
The Great Enlightenment

While the rest walked on the destined path, he alone treaded on the treacherous one; drowning in his own darkness. Pitch-black tongues of fire flickered in his heart, dancing on his fingertips; flames potent enough to burn away the light itself. Whenever his sword undressed from the scabbard, it pierced through space and time. The sharp edge was flaring golden and red, turning and twisting between the fragile fringes of good and evil. Immortal sects rise and fall with a mere gesture of his hands; karma songs never cease playing... Untouched by the allure of the mortal world, he cultivates the heavenly and eternal Dao, laying abandon to time in that timeless dimension. Witness how he fought, fell, and rose again. The saga of a man who forged his path to immortality, spirituality, and ultimate attainment of the Great Enlightenment. This novel is NOT my novel nor I am the translator. I am only posting this here so you guys can enjoy it. If you want to support the translator team, go to "INovelTranslation".

AltOfSomeone · Oriental
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35 Chs


Ji Hong paced back and forth in the hall, his expression a canvas of myriad changes. After a while, he gradually calmed down, and said, "It is a great joy to have the son return on the new year! Xu Jianghe, make haste and heed my order. Go down and carefully ornament Anyang City to welcome the return of my eldest son!"

Xu Jianghe responded affirmatively and went away.

Ji Hong sat back on the throne of the palace, his eyes were clouded and uncertain, as if he was hesitating about something.

It was already midnight.

The moment night fell, the already slightly cold Anyang City lit up with a myriad of lights one after another. There were big red lanterns hanging high on the streets, bridges, downtown and other places. It seemed that every corner was flickering with gentle lights.

The streets were bustling with people, and many stalls and hawkers were shouting and peddling their goods. The young ladies in luxurious clothes walked hand in hand under the lanterns, and there were even more gorgeous wood carved chariots slowly passing by, which added a touch of color to the lantern festival.

Anyang City, one of the eight inner cities, was the city under the direct control of the Ji family. Ninety percent of the mortals living here had the surname Ji. Most of the people in the city were descendants of the Ji family's many collateral bloodlines, except for the four main families who lived here.

The annual Anyang City Lantern Festival should not have been held at this time, but Ji Hong, the head of the Ji family, ordered the Lantern Festival which was half a month later to be held today. The specific reason was not stated.

However, as the rumors spreading through the eight major cities of the inner city of Taichu became increasingly intense, it was common knowledge that Ji Yuenian, the eldest son of the Ji family, was heading towards Anyang City at that time.

The territory within the city walls of the ancient city of Taichu was extremely extensive. The large gate on the west side of the outer city was considerably far from the core inner city. If one traveled on foot, it would take at least several hours.

"A lantern festival?" Ji Bugui looked at the lights in Anyang City from afar, appearing a little surprised. "Eldest son, as it happens, there is a lantern festival taking place tonight in Anyang City."

The moonlight cascaded over Ji Yuenians azure robe, and it appeared as if a bright silver light surrounded him.

He said softly, "I probably know the intentions of my father." The moon reflected in his pupils.

Ji Bugui was a little puzzled. "I just counted the days. According to usual practice, there are at least 10 days before the Lantern Festival in Anyang City. Does the Eldest Son mean … that this was an order from the Lord of the family?"

Ji Yuenian flicked the sleeves of the robe and did not speak, instead continued to walk towards Anyang City under the bright white moonlight.

The night breeze was frosty, and the memories of sixteen years ago came flooding back, creating chaos in his mind.

The Lantern Festival was bright and cheerful.

Zhao Yinyue stood quietly on the stone bridge, her head full of hair a blue fluttering in the wind as she looked down at the dark river swimming under the bridge.

The moonlight seemed to have never changed a bit since ancient times, sprinkling on her snow-white neon clothes, changing the shade of her cold eyes, and her figure appeared like an immortal fairy.


Ji Hong, dressed in a black robe, walked slowly to the bridge, and gently embraced Zhao Yinyue's shoulders from behind.

Her delicate eyebrows were filled with frost and snow. She frowned slightly, and lightly opened her mouth, "What's the matter?"

"You just gave birth to a son a few days ago, so why did you sneak out again without a good few days of recuperation?" The concern in Ji Hong's tone did not seem to be fake. "Go back quickly, if you like to see lanterns, I will ask someone to hang a hundred of them for you in the yard."

At that time, he was not yet the head of the Ji family who held a mighty power.

Zhao Yinyue shook her head and glanced at Ji Hong with a light smile. There was a hint of disdain in her tone as she said, "You and I have no relationship at all, why do you need to act like this?"

Ji Hong was silent for a moment, took off his black robe, and put it lightly on Zhao Yinyue, saying, "You are born like a celestial being, I know that I am not worthy of you, but I did my best to keep you safe from the Zhao Family. Don't you feel grateful for it?"

"My mother was a ghost, and I'm not worthy of anyone." Zhao Yinyue flicked her hand and threw his black robe under the stone bridge. "I'm a little tired."

After saying this, she turned around, holding onto the cold stone pillar, and walked slowly towards the bottom of the bridge, step by step.

This river traversed through the entire Anyang City, and under the moonlight, there were countless waves swirling around, floating away with the black robe, and disappeared in an instant.


Ji Hong's voice came from behind.

Zhao Yinyue was facing him with her back, her eyes cold and lonely as the moonlight, "There is one more day."

Ji Hong was stunned for a while, and asked subconsciously, "What does that mean? Yue'er, what are you talking about?"

The woman dressed in snow-white neon clothes walked off the stone bridge, her head full of blue silk-like hair fluttering in the wind, and she never looked back.

There were thousands of bright and noisy lights around her, but none of them belonged to her.


Stepping on snow to look for the sight of winter, with the burning candle to read books at night, (both of them are the normal life trajectory for a scholar), but fate is capricious.

A clear and cold moon hangs day by day, making it feel like a gentle stream of water.

Time passed so quickly that everything happened as if it were yesterday, black hair turning white in just a blink of an eye; fate is destined. Samsara is endless, the allure of mortal life is the same.