
The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side

After ten years together, Santichai decided to leave Asnee. He moved to Chonburi and found a new job, and he finally forgot about Asnee. During his three-months dating trial relationship with KK, Asnee suddenly appeared in his life. The appearance of Asnee brought him back to those days he tried very hard to forget.

UndyingSoul · LGBT+
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106 Chs

Chapter 58 Invitation Accepted

Santichai hates lies the most. Santichai don't like lying because he knows how painful it is to be lied to. During his years with Asnee, Asnee would tell him one thing and do the opposite of what he was told. He put down the empty food on his plate and walked out the door towards the little sidewalk that he didn't know where it would lead.

KK shouted from behind, "Do you know where you're going?"

Santichai didn't answer but continued to walk away from KK. He didn't know why he had such a short temper when it came to KK. Asnee did a lot of things to him that hurt him during their 10-year relationship, he never got mad at Asnee, just because KK cheated on him to keep getting his degree, he suddenly became so angry. He wondered if it was because he loved Asnee too much or because he was sick of the way everyone treated him.

KK rushed forward and grabbed Santichai's arm. He said, "Do you know where you're going?"

Santichai yanked his arm away, "Let go."

KK said, "You are being unreasonable here."

Santichai turned around and said, "When we first met, I told you never to lie to me. I don't like being lie to. You think I'm not as smart as you...you...you can fool me into believing anything. Do you want something?"

KK was surprised to see Santichai getting angry, "You are angry, but what I want is the best for you. No... I want what is best for me. When I first decided to chase you, I really want to go all out. But even if you don't choose me later, we can still be friends, and I believe you won't deceive me like others."

Santichai raised his voice, "But you can tell me directly. Why make up some programs that don't exist?"

"You won't forgive me for that little thing," KK asked.

Santichai said, "Today you lied for the better of me. What about tomorrow's lie? Or future's lie?" He breathed deeply. "How do I know if our current relationship is real or fake?" He continued walking away.

KK has never seen Santichai go mad, so don't know what to do with him. He shouted, "Santichai, if you don't believe me, I'll go die right now!"

Santichai sneered and shouted, "Then go die!" He knew that KK would never do such a thing. Asnee has used every method to coax him over the years they are together, and he's very familiar with every method.

After a few minutes, Santichai turned because he could no longer hear KK's footsteps. Santichai did not see KK. He looked around, then looked to the sea. He saw KK floating on the water. He rushed forward and shouts.

"KK!" Santichai grabbed KK and dragged him to the shore. "KK!" He touched KK's nose. "KK!" He lowered his face, put his lips on KK's lips, and was about to give KK a breath, but KK reached out and kissed Santichai. Santichai shrank his head back abruptly. "You!" He punched KK's chest once.

KK grabbed Santichai's shirt, pulled him over him, and started kissing him. When Santichai was about to leave again, KK rolled Santichai to the sand and pinned him on the sand. He lowered his head and continued to kiss Santichai.

Santichai struggled, "Umm… KK…"

KK let go of Santichai's shirt. He smiled and said, "I thought you wanted me to die."

Santichai said, "Those were angry words. I didn't really want you...you..."

KK smiled and said, "I love you." He kissed Santichai. "I will never leave you unless the Father in heaven calls me or you decided to leave me." He kissed Santichai again. "A promise with a kiss."

Santichai said, "I'm mad at you right now. Fake drowning. What if it actually happened?"

KK laughed, "You forgot... I swim for fun; I can hold my breath for a long time." He lowered his body and hugged Santichai. "Sorry, I lied to you. I admit my mistake. Please forgive me."

Santichai frowned, "Mmm…now get off me."

KK said, "Can I just hold you like this longer?"

Santichai said, "No... I have sand in my panties."

KK bit Santichai's right ear lightly and said softly, "Let's go back...I'll give you a bath."

