

Read this story till 25 chapter to see if it's you're taste. Ethan Hayes never imagined that his mundane life would end so suddenly. A regular guy in his mid-20s, working a 9-to-5 job, with no significant dreams or aspirations beyond getting through the week. But fate, or perhaps destiny, had other plans for him. When Ethan opened his eyes again, he found himself in a vast, ethereal space. The ground beneath his feet shimmered like stardust, and a gentle breeze carried whispers of ancient wisdom. Before him stood a towering figure, radiating power and grace—a god. and God gave him three wishes to choose before reincarnation, what would he choose, that can only fate can tell.

Legend_Man_1262 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

Chapter 30: The Tournament Begins


The grand arena was a marvel of enchantment and design. Massive stone stands rose high above the central combat area, where intricate runes glowed faintly along the ground. The air was charged with excitement as spectators filled the stands, eager to see the most promising students in action.

Ethan, Lyra, Jace, and Laina stood at the entrance to the arena, the anticipation thick in the air. The tournament was about to start, and the energy was palpable. Ethan felt a surge of confidence—his power had reached the level of S-rank creatures, thanks to the System's enhancements, but he was careful to keep that information hidden.

"Remember the plan," Lyra said, her voice steady. "We work as a team and use our abilities strategically. We're in this together."

Jace nodded, flexing his muscles. "Got it. Let's make sure everyone knows who we are."

Laina remained focused, her eyes scanning the arena. "Stay alert. We don't know what kind of opponents we'll face, so be ready for anything."

Ethan nodded, feeling the reassuring weight of his staff in his hand. He had been training hard and was well-prepared for the challenges ahead. The System would assist him subtly, but he knew he had to rely on his own skills and the teamwork of his friends to succeed.

The opening ceremony concluded with a grand display of magic and fireworks, and soon, the first round of matches began. The competitors were called to the center of the arena one by one, each facing opponents of varying skill levels.

Ethan and his friends watched closely, analyzing the fights and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their potential opponents. The arena was designed to showcase the fighters' abilities, with magical barriers ensuring that no one could be seriously injured.

When their turn came, Ethan and his team were called to the arena. The crowd erupted into cheers as they stepped forward, their faces determined and ready for battle.

"Representing Team Ethan, we have our first match of the tournament! Their opponents will be revealed shortly!" the announcer's voice boomed across the arena.

Ethan felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness as he faced the crowd. The System remained a hidden advantage, but he knew that their true strength lay in their teamwork and strategy.

The opponents for their match were revealed: a team of four, each displaying a range of abilities. One wielded powerful fire magic, another had control over ice, the third used earth-based attacks, and the fourth was a skilled martial artist with incredible agility.

"Looks like we've got a diverse team to face," Jace remarked, his eyes narrowing as he assessed their opponents.

"Be cautious," Laina advised. "They might try to overwhelm us with their combined abilities."

The match began with a burst of energy as the opponents charged forward. Ethan immediately activated his Shadow Cloak, blending into the shadows to avoid the initial barrage of attacks. Lyra began weaving spells, creating barriers of light to protect the team from the fire and ice magic.

Jace charged at the martial artist, his sword clashing with theirs in a flurry of strikes and parries. Laina used her agility to outmaneuver the earth mage, striking with precision and speed.

Ethan watched carefully, waiting for the right moment to strike. His goal was to use his abilities to turn the tide of the battle, but he needed to do so without revealing his full strength.

As the fight progressed, Ethan saw an opening. The fire mage had overextended their attack, leaving them vulnerable. Ethan stepped forward, channeling his Lightning Fury ability. A crackling bolt of lightning surged from his staff, striking the fire mage and disrupting their spells.

The fire mage staggered, their flames sputtering out as the lightning coursed through them. Lyra took advantage of the distraction, unleashing a powerful fire spell that knocked the fire mage out of the fight.

Meanwhile, Jace and Laina had managed to subdue their opponents. Jace had defeated the martial artist with a combination of swordplay and strategic strikes, while Laina had taken down the earth mage with precise, agile movements.

With their opponents defeated, Ethan and his team stood victorious in the center of the arena. The crowd cheered, and the announcer's voice boomed once more.

"Victory for Team Ethan! An impressive display of teamwork and skill!"

Ethan exhaled deeply, feeling a wave of relief and satisfaction. They had managed to win the match without drawing too much attention to his own enhancements. The System's support had been crucial, but the success was due to their combined efforts.

As they left the arena, Lyra, Jace, and Laina gathered around him, their faces flushed with excitement.

"That was incredible!" Jace exclaimed. "We make a great team."

Lyra nodded, her eyes shining with pride. "We handled ourselves well. But we need to stay focused. The competition will only get tougher."

Laina's expression was calm but pleased. "We need to keep up this level of performance. The tournament is far from over."

Ethan nodded in agreement. "We'll keep pushing forward. We've got this."

The tournament continued over the next few days, with Ethan and his team advancing through the rounds. Each match was a new challenge, but their preparation and teamwork allowed them to succeed.

As they progressed, the opponents became more formidable, testing their skills and strategies. But with each victory, Ethan felt his confidence grow. The System's support remained a hidden advantage, but his friends' unwavering support and their shared determination were what truly drove him.

Finally, the tournament reached its climax—the final match. The stakes were higher than ever, and the arena was packed with spectators eager to see the ultimate showdown.

Ethan stood with his team, facing the final opponents. They were a formidable group, composed of highly skilled fighters and mages. The pressure was on, but Ethan felt ready. The System had helped him become as powerful as S-rank creatures, and he was prepared to give it his all.

The final match began with a roar of excitement from the crowd. Ethan and his team launched into action, each member playing their part in a coordinated assault.

Ethan used his Lightning Fury and Earthquake abilities with precision, creating openings for his teammates. Lyra's spells illuminated the arena, her fire and light weaving together in a dazzling display. Jace's sword strikes were swift and powerful, while Laina's agility allowed her to strike from unexpected angles.

The battle was fierce and intense, with both sides pushing their limits. But as the fight progressed, Ethan's team began to gain the upper hand. Their coordination and strategy proved to be their greatest strengths.

Finally, with a decisive strike, Ethan and his team emerged victorious. The crowd erupted into cheers as the announcer's voice declared their triumph.

"Victory for Team Ethan! A stunning display of skill and teamwork in the final match!"

Ethan stood in the center of the arena, his heart pounding with exhilaration. The tournament was over, and they had come out on top. It had been a challenging and demanding experience, but they had proven themselves to be among the best.

As they celebrated their victory, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The System's hidden support had been crucial, but it was the strength of his team and their dedication that had truly made the difference.

The grand tournament had tested their limits, but it had also shown them their potential. And as they looked toward the future, Ethan knew that they were ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

With the tournament behind them, the academy returned to its normal routine, but the sense of excitement and achievement lingered. Ethan and his friends continued their training, their bond stronger than ever.

And as they prepared for the next chapter in their journey, Ethan felt a renewed sense of purpose. The world was full of challenges, but with the System's guidance and the support of his friends, he was ready to face them all.
