
The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side

After ten years together, Santichai decided to leave Asnee. He moved to Chonburi and found a new job, and he finally forgot about Asnee. During his three-months dating trial relationship with KK, Asnee suddenly appeared in his life. The appearance of Asnee brought him back to those days he tried very hard to forget.

UndyingSoul · LGBT+
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106 Chs

Chapter 39 So Tired

Asnee was in his office when his phone rang. He picked it up and it was from May. May told him that Santichai had returned home with a woman and a little girl. After hearing the news, Asnee was so angry that he threw his phone on the table. He canceled the afternoon meeting and drove two hours to Santichai's house. When he got there, he saw Santichai kissing someone in the car. He knew that this man was Santichai's boyfriend. He was about to approach, but the man drove away, so he decided to block Santichai's way.

Asnee smirked and stared at Santichai. He frantically said, "Santichai..."

Santichai said, "Asnee, how did you know I live here?"

"I have my resources," Asnee said, grabbing Santichai's hand. "I should lock you up." He pulled Santichai into his arms and started kissing Santichai hard.

Santichai struggled to free himself from Asnee. He said frantically, "Asnee, please be respectful."

Asnee said, "Respectful? You dare to talk about respect in front of me, eh?"

"Asnee, we've broken up. Please accept it. You can go on with your life without worrying about anyone finding out we were once dating. Your parents will be proud of you for giving them a grandchild. The purpose of your marriage is for them. I understand, I'm not angry. I'm happy with you and the choices you made. Please stop this ambiguous love, we all know there is no winner at the end of the tunnel." He felt tears rolling down his cheeks. "Asnee, please, I'm tired of looking at your back, I'm tired of walking behind you, I'm tired.... after ten years, I'm tired. You know what? Drowning in your ambiguous love is cruel. Every time my boat capsizes and you're not there to pull my hand out of the water. I have to slowly tip my boat, climb on my boat, and pull myself out. I'm tired...if you still have any feelings for me, please let me go. Please don't imprison me again. I am suffocated by the insults of you and your mother."

Asnee took Santichai's hand, "Chai, I know I've been wronged in the past, and I'm working on it now. I promise you, from now on, I'll do my best to make up for what I've done to you. I promise."

Santichai withdrew his hand and shouted, "Asnee, enough is enough. I move on. I don't love you anymore. Do you heard that?"

Asnee said, "I don't believe you. I know that deep down in your heart, you still love me."

Santichai took out his phone and dialed Mrs. Siriporn's number. After two rings, Mrs. Siriporn picked up the phone. Santichai said, "Hello, Mrs. Siriporn."

Asnee looked at Santichai frantically, "What are you doing?"

Mrs. Siriporn asked, "Who are you?"

Santichai said, "Oceanview apartment complex, please come pick up your son."

Mrs. Siriporn said, "Santichai Kittibun, you dare to seduce my son. I won't let you go easily, you evil, white-eyed fox."

Asnee snatched the phone from Santichai and threw it on the ground. He roared frantically, "Why did you call her? Are you and her a team now? If all you want is money, I can give you money. What did she say, how much will she give you?"

Santichai said, "Your thoughts are so similar to your mother's; always think that I'm with you for money. I'm done talking with you, please leave." Santichai began to leave, but Asnee grabbed his arm and slapped him.

Asnee grabbed Santichai by the shoulder and said madly, "Santichai, keep it in your heart, you are mine, you belong to me, not someone else's." He shook Santichai violently.

Santichai yells, "Let go of me..." He tries to break free from Asnee's hand, but Asnee grabs it too tightly.

Just as Santichai and Asnee were arguing, a police car pulled up and two officers ran out of their car and pulled Asnee away from Santichai. The two police officers pinned Asnee to the ground and handcuffed Asnee. Before long, another police officer pulled over his car.

Police officer, "Mister, please follow us to the police station for a statement."

Santichai said, "I live here."

Police officer, "I need your statement, so please follow us back to the police station."

Inside the police station, Santichai was sitting at a table giving a statement to a police officer, while Asnee was being held in a prison cell far away from Santichai.

After Santichai finished speaking, the young police officer asked, "Do you want to proceed with the charge?"

Santichai said, "No, but I do not want him to be near my house anymore."

The young officer said, "Would you like me to apply for a restraining order for you to keep him a hundred yards away from you and your workplace?"

