
The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side

After ten years together, Santichai decided to leave Asnee. He moved to Chonburi and found a new job, and he finally forgot about Asnee. During his three-months dating trial relationship with KK, Asnee suddenly appeared in his life. The appearance of Asnee brought him back to those days he tried very hard to forget.

UndyingSoul · LGBT+
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106 Chs

Chapter 62 Relinquish

When Asnee heard Santichai point out mistakes he had made in the past, a sudden sharp pain hit the back of his mind. He admits it was his fault when he broke up with Santichai, but since they got back together, he has done everything in his power to build a future for them. He felt his head pounding and his heart beating faster. The anger in his heart made his throat tighten. At this moment of anguish, he couldn't hear any sound, his anger boiled in his mind, and every time his head throbbed, he felt like his head was about to explode. He needed to release his anger; he felt itchy in his knuckles, and it got harder and harder as his anger grew. He knew that if his anger was not released, he could pass out. He pushed Santichai aside and began hitting KK with his fists. His angry fist hit KK's left chest multiple times, and he started fighting with KK again.

When Decha came out the back door, he saw Asnee's fist swinging towards KK. Decha rushed forward, grabbed Asnee's right hand, and put himself in between Asnee and KK. He pushed Asnee to the fence and hugged Asnee by the waist tightly, preventing Asnee from getting close to KK and Santichai.

Decha shouted, "Ai Nee! Calm your ass down!" He grunted and tried his best to hold Asnee back.

Asnee yells, "Ai Frank, let me go."

Decha shouted, "Are you crazy! Do you remember your promise?"

At this point, Santichai had pulled KK away from Asnee.

KK wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Asnee who would not let go. Knowing that he should be the bigger man, he walked up to Asnee and said, "If you're done venting your anger, let's talk civilly like normal people."

Asnee growled, "Talk with you?" He looked at KK angrily. "I have nothing to discuss with you."

KK looked at Asnee, he knew that at this stage, no matter what he said, Asnee would not listen. He said, "Then you should understand that you are now violating the restraining order. If you insist on fighting with me, then I have no choice but to call the police."

Asnee grinned at KK, "Call the police, I don't care."

Santichai looked at Asnee and couldn't find anything to say to Asnee. Everything he wanted to say has been said. He put his arms around KK's waist and said, "Let's go home." He helped KK out the back door.

Asnee screamed, "Chai! Come back! Chai!" He struggled to break free from Decha's hold but couldn't because KK injured him too. His headache got worse, and he grunted in pain. He screamed twice before starting to have trouble breathing.

Decha exclaimed, "Ai Nee! Enough! Enough already!" Asnee began to breathe rapidly. "Ai Nee!" Asnee!" Asnee suddenly hyperventilated while Decha was looking for his phone to call for help, Asnee suddenly passed out inside his arms. "Ai Nee! Ai Nee! Shit!"

The siren of the ambulance flashed past KK's car, and Santichai who was in the driver's seat, looked at KK and asked, "Are you sure you won't let me take you to the hospital?"

KK said, "There is no more they could do for me in the hospital than what I can do at home. A pack of ice would do." He smiled at Santichai. KK noticed that Santichai was not looking at him, but Santichai looked down at the gear lever sadly. hey...hey...hey...what's wrong with that face?"

Santichai said sadly, "Sorry...If it wasn't for me, Asnee wouldn't be fighting with you and you..."

KK chuckled, then hissed. He wiped Santichai's tears and said, "You're angry, it's okay to vent, but if you want to make up for my injury, then quickly fall in love with me." He smiled bitterly. "Fix my seat belt." Santichai reached for the seat belt and inserted the latch into the buckle. KK grabbed the back of Santichai's head and kissed Santichai. "I want you to remember that you were the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't regret meeting you at all."

"I should be the one who said these things to you," Santichai said.

KK chuckled, "Ah... If I had known Asnee was your ex-boyfriend, I would have been prepared." He touched his left ribcage and it still felt hurt. "His fists were very fierce."

Santichai put the car into gear and started driving away. He said, "Asnee has always been like this, I've known him for years, and he hasn't changed at all. For him, he always punches before any conversation."

KK saw the slight movement of happiness in Santichai's lips and eyes when he mentioned Asnee. He noticed the concern in Santichai's voice. He said, "Chai..."

Santichai said, "Hmm..."

KK said, "The reason you broke up with Asnee was because he was going to marry Tipkamol?"

"Mmm," Santichai said. "If I'm going to love someone with all of my heart, I want that person to love me with all of his heart."

KK looked at Santichai, reached out and held Santichai's hand on the shift stick. He sighed and said, "Santichai Kittibun, you may not know, but he is still the most beautiful flower in your vase." He closed his eyes.

