
The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side

After ten years together, Santichai decided to leave Asnee. He moved to Chonburi and found a new job, and he finally forgot about Asnee. During his three-months dating trial relationship with KK, Asnee suddenly appeared in his life. The appearance of Asnee brought him back to those days he tried very hard to forget.

UndyingSoul · LGBT+
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106 Chs

Chapter 31 Very Afraid

It was already evening, and thunder was blooming and a light rain scattering across the sky. KK holds his girlfriend in his arms. He cried and begged, "Please don't leave me. Please don't go."

Hom pulled her hand away from KK's. "Let me go." She grabbed her suitcase.

KK cried and took her hand, "Hom, please stay with me. Please don't leave me." He hugged Hom tightly in his arms.

Hom pulled herself out of KK's embrace. She shouted, "Do you know that I hate you the most, you are fat and ugly, compared to my ex-boyfriend, you are not even half as handsome as my ex-boyfriend." She pushed KK away.

KK quickly took Hom's hand and said, "Hom, I really love you, I will change myself, I will do surgery."

Hom scoffed mockingly, "Forget it, do you really think someone like me would want to sleep with someone like you? The only reason I sleep with you is because of your money." She scoffed. "Honestly, if you don't have money, no one will like you." She yelled in KK's face. "Because you are a fat ugly pig!"

KK was overwhelmed. He didn't know what to think. His mind went blank. He never knew people really hated him. They went out with him just for his money. His lips trembled and he asked, "You asked me out for money? The past we shared doesn't matter to you at all, does it?"

Hom smiled and mocked, "KK, if you are not serious about getting married and having children, I can continue to pretend to love you, but as you plan our future life together more and more seriously, I have to pull myself out." She looked at KK. "I only see you as my casual lover. For me." She pointed to herself. "We're just bedmates."

KK asked, "Why? I really love you. During our time together, did you ever find it in yourself to like me a little bit?"

Hom said, "KK, honestly, dating you was a bet for me and my friends. Do you think ugly fat guys like you and me have a chance. Look at you, then look at me. Do you really believe that people like me are willing to walk around people like you? Do you also believe that I will take you home to meet my family and friends? I do not think so. That's not the only reason I want to break up with you."

Since dating Hom, KK has been faithful to Hom about his life and efforts. He loves home dearly, and he knows deep down that every breath he takes at this moment is for him and Hom. He's not ready to lose Hom, he grabbed Hom's arms and said, "Hom, tell me. I can change. I'll change the way you want me to change. If you think I'm too fat, I go to the gym. If you think my face is ugly, I'll have plastic surgery. The only thing I'm begging you is, don't leave me. "

Hom sighed annoyingly, "I'm sorry you fell so deeply, but I'm different. I don't have you in my future. Also, the conversation between you and your grandfather, I've heard."

KK asked, "What do you mean?"

"You are bi, and it's disgusting to know you're going to like men in the future," Hom said. "Your grandfather is cutting you out of his will, unless you have children. Sorry, I will not allow my good genes to mix with yours."

As KK and Him were talking a car pulled into KK's driveway and a tall, handsome young man came out of the car. The handsome guy stood beside Hom and asked, "Dear, have you broken up with him yet?"

Hom smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but he still won't let me go because he loves me too deeply."

The man picked up Hom's suitcases and walked to the car.

KK looked at Hom and asked, "You've been planning this for a while, haven't you?"

Home, "Yes."

KK asked, "So, is that why you told me to sell the store?"

Hom said, "KK, oh KK, I didn't sell your store, you sell it yourself, and no one forced you to sign those legal documents." She turned and walked away toward the car. KK quickly chased and grabbed on Hom's arm. "Let me go, you weirdo..."

KK begged, "Hom, sell whatever you want, I don't care. Please don't leave me."

The handsome young man got out of the car and punched KK in the left eye. The handsome young man's punch knocked KK to the ground. He spat at KK and said, "Go buy yourself a mirror, take a good look at yourself, before chasing my girlfriend." He smirked. "Again, thank you for the store, the house, and the car." He spat at KK again and walked to the car. He pulled the car out of KK's driveway.

KK rushed into his house, took out all the sleeping pills and started taking them. Just when he felt like closing his eyes, he suddenly thought of his mother. He searched around the bed and found his phone. He dialed his mother's cell phone.

Mrs. Cole picked up her phone when it rang a second time, "KK, what's the matter, dear?"

KK sobbed and said, "Ma...it's over...ma...I love you...thank you for everything you've done for me." KK paused for a moment. "Ma...please forgive me. I'll see my grandfather soon."

Mrs. Cole's heart sank. She shouted, "Hinata Klaew Kla Suwannarat, what are you doing?" She cried. "I'll never forgive you if you have me bury you. Did you hear that, Hinata!"