Santichai said, "Yes."

The young officer said, "Write down the names of all the places you usually go to?"

Santichai picked up the pen, wrote down all the places he usually went, and returned the pen to the young officer. He asked, "Can I go now?"

The young officer said, "You are free to go."

Santichai was walking towards the door when Mrs. Siriporn and three men entered through the door. Mrs. Siriporn stared coldly at Santichai. Santichai knew she was mad at him, so he moved aside and looked down at the floor, avoiding eye contact. Santichai waited until Mrs. Siriporn walked past before slowly walking out of the police station.

Mrs. Siriporn sat down with her lawyer. Mrs. Siriporn asked, "Why is my son locked up in a cell while that lunatic is on the loose?"

The young police officer handed the documents to the lawyer, and said, "Because when we arrive at the scene, your son was the aggressor in this situation." He looked at Mrs. Siriporn in disappointment. "You should be thankful that the lunatic didn't bring charges against your son, unless your son could be jailed for unsolicited trespassing on other people's property." He looked at the lawyer.

Asnee walked with one of the female officers to the table where Mrs. Siriporn and the lawyer had been seated.

Asnee stood next to Mrs. Siriporn and he said, "Ma..." He looked around the room. "Where's Chai?"

The young officer at the desk looked at Asnee and said, "You'd better talk to your lawyer and try to understand the charges against you."

Asnee said, "I didn't do anything to trouble anyone."

"Officer, I can review the restraining order against my client with him," the lawyer said.

The young officer got out of his chair and walked away with the young female officer.

The lawyer said, "In regard to the charge, Mr. Kittibun has issued a restraining order against you. You must keep a distance of one hundred yards away from the defendant, Santichai Kittibun, and any breach of the restraining order will be punished by three thousand baht or detention up to three months or both. The restraining order is valid for six months." He put the restraining order on the table. "Sign here if you agree."

Asnee said angrily, "I won't sign it, Chai will not do this to me."

Mrs. Siriporn picked up the pen and said firmly, "You have to sign. Your father is so mad at you right now that he didn't come." She put the pen in Asnee's hand. "Sign..."

Asnee clenched the pen in his hand and sighed the restraining order. The lawyer took the piece of paper and walked to the policeman standing by the wall.

The lawyer walked back to Mrs. Siriporn and he said, "Mrs. Siriporn and Mr. Siriporn we can go."

Mrs. Siriporn smiled and said, "Thank you." She looked at one of her bodyguards. "Be sure to call someone to pick up the young master's car." The bodyguard nodded. "Asnee, let's go."

Asnee and Mrs. Siriporn walked out of the police station; Asnee saw Santichai sitting on a bench at the bus stop. He suddenly sees himself sitting next to Santichai, fooling around in their high school uniforms. Seeing Santichai sitting alone and waiting for the bus made him realize that he had neglected Santichai greatly, for so many years, but when he tried to do everything right, it never went according to as much as he wished.

Asnee took two steps towards Santichai, but Mrs. Siriporn grabbed his arm. Mrs. Siriporn frantically said, "Did you forget? There's a restraining order against you."

Asnee watched the old bus come to a stop, and Santichai slowly stood in a row, with his head looking down on the ground while getting on the bus. He quickly pulled his arm away from Mrs. Siriporn and he ran after the bus. He shouted, "Chai!" The bus has already pulled a good distance from him.

A woman who sat on the back of the seat suddenly said, "Hey, there is a man chasing after the bus."

Many bus passengers looked out the windows, but not Santichai. Santichai knew that the one chasing must be Asnee. Santichai murmured softly, "Asnee, stop chasing the bus." He covered his mouth, tears falling because he had chased Asnee until his feet were bleeding once many years ago.

Asnee was running and suddenly remembered that Santichai had chased him down the street once many years ago. Inside his car, he heard Santichai calling his name and shouting from behind chasing his car down the street, 'Asnee, please stop the car. I don't want to break up with you. Please stop the car. Asnee...let's get back together...Asnee..." After he put himself a good distance from Santichai, he saw Santichai suddenly fall down on his rear mirror, so he decided to speed up his car.

Asnee suddenly fell on the sidewalk. He stretched out his right hand and shouted, "Santichai Kittibun, I never meant to break up with you." He hit the pavement twice and continued to cry. "Santichai Kittibun, let's get back together, shall we?"