Santichai didn't understand what KK meant, and turned to look at KK, wanting to ask, but seeing that KK had closed his eyes, he didn't make a sound, and continued driving in the direction of KK's home.

Mrs. and Mr. Siriporn rushed into the hospital through the emergency door. Mrs. Siriporn searched around and found Decha sitting by the wall, she rushed towards Decha quickly.

Mrs. Siriporn said worriedly, "Frank…Frank, what happened?"

"Auntie, I don't know. The doctor won't talk to me because I'm not family," Decha said.

"Where is the doctor looking after Asnee?" asked Mr. Siriporn.

Decha said, "Let me get the nurse." He walked over to the counter and talked to the nurse. The nurse stood up, and Decha walked over to Mr. and Mrs. Siriporn. "Auntie and uncle, the nurse will take us to Asnee's room."

The three quickly followed the nurse to Asnee's room. When they got there, Asnee was awake and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Asnee sighed when he saw his parents. He looked at Decha, "Frank, why did you call my parents?"

"I don't know what to do," Decha said. "You're completely out cold on the ground."

Mrs. Siriporn said, "Don't blame Frank. If Frank had not called us, I thought you were still at home."

"After you leave the hospital, you will go back to the main house in Bangkok," Mr. Siriporn said.

Asnee said, "I'm staying here…Like it here."

Mrs. Siriporn said madly, "You are not allowed to stay here." She knew that Asnee wanted to stay here because Santichai was here. "If you're feeling okay. We'll go now." She turned to the young nurse. "Nurse, get his papers ready, we're leaving."

The nurse said, "Khun Siriporn, now is not a good time to go home. The doctor advised Khun Siriporn to stay for further evaluation."

Mrs. Siriporn frowned. "What's the purpose? I want my son out of the hospital now, that's all."

The nurse quickly left the room, and after waiting ten minutes, a tall old doctor walked in with two other doctors. The three doctors stood at the foot of the bed, looking at Asnee, Decha, and the Siriporn.

Dr. Chen with a faint heavy accent, "I'm Doctor Chen, I'm a neurologist." He pointed to two of his colleagues. "This is Doctor Makok, he's a neurosurgeon." He pointed to the man on his right, then to the woman on his left. "This is Doctor Suwan she is a psychiatrist."

Mrs. Siriporn stood up and faced the three doctors. She said displeased, "My son was in a fist fight with the other man, there is nothing wrong with him to the point that he would need the attention of three specialists." She paused for a moment and stared at the three specialists irritably. "My son is fine, and we are going home today."

Doctor Makok looked at Asnee, then at Mrs. Siriporn. "Do you want your parents and friends to be in the room when we give you your test results?" he said.

Mrs. Siriporn said, "What is his result? We are his parents; we're not going anywhere?"

Asnee said, "Go ahead, I'm fine with them here."

Doctor Makok took out his iPad and said, "Khun Siriporn, we did an MRI of your brain, and you have a tumor on the right side of your brain. At the moment, we don't know if it's cancerous, only a biopsy can confirm."

Mrs. Siriporn's eyes widened, and she slowly fell back, but Decha quickly caught her. Mrs. Siriporn's lips trembled in disbelief. She looked at Asnee sitting on the bed with his face as pale as a ghost. "I don't believe it...I don't believe it," she said. Tears suddenly rolled down her cheeks and her lips trembled uncontrollably. "It's a lie. You may have mistaken my son's MRI for someone else's."

Doctor Makok said, "The MRI doesn't lie."

Asnee looked at the MRI images, and he scoffed. He returned the iPad to Doctor Makok and said, "I'm leaving the hospital today. I have something to do."

Doctor Makok said, "Khun Siriporn, this is serious. If we remove the tumor when it is small, it will be much easier than if you do nothing. The tumor will only get bigger, the bigger the tumor, the higher the risk of the operation."

Doctor Chen said, "All tumors are not malignant. A benign tumor is usually not a serious problem unless it compresses nearby structures or causes other symptoms. Again, the only way to know for sure is to do a biopsy."

Asnee pushed the blanket aside and said, "I want no surgery or no treatment."

Decha said worriedly, "Ai Nee, this is serious, man…" He put his hands on Asnee's shoulders and pushed Asnee back to the bed.

Asnee looked at Decha and said, "Frank...what's the point of treatment...getting better, but only to stand on the sideline and watch Chai being all sweet with another person, I'd rather die."

Decha frowned sadly, "Ai Nee… Don't be like this."

Asnee smiled and said, "I'm fine with either way...whether it is getting better or dying. Chai has chosen the other person." He sighed. "It's better this way. We can all get what we want." He looked at the three doctors. "I don't want treatment; this is my final decision."

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