KK tried very hard to open his mouth, but he felt his body start to relax. He couldn't remember if his lips moved, but he heard himself say, "Ma...I'm sorry."

Mrs. Cole shouted, "Hinata!" She heard a loud thump. "Hinata!" She turned to her husband. "Call an ambulance. Call an ambulance to KK's place."

It was the last word he heard from his mother until he passed out from an overdose. When he woke up again, he was already in the hospital with a heart monitor. He looked around the room and saw his mother, father and stepmother standing by his bed.

Mrs. Cole slapped him hard in the face. She cried out, sobbing, "Are you fully awake now? Are you crazy? I gave you your life, and only God can take your life. You have no right to take your life. You have no right to take your own life, you understand?" She fell on KK's chest. "My beautiful son, you know what, if something happens to you, no one will be more hurt than your mother."

Mrs. Suwannarat took KK's hand, "KK, we know what happened. We don't blame you. We want you to know that we don't blame you." She smiled. "Last night, even your grandfather came."

Mrs. Cole said, "I won't allow him to see you."

KK looked around and realized that no matter what the circumstances, the people who never left him were always his parents. He sobbed, "I'm sorry...I made everyone worry."

(Memory End)

"Sir, your food is ready. Sir?"

KK raised his head, "I'm sorry. Thank you." Just as he was about to leave the cafe, his phone rang. He picked it up. "Hello."

Sarah said, "Pi K, everything went well. They are preparing him and soon he will be transferred to the general ward. After the transfer is completed, someone will come and get you from the waiting room."

KK said, "Thank you."

Sarah said, "If you really want to thank me, take the time to introduce him to me and mom."

KK walks out the door. He looked at the many people walking up and down the street. For the first time, he felt that he could actually see other people's faces. Before, he couldn't remember the people who passed by him, whether they had a face or not.

KK smiled and said, "Who asked you to tell ma about this."

Sarah said, "I allowed myself but now I'm still his doctor, so you better take care of my patient. I hope he gets up and walks in three days and I better not see him miss any physiotherapy class or otherwise I'll pick him up myself. I know where you live."

KK smiled. He sighed, "Are you threatening me now?"

Sarah said, "Not as his doctor, yes, as his sister-in-law."

KK said, "Come to the waiting room.

Sarah, "Why?"

KK said, "I'll get you something to eat."

Sarah teased, "Oh, I thought you were going to take off your shoe and beat me with it for telling mom about your boyfriend." She laughed. "It's okay, I still have a case, and my lovely husband has already brought me food."

KK said, "You and him are not really married yet. Do you think it's too early to call him your husband?"

Sarah said, "No, we would have been married long ago if our schedules weren't too busy, but anyway, the marriage license was signed, the date was set, and the invitations were sent. That man was mine the moment he asked me out."

KK laughed. "Don't have too much self confidence. When it crashes down, it hurts a lot," he teased. He sighed. "Sarah, thank you very much."

Sarah said, "It was you who put that confidence in me. Thank you, Pi, my mom sent me a brother like you when I needed it most." She smiled. "Hey, don't make trouble, I still have a case, I can't be emotionally broken now."

KK smiled and said, "Little doctor, go do a good job." KK hung up the phone and walked back to the hospital. He sat patiently in the lobby until a nurse came out and said, "Family member of Santichai Kittibun."

KK quickly grabbed Santichai's bag and the food. He followed the nurse to Santichai's room. He didn't want Santichai to share a room with another patient, so he paid for a private room.

The nurse said, "Mr. Suwannarat, Mr. Kittibun is still resting, and it may take a while for him to wake up."

KK said, "Thank you."

KK dropped the bag on the sofa and put the food on the table. He pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed. He took Santichai's hand and held it tightly.

Santichai slowly opened his eyes, but he couldn't see anything clearly, but there was warmth coming from his left hand. He opened his mouth slowly, "KK..."

KK stood up, lowered his head, and kissed Santichai's forehead. "I'm here," he whispered.

Santichai closed his eyes and said, "I'm sorry, I really can't see you. I'm afraid to open my eyes, and I'm afraid that you won't be there when I open my eyes."

KK said, "Go back to sleep, when you open your eyes, I will still be here."

Santichai smiled, "Mmm..." He fell asleep again.

KK smiled and said, "You may not know, but that night, when I was at the lowest point in my life and was very afraid, I prayed to my grandfather that if he still wants me to continue living, then he needs to send me a sign. Then I met you. The taste of your tears tells me that the pain I've been through is not even comparable to yours." He kissed Santichai on the forehead. "I made your happiness my main goal in life because it was you, who've saved me that night. Sweet dream, my heavenly sent."

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