
The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side

After ten years together, Santichai decided to leave Asnee. He moved to Chonburi and found a new job, and he finally forgot about Asnee. During his three-months dating trial relationship with KK, Asnee suddenly appeared in his life. The appearance of Asnee brought him back to those days he tried very hard to forget.

UndyingSoul · LGBT+
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106 Chs

Chapter 104 Why Regret?

The sound of talking in the restaurant echoed throughout the small restaurant. Sitting at a round table were Santichai, Asnee, Decha and Mr. and Mrs. Siriporn. The six people sat quietly at the table without speaking, and the waiter brought the dishes to the round table.

Decha looked around the table and saw the tense faces of Asnee and the Siriporn couple. He smiled and said, "Let's have lunch first. I know everyone has been busy since morning, so everyone must be hungry. It's not good to talk on an empty stomach."

Mr. Siriporn picked up his silverware and said, "Frank is right, let's eat first."

"We don't have to pretend," Asni said with a sigh. He looked at Decha, then at his parents. "Frank, thank you for trying to help us, but this relationship between me and my parents is too toxic to fix. After lunch, Santichai and I will be heading back to Chonburi." He looked at his parents. "You have the right not to like what I like, but you have no right to force me to like what you like. If one day you need me, I will fulfill my responsibility as your son." He suddenly lost his appetite. He stood up. "Frank, you know where to find me." He looked at Santichai and grabbed Santichai's hand. "Let's go home."

Mrs. Siriporn stood up suddenly and said, "Asnee, ma...sorry."

Asnee turned to look at Mrs. Siriporn, "I forgive you."

Mrs. Siriporn grabbed Asnee's arm. She begged, "Asnee, don't leave."

Asnee said, "Ma... you and me, we both need time to reflect on our mistakes," Asnee said, shaking off Mrs. Siriporn's hand. "I'll never forget the way home. I'll visit you when I can." He kissed his mother's forehead. "Take care of yourself."

Mrs. Siriporn sobbed softly. "Asnee, don't leave," she sobbed.

Asnee put his arm around Santichai's shoulders, and they left the restaurant. Mrs. Siriporn watched in despair. Decha stood up and hugged Mrs. Siriporn.

Decha comforted, "Auntie, give Asnee some time. When he is ready, I believe he will come back."

Mrs. Siriporn was sobbing in Decha's arms. "I know he's still mad at me. It's my own fault that my son despises me."

Mr. Siriporn stood up and patted Mrs. Siriporn on the shoulder lightly. "It's my fault too. I'm more worried about other people's gossip than trying to understand and accept him for who he is," he said sadly.

Mrs. Siriporn turned and hugged Mr. Siriporn. "Khun pi, I'm so sorry for being the reason that drifting our son away from us."

Santichai, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked into Asnee's tearing eyes. He stretched out his left hand to wipe away the tears on Asnee's eyes. He asked, "Do you regret it?"

Asnee asked, "Regret what?"

Santichai said, "Regret that we met? Regret that we fell in love?"

Asnee said, "I don't regret it." He looked at Santichai and smiled. "But I do have two regrets?"

Santichai asked, "What is it?"

Asnee scoffed and smiled. "When I first broke up with you back then, I regretted it. I regretted that I hid my underground fights from you, which caused mistrust and misunderstanding between us. If I could go back in time, I would go back to that day when you return my sweater to me and instead of chasing you back to the classroom, I would stay and continue chatting."

Santichai asked, "Why did you choose that day?"

Asnee said, "If I hadn't chased you and kissed you that day, you wouldn't have had to suffer so much. Maybe now, you would happily marry a certain woman and live a peaceful life." He sighed. "What about you? Do you regret it?"

Santichai looked at Asnee and smiled. He stretched out his left hand and stroked Asnee's right cheek. "I don't have any regrets." Asnee reached out to hold Santichai's left hand. "Although sometimes I think that if I go back in time, I will not agree to be your boyfriend, but it turns out that I am deluding myself." He stretched and rested his head on Asnee's right shoulder. "I thank you for bringing me joy and tears, otherwise my life would be as meaningless as a dry well."

Asnee kissed Santichai on the forehead. "Shall we go home?"

