
The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side

After ten years together, Santichai decided to leave Asnee. He moved to Chonburi and found a new job, and he finally forgot about Asnee. During his three-months dating trial relationship with KK, Asnee suddenly appeared in his life. The appearance of Asnee brought him back to those days he tried very hard to forget.

UndyingSoul · LGBT+
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106 Chs

Chapter 19 Family Dinner

News of Santichai's new boyfriend arrives and a sudden anger envelopes his heart. He shouted angrily, "What's his name?"

Decha said, "Hinata." He sighed. "Ai Nee, Ai Chai he seems to be very happy now. He asked me to tell you not to disturb him anymore."

Asnee said, "Give me his number."

Decha said, "Ai Nee, I'm all your friends. You know very well that I can't do that. Remember when you ran away from Ai Chai. Even if I really wanted to tell Ai Chai where you were, I had to reject him."

Asnee frowned madly, "Okay. Then tell me where he works."

Decha said, "I can't tell you either, but I can only tell you, look where you send me, and you should start there."

Asnee was not satisfied with the answer Decha gave him. He sighed, "Okay, thanks."

Decha said, "Ai Nee, as a friend, letting Ai Chai leave is the best for you and him."

Asnee hung up, angry and confused. Santichai made it so hard for him, if Santichai wouldn't let him get engaged, he wouldn't have gone in the first place. He entered a number into his phone and pressed the call button.

A woman's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Hello sir, what can I help you with?"

Asnee said, "May, I want you to help me follow someone. I'll send you a photo."

May asked, "Mr. Siriporn, who is going to organize your schedule?"

Asnee said, "You do this first. I want to know where he lives."

May asked, "Is he one of our clients?"

Asnee said, "Yes, he owed the company a lot of money, and he went into hiding. I wanted to go after him. I sent a lot of people to go after him, but he seemed to be able to escape them. If I sent you, he probably wouldn't be too suspicious..." He sends a picture of Santichai to May's phone. "Did you get his picture?"

May said, "Yes, sir."

"The last time we saw him was at HappyCare clinic," Asnee said.

"I understand, but sir, it will take me three hours to get there," May said.

Asnee said, "Take your time. I'm not in a hurry. I'll give you a week to find his address. You can start tomorrow." He hung up, and his phone rang. He looked at the phone line, it was his mother calling. He sighed and picked it up. "Ma."

Mrs. Siriporn said, "Asnee, where are you?"

Asnee said, "I just finished meeting with a client."

Mrs. Siriporn said, "We have dinner tonight."

Asnee asked, "With who?"

Mrs. Siriporn said, "Mr. Chongchit, your future father-in-law invited us to a dinner party to meet some of his close family members."

Asnee said, "Tip didn't tell me."

Mrs. Siriporn said, "Mr. Chongchit just called."

Asnee said, "Okay, I will leave right now."

Because it was Sunday, the clinic cafeteria usually closed at 5 o'clock. When KK walked into the cafeteria, Santichai was sweeping the floor.

KK said, "Santichai."

Santichai raised his head, "Mr. KK."

KK frowned madly, "What did you just call me?"

Santichai cleared his throat and said, "KK, what are you doing here? I thought you had left already."

KK said, "I went to review some x-ray pictures with Doctor Lin." He looked at Santichai. "Santichai, I asked if you would like to have dinner with my parents."

Santichai stopped sweeping and looked at KK. He said, "KK, I'm sorry I'm uncomfortable going. We just agreed on a three-month dating try out. We haven't officially dated yet. I hope we take our time. Also, I hope you keep our relationship private for now."

KK smiled and said, "I see."

Santichai said, "I hope you don't get angry."

KK said, "I'm not. You want me to keep it a secret because you're afraid of ruining my reputation, am I right?"

Santichai nodded.

KK smiled at Santichai and said, "Thank you for being so considerate. Can I accompany my parents to dinner?"

Santichai said, "You don't need to ask me?"

KK said, "I like to be open with the person I'm seeing, and since we were dating, I don't like to keep secrets from you. If you want me to do something differently, you have to let me know, okay?"

Santichai said, "Mmm."

KK said, "Santichai, you will call me Hinata from now on."

Santichai asked, "Why?"

KK said, "Because no one other than my mother has called me Hinata since my grandparents died." He smiled at Santichai.

Santichai said, "Okay."

KK smiled and said, "I'll call you later." He looked left and right, and quickly kissed Santichai on the forehead. "Bye bye."

KK doesn't mind eating with the whole family, but he doesn't know many of his father's relatives very well. Tonight, for the family dinner portion of dinner, they were invited by his aunt and her husband, the Wongsawat family. KK sees them from time to time, but he has no real connection with them. It appears that the Chongchit family was also invited, because the Chongchit is a relative of his aunt's husband. Three years ago, he and Tipkamol went on a blind date, but he found out they had nothing in common, so he decided not to go on a second date. Then last year he was invited to her engagement party, but he didn't go.

KK entered the room, and everyone was already seated at the table. Dussadi walked up to him and said, "Pi sits here." She pulled KK to sit between her and Laddawan.

Mrs. Chongchit said, "Klaew Kla, these are my in-laws." She smiled. "This is our nephew, Klaew Kla Suwannarat."

Mrs. Siriporn smiled and said, "That's the one you keep telling me about?"

Mrs. Chongchit said, "Yes, the second young master of the Suwannarat family."

Mrs. Siriporn looked at KK and said, "I'm glad you didn't decide to marry Tipkamol. Otherwise, my son would not have the chance to meet Tipkamol."

KK said, "We are not meant for each other."

Mrs. Siriporn said, "Oh, this is my daughter Ratana, this is my son Asnee."

KK nodded with a smile, "Nice to meet you all."

Mrs. Siriporn said, "We met twice but you were very busy."

KK said, "Sorry, I didn't recognize you."

Mrs. Siriporn said, "Mr. Suwannarat, it's alright."

KK said, "Auntie, just call me Klaew Kla like everyone else."

Mrs. Siriporn smiled and said, "Then I'll call you by your first name."

KK said, "It's alright, since you are my elder."

"Mrs. Chongchit talks a lot about how successful you are, and I admire how competent such a young man can be," said Mr. Siriporn. He smiled. "You are not much older than my son, please help advise him in the future."

KK looked at Asnee and said, "If there is anything you need help, please let me know, and if I can help, I will try to help."

Asnee said, "Thank you, Pi Klaew Kla."

KK said, "Call me KK."

Asnee said, "Then I'll call you that."

Asnee stood up and stretched out his hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you today. I'm a newcomer. I'll be seeking for your opinion in the future."

KK stood up and shook hands with Asnee.

When grandfather Suwannarat walked into the backyard with Kittichat, the laughter of those around the table stopped. Grandfather Suwannarat smiled and said, "Today the whole family is here, what a surprise." He stared at KK frantically.