It was late at night when Santichai and KK got home, and Santichai didn't prepare for the exam at all. He and KK had already eaten before going home. After Santichai changed his clothes, he went to the living room to drink water, and found that KK was still not asleep and was talking business with people on the phone. He picked up a bottle of water and walked across the living room to see two yellow envelopes still where he had left them last time. Instead, KK has placed the tissue box on top of the yellow envelope. He was staring at the two yellow envelopes, and KK put his arms around Santichai's waist.

KK kissed the side of Santichai's temple and asked, "What are you staring at?"

Santichai said, "Nothing."

"The way you stare at that table, it's like there's something special on that table," KK said.

Santichai asked, "Is there anything special on that table?"

KK stretched his neck to look at the table and said, "There's nothing special on that table except magazines and books." KK suddenly realized that he hadn't thrown away the old magazines for months, and there were too many old magazines and mails. He chuckled. "Tomorrow, I'll clean it out and replace it with new magazine." He rested his head on Santichai's right shoulder. "Well... maybe I'll put a vase and some flowers." He kissed Santichai's neck. "You can pick the flower."

Santichai knew that KK would not take the initiative to tell Santichai that there were dating application on the table. Santichai has experienced this kind of treatment from Asnee in the past, and even thought KK had reassured him many times not to compare KK to Asnee, but his experience has done a good damage to his heart. He bit his lower lip and said, "KK, if you are bringing your blind date home with your parents, can you tell me in advance. There is no hotel nearby."

When KK heard Santichai's words, the smile on his face suddenly faded. He turned Santichai around and looked into Santichai's eyes. He asked, "I'm dating you right now. Why do you think I'm going on a blind date?"

Santichai said, "I was just thinking ahead."

KK pulled Santichai into his arms and hugged him tightly. He said, "All you need to think ahead is how you going to prepared lunch and dinner for me." He sighed. "Stop thinking like that." He looked at the coffee table and saw the two yellow envelopes his mother and stepmother had sent him a few months ago. He finally understood why Santichai suddenly brought this topic into their conversation. "Did you see it?"

Santichai said, "What?"

KK sighed and said, "Did you see the envelopes on the table?"

Santichai said, "Hmm…and I understand."

KK smiled and sighed, "So, those envelopes are the reason why you promised my parents that you would only stay with me for three months?"

Santichai said, "Part of it."

KK smiled and kissed Santichai's forehead, "I want to extend our agreement. I want to change the last sentence of our agreement."

Santichai asked, "Which word?"

KK said, "I want to replace three months with three lifetimes. Within three lifetimes, if you can't find yourself falling in love with me, then I will back down." He smiled.

Santichai said sincerely, "It's not funny."

KK said, "I found it quite funny." He picked Santichai up and walked toward the bedroom. "Say yes."

"Unless I know what I'm being asked, I won't say yes," Santichai said.

KK pushed open the bedroom door with his left foot, turned and walked towards the bed. He said, "Be my lover, be my groom, spend your life with me." KK put Santichai on the bed and started taking off his shirt. Just when KK bowed his head and kissed Santichai, Santichai's phone rang.

Santichai reached for his phone. He looked at the call screen, and the caller was Decha. He picked it up and said, "Frank."

Decha said, "Chai, the week after, are you going to coach Somchai's game?"

Santichai knew that if he went, Asnee might go, so he said, "I'm not going?"

Decha said, "This is the last game before the coach retired, and it's our old school vs. your current school playoffs, you have to be there?" Decha said, after a pause, but Santichai didn't answer him. "Chai, coach is very happy about this last game. He invited many players to celebrate with him. Did he not invite you?"

Santichai said, "He did."

"Why don't you go? The coach is really looking forward to seeing his old players," Decha said.

Santichai said, "I'm not one of the players."

Decha said, "But you are part of our team, and the coach invited you, so you have to go, no more excuses. "If it makes you feel better, take your boyfriend along."

Santichai hesitated, "Mmm…"

KK listened to Santichai and Decha's voice and couldn't hold back his urge any longer. He snatched the phone from Santichai and said, "He'll go to that game." He hung up, leaned down and kissed Santichai.