Santichai smiled, "Mmm... let's go home." He kissed Asnee on the cheek, stretched out his hand to fasten Asnee's seat belt, and then fastened his own seat belt. "We're going to the grocery market to get some groceries before we go home."

"Of course," Asnee said, pulling the car on the road.

Santichai said, "With your sprain ankle, why insist on driving us back to Chonburi?"

Asnee laughed, "It's an automatic car. I don't need two feet to drive." He took a quick look at Santichai and hit the road again. "I'm thinking we should grow our own vegetables."

Santichai asked, "Is the climate at our home suitable for growing vegetables?"

Asnee smiled, "Of course."

Santichai asked, "What do you want to grow?"

Asnee smiled and said, "I've done some research. We live far from town, so I've decided we should grow our own vegetables. Well... like potatoes, tomatoes, peas, lettuce and cabbage."

"It sounds like a lot of work," Santichai said.

"It does, but I'll make it part of my workout," Asnee said.

Santichai and Asnee chat happily as they drive along the highway to Chonburi province.

Sitting in KK's office, Danya looked at all the signed contracts, and found that among the many contracts in the folder, the contract Santichai signed was not among them. He walked up to KK and put the folder on the desk. He looks at KK frantically.

KK looked up and said, "What's with that face?"

Danya frowned, "Why isn't Santichai's contract in this folder?"

KK said, "I shred it."

Danya's jaw dropped. "You what?" he said frantically. "I worked really hard to get Santichai to agree to sign that contract. You shred without consulting me. The project starts next week. I already arranged everything."

KK said, "You force Santichai to sign that contract. Do you still have the face to speak? If you want me to approve this project, you'd better sign another contract with Santichai."

Danya said, "You tell me that I control the project."

KK said, "I did, but it doesn't mean you get to make the final call."

Danya hissed at KK and walked out of KK's office madly.

In the hallway, Danya took out his phone and called Decha, but Decha didn't answer. He called Decha again, and finally after the tenth call, Decha finally answered.

Decha frowned, "What? I'm busy now."

Danya said, "I need Santichai's phone number right now."

Decha said, "I don't have it. The last time I saw Santichai was five weeks ago."

Danya asked, "Then how can I get a hold of Santichai?"

"I'm ready."

Danya asked quickly, "Who is that? Where are you?"

Decha said, "I'm busy right now. I'll call you back."

Danya said, "I need it ASAP."

Decha said, "Okay." Decha hung up and smiled at Laddawan. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

Laddawan smiled and said, "Who is that?"

Decha said with a smile, "That's my brother."

"I can wait for you to finish talking with him. There is no need to hang up on him," Laddawan said politely.

"I don't want to hear him complain about KK," Decha said.

Laddawan smiled softly, "Personally, I think Pi K and nong Dan are a good match for each other."

Decha approached Laddawan and said softly, "What about us? Do you think we are suitable?"

Laddawan teased, "Khun Dudar, I don't know you very well yet."

"I'm not kidding," Decha laughed, reaching out to take Laddawan's hand. "Khun Meechai, date me."

Laddawan blushed and said shyly, "Nowadays is this easy to ask someone on a date?"

Decha laughed and joked, "You don't know." Both Laddawan and Decha laughed. "Don't be too picky."

"I'm afraid I have too many bad habits for you to bear," Laddawan said.

Decha asked, "Like what?"

Laddawan said "I put a lot of effort into my work. I'm a workaholic. I get angry easily. I'm an only child to my parents, so I can be needy at times. I don't like leaving unresolved issues overnight."

Decha said, "I also have my bad habits. For example: I am more likely to be late, not romantic, and give a lot to the people around me. Many of my exes left me because they felt that I didn't have time for them."

Laddawan said with a smile "I have no problem with it. I also give a lot to the people around me. Although I haven't dated many people in the past, and no one has complained to me about this issue, I do feel that the person who qualifies to be my boyfriend needs to be very patient and trust me with his heart."

Decha said, "I think the same as you. Also, I want to tell you that I value my friends and family very much, so sometimes I may be unreasonable when it comes to them."

"I can accept it. I hope you don't regret it later," Laddawan said.

Decha said confidently, "No regrets. If you can accept my bad habits, I can accept yours." He smiled at Laddawan. "Then, will you be my girlfriend?"

Laddawan nodded with a smile.