25 chapter to see if it's you're taste. Ethan Hayes never imagined that his mundane life would end so suddenly. A regular guy in his mid-20s, working a 9-to-5 job, with no significant dreams or aspirations beyond getting through the week. But fate, or perhaps destiny, had other plans for him. When Ethan opened his eyes again, he found himself in a vast, ethereal space. The ground beneath his feet shimmered like stardust, and a gentle breeze carried whispers of ancient wisdom. Before him stood a towering figure, radiating power and grace—a god. and God gave him three wishes to choose before reincarnation, what would he choose, that can only fate can tell.

Legend_Man_1262 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 4:A Call to the Five Kingdoms


The next morning, Ethan awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the first light of dawn filtering through the windows of Elder Elara's home. He stretched, feeling the soreness from the previous day's exertions but also a renewed sense of purpose. After a simple breakfast of bread and cheese, he prepared to leave for the village square, where he had been told a meeting was to be held with the village leaders.

As he walked through the village, he noticed the increased activity. Villagers gathered in groups, whispering among themselves, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity. The news of Ethan's successful raid on the bandit camp had spread quickly, and the villagers were eager to hear more.

In the village square, a small crowd had assembled. Elder Elara stood at the center, flanked by a few prominent villagers, including a burly man with a scar across his face and a woman in elaborate robes who appeared to be a healer. The atmosphere was tense but hopeful.

Ethan joined the group, and Elara greeted him with a nod. "Thank you for coming, Ethan. I've gathered some of the village leaders to discuss the next steps."

The burly man stepped forward, introducing himself as Garret, the village's head of security. "You've done well in dealing with the bandits, but this is just the beginning. We need to know more about the threat and how to combat it."

Elara held up the dark amulet that Ethan had recovered. "This artifact is a key piece of the puzzle. We need to understand its origins and the nature of the power it holds."

The woman in robes, who introduced herself as Lyra, the village healer, spoke next. "There are ancient texts and relics that might offer insights. However, they are scattered across the kingdoms and are difficult to access."

Ethan listened intently. It was clear that the problem was much larger than he had initially thought. The threat posed by the artifact could potentially affect all the kingdoms, not just Aeloria.

"I suggest," Garret said, "that we reach out to the leaders of the other kingdoms. They need to be informed and involved. But the journey to each kingdom will be perilous. We'll need someone with both the strength and the skill to undertake this task."

Ethan stepped forward. "I'm willing to take on that task. I've already seen how dangerous things can get, and if there's a way I can help unify the kingdoms and address this threat, I want to do it."

Elara smiled, a mix of pride and concern in her eyes. "Your willingness is commendable, Ethan. But before you leave, there are a few things you should know. Each kingdom has its own unique challenges and allies. You'll need to navigate politics, alliances, and rivalries."

She handed Ethan a scroll. "This map shows the locations of the Great Five Kingdoms and their key representatives. It will be your guide. The kingdoms are: the Kingdom of Eldoria, home to the Elves; the Nymph Kingdom of Sylvara; the Dark Elven stronghold of Nocturna; the Beast Kingdom of Feronia; and the Demon Realm of Inferna. Each has its own strengths and issues."

Ethan took the scroll and studied it. The map was detailed, with the kingdoms marked clearly. He felt a pang of apprehension but also a surge of determination. This was a monumental task, but it was also a chance to truly make a difference.

"Where should I begin?" Ethan asked.

Elara thought for a moment. "Eldoria would be a good starting point. The Elves have a long history of magic and knowledge. They may have insights into the artifact and the dark forces at play."

Garret nodded in agreement. "Eldoria is also relatively close, making it a practical first stop. Be prepared for their diplomatic protocols, though. The Elves are known for their formality and respect for tradition."

With the plan set, Ethan prepared to leave. The villagers gathered to bid him farewell, their faces reflecting hope and trust. Elder Elara handed him a satchel with provisions and a few magical items to aid in his journey.

As Ethan set out on the road to Eldoria, he felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. The road was well-trodden, and the landscape gradually shifted from rolling fields to dense forests. The journey would take several days, and he knew he had to stay vigilant. The threat from the dark forces could be anywhere.

The first few days of travel were relatively uneventful. Ethan made good time, moving through the forest with the confidence of someone who had recently faced danger and emerged victorious. His new powers—earth, shadow manipulation, and lightning—proved invaluable for navigating the terrain and dealing with the occasional wild creature.

On the third day, as he approached the borders of Eldoria, the landscape began to change. The trees grew taller, their leaves shimmering with an ethereal light. The air was filled with a sense of magic, and Ethan could feel the subtle hum of enchantment.

As he reached the outskirts of Eldoria, he saw the grand city in the distance. Tall towers, lush gardens, and majestic bridges characterized the Elven capital. It was an awe-inspiring sight, with structures seamlessly blending with the natural landscape. The city was surrounded by a protective barrier of shimmering energy, a testament to the Elves' mastery of magic.

Ethan approached the main entrance, where two Elven guards stood on either side of the gate. They were tall and elegant, their armor adorned with intricate patterns and symbols. One of the guards, with a silver mane and piercing blue eyes, stepped forward.

"Halt, traveler. State your purpose," the guard said in a melodious voice.

Ethan took a deep breath, ready to present himself. "I am Ethan Hayes. I come from Aeloria with a message for the leaders of Eldoria. There is a threat affecting the Great Five Kingdoms, and I seek their assistance and counsel."

The guard studied Ethan for a moment before nodding. "Very well. You may enter, but you will need to be announced to the council. Follow me."

Ethan followed the guard through the gates and into the heart of Eldoria. The city was even more breathtaking up close. The streets were lined with flowers and trees, and the architecture was a blend of natural and magical elements. Elven citizens moved gracefully about their daily tasks, their movements reflecting a deep connection to the magic that permeated their world.

The guard led Ethan to a grand hall at the center of the city, where a council of Elven leaders was assembled. They sat at an elevated platform, their regal attire and demeanor conveying both authority and wisdom.

Ethan was introduced to the council, and he presented the dark amulet and the information he had gathered. The Elven leaders listened intently, their expressions serious as they examined the artifact and heard Ethan's account.

After a lengthy discussion among the council members, an Elven elder with a long white beard and a staff stepped forward. "You have done well to bring this matter to our attention, Ethan Hayes. The presence of this artifact is indeed troubling. We will offer our assistance, but we must first understand more about the artifact and its origins."

The elder turned to his fellow council members. "We will consult our ancient records and call upon our most skilled mages to investigate. In the meantime, we will provide you with supplies and information to aid in your journey."

Ethan thanked the council for their support and prepared to rest in Eldoria. The city offered a respite from the road, and he took the opportunity to explore, learn more about the Elves, and prepare for the next leg of his journey.

As he walked through the vibrant streets of Eldoria, Ethan felt a renewed sense of purpose. The path ahead was still fraught with challenges, but with the support of the Elves and the other kingdoms to come, he felt confident that he could face whatever lay ahead.

The Great Five Kingdoms awaited, and Ethan was ready to play his part in restoring balance and confronting the darkness threatening their world.
