
The Great Destroyer system

Branchtas · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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18 Chs


Jim walked out of his room and made his way towards the specialty room. He wondered if he would be able to complete the first. However he would try.

"There wouldn't be much damage if he didn't complete it." He thought.

Moreover, today was the day of the test for the classification of classes in the Academy. Jim headed straight for the labour room to try and few practice runs for the upcoming event. The weather today wasn't too nice, it felt as if he was to burst out in rage anything soon. But he had some control over the feeling, relaxing himself and proceeding to ask the system.

"System is there a reason why the weather affects me?"

"Well, this only occurs with certain destroyers. However, the more you grow, the lesser the feeling becomes. Though there are some exceptions for some specific group of destroyers.

"Who are those types of destroyers?"

"I can't say for now."

"System, do you know it or won't say it" Jim asked visibly annoyed. There were some questions the system didn't answer or rather didn't want to. Like the whearabouts of the Divine Destroyer who lost the fight against his type. Also about the whearabouts of the destroyers. Taking a look at his skills, he discovered he didn't have any good skills on hand except for body enhancement which of course was quite the long run. At the moment, the only way to level up to get other abilities, was to complete a quest. At least that was what he thought.

"Hey Jim, would you like to spar with me? a young tough looking fellow asked. It was Dun, a good fighter. There was nothing wrong with accepting,

"sure" Jim replied. Picking up a wooden sword arranged on a deck, Jim moved towards the arena. "Jim, take it easy on me" the fellow said mockingly. It was normal to discourage your opponent before fighting. Jim looked at his stats, perhaps, he was what he still how he was before and the pluses were those of the system or maybe he was wrong. Probably it was much lower than that, but the system added to it and gave him some few extras.

The fellow lunged at him, but Jim easily stepped out of the way and attempted to deliver a blow to his back, but Dun also easily regained his footing and smiled. Running forward again, he delivered a kick towards Jim's leg. Jim again moved out of the way, but that was a ploy. Jim chest was exposed and he hit badly by Dun. Dun followed up with a punch, but Jim had enough. He swung his sword wildly hitting Dun's knuckles. Dun retracted his hand grunting painfully. The look on his face showed it all. Jim assaulted again, this time sliding down on the ground sweeping Dun off his foot. Quickly enhancing his body, he delivered a direct punch to Dun's face drawing out blood. Dun attempted to get up, but fell again. Jim was about to end the fight but suddenly noticed four other boys walking towards him. They were probably Dun's friends, who upon seeing him thrashed stepped in. Enhancing his entire body, Jim stared at all these people, a hollow space appeared in his eyes. The boy being stared at felt paralyzed and immediately was sent crashing into the wall from the punch Jim delivered. Jim went for the next one but was stopped by a teacher.

"You'll show your skills in the test" the teacher said.

Jim stepped back and walked away.


"As you know, today is the day where it will be decided what class you are in this Academy. Many of you will do well, others will not. But do your best." A teacher's voice reverberated through out the hall.

" The different classes are the Warriors knights, the mages, the guardians, and the hooks. The test you will undergo will surely force out your true nature. Each class has a specific uniform which would be upgraded as you grow better." he said.

The knights uniform was a silver coloured armoured shirt, a silvered coloured armoured Jean and silver boots. There were also several swords available for them too together with Spears and other fighting tools.

The mages uniform was a purple gown with runes and a waist belt. There were also varieties of staffs.

The hooks had silver tight fitting short robes.

Finally, the guardians uniform was brown thick leather armour with a less thicker one underneath. They had black tube trousers and tough boots.

"A interdimensional space has been provided for you where you will be faced with difficulties and challenges. You must form your group, overcome. Failure is not an option.

Jim took a breath and stepped into the interdimensional space.

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