
The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side

After ten years together, Santichai decided to leave Asnee. He moved to Chonburi and found a new job, and he finally forgot about Asnee. During his three-months dating trial relationship with KK, Asnee suddenly appeared in his life. The appearance of Asnee brought him back to those days he tried very hard to forget.

UndyingSoul · LGBT+
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106 Chs

Chapter 103 Back Where We Started

Decha and the Siriporn rushed through the gate of the hospital. Decha and the Siriporn went straight to the registration area.

Decha asked, "Where is the person who was sent in just now?"

Mrs. Siriporn asked through tears, "Is this man dead or alive?"

One of the staff asked, "What is your relationship with the patient?"

Mrs. Siriporn said, "I am his mother."

The staff grabbed a doctor who rushed from the operating room. "Doctor, these are the patient's family members."

"We rushed to this hospital when we heard the suicide individual was alive. Is he okay?" Decha asked.

The doctor looked at Decha and the Siriporns and sighed. He sadly said, "Sorry, we did what we could. The patient will be transferred to the mortuary. One of the nursing staff will come get you to see the patient before he is transferred."

Mrs. Siriporn sobbed into Mr. Siriporn's arm. "Khun pi, my son is dead. Our son is dead."

Decha tearfully hugged the Siriporn couple. Just as he was holding the Siriporns in his arms to comfort them, he heard Santichai's voice, "Don't act recklessly next time. You are lucky and only get two stitches."

Asnee said, "Okay, next time or until I have more strength on my left side, I won't be loading again. It's partly your fault. Why bring everything?"

Santichai said, "You know that your left leg is weak, but you still insist on uploading the box. If you wait a few minutes, I can handle it myself."

Asnee said, "Alright, stop complaining already."

Decha looked up to see Santichai pushing a man towards the front door.

"You're lucky, the MRI scan came out fine," Santichai said.

Decha pulled his arm away from the Siriporns and shouted, "Ai Chai!"

Santichai stopped the wheelchair and turned to look at Decha. "Frank?"

Decha looked at Santichai madly and shouted, "You..." He gritted his teeth and rushed over and grabbed Santichai's collar. "You... I told you that if you don't love Ai Nee anymore, you shouldn't go back to him. "Why? Why?"

Santichai struggled to break free from Decha's control. "Ai Frank, let go of me," Santichai struggled.

As Santichai and Decha struggled, Santichai's back pushed the wheelchair a little away from them. Asnee stood up slowly from the wheelchair, and saw Decha was grabbing Santichai's collar. He hopped over, grabbed Decha's hand, and pushed Decha away from Santichai.

Facing Decha, Asnee shouted angrily, "Ai Frank, are you crazy? Why are you pulling Santichai's collar like this?"

Decha stared at Asnee, whose left foot was wrapped. With tears in his eyes, he chuckled and rushed over to hug Asnee. "Mung... I thought you were dead."

The Siriporns rushed forward to meet Asnee.

Mrs. Siriporn took Asnee's arm and wept. "Asnee," she cried. "I thought you were dead."

Asnee said, "Frank, let me sit first, my left side has begun to go numb." Santichai pushed the wheelchair back and Asnee sat down. He looked up at Decha. "What's going on?" he asked.

Mrs. Siriporn knelt down and took Asnee's hand. She burst into tears, "We thought you killed yourself?"

"You called to say goodbye," Decha said, hitting Asnee in the chest. "How dare you thought of suicide?"

"I'm thinking about it, but I have no plan to follow through with it," Asnee said.

Decha said, "Why do you look like this?"

"Oh, this ... I was trying to load a box into the car, and I fell down and hit my forehead on the back of the car and sprained my left ankle," Asnee said, pushing his hair to one side. "I got two stitches."

Mrs Siriporn said, "Since you are fine, let's go home."

"Khun nai Siriporn, Asnee and I will go to our home in Chonburi," said Santichai.

Mrs. Siriporn stood up suddenly and said frantically, "Chai, where my son goes is none of your business."

Santichai looked at the Siriporn couple and said, "Khun nai and Khun Siriporn, I hope you two will abide by our agreement. If one day, Asnee finds me, you two will have to accept the relationship between Asnee and me."

(Three Hours Earlier)

From that day on since he signed the contract, Santichai packed all his bags. This is the only place he can think of to stay and hope Asnee will find him, but since he has to move out of here, he can't think of any other place to wait for Asnee other than returning to his adoptive parents' old house. He was sobbing softly in bed when he saw someone standing outside looking at the flowerpot. Looking at the back of the person through the gap in the blinds, he immediately knew that the person standing in front of him was none other than Asnee.

Santichai walked out of the room quickly and approached Asnee slowly. He really wanted to rush over to hug Asnee, but because Asnee was too close to the railing, he was afraid that his actions would bring danger to Asnee.

Santichai stood not too far from Asnee, and said softly, "Asnee..."

Asnee thought he had heard wrong, and slowly turned around. He saw Santichai standing a few steps away from him, smiling with tears in his eyes.

"Asnee," Santichai said softly.

Asnee rushed forward and hugged Santichai. "Chai...," Asnee sobbed. "Are you real or a mirage?"

Santichai stretched out his arms and hugged Asnee tightly. He sobbed violently and buried his face in Asnee's chest. "I thought you'd given up on me," he cried.

Asnee hugged Santichai tightly and kissed Santichai on the forehead. "I couldn't wait for you at home to come back with my breakfast, so I decided to come to you."

Santichai sobbed and said, "I'm sorry. I... I don't know where to go. I thought I would stay here and wait for you, and sooner or later you would come to me."

"I shouldn't have known right away that you had been here all this time. It was my fault," Asnee said. "I'm to be blamed. He tightened his arms around Santichai. "You're so heartless. You left me a note saying you'd be right back. I waited for three days and didn't eat anything. I thought if I didn't eat anything, you would come back."

Santichai said, "Let's go in."

Asnee followed Santichai into their old apartment. In the room, everything is exactly the same as before except the bed and sofa are new.

"Everything here is still the same," Asnee said with a smile. He walked slowly to the sofa and sat down. He saw no TV on the coffee table. "Where's the TV?"

Santichai came back from the kitchenette and handed Asnee a bottle of water. "I didn't really have time to watch TV, so I decided not to get one."

Asnee sighed and said, "Chai, I shouldn't have known you would be waiting for me here." He looked around the room. "Although you didn't tell me in person, I always knew in my heart that you have always felt happy in this place." He smiled. "And this place is also where you suffer the most." He pulled Santichai into his arm. "In the future, no matter where you go, don't forget to take me with you."

Santichai put his arms around Asnee's waist, "Mmm..." he raised his head and kissed Asnee's left cheek. "But, we have to move out of this old place."

Asnee asked, "Why?"

"I just sold the place to Frank's brother," Santichai said.

Asnee was confused. "Frank's brother." He suddenly remembered that today was the engagement banquet of KK and Danya. "Oh...damn..." He suddenly laughed.

Santichai asked, "What's the matter?"

"I was going to Frank's brother's engagement party, but I decided to take a road trip down memory lane," Asnee says, laughing. "Guess who the groom is?"

Santichai asked, "Who?"

Asnee said, "KK."

Santichai sat up suddenly and looked at Asnee. "KK is getting engaged to Frank's younger brother?" he asked in surprise.

Asnee asked irritably "Why are you so surprised? You are not happy that he is engaged to someone else?"

Santichai smiled at Asnee and rested his head on Asnee's left shoulder. "Asnee, do you have to be so jealous?"

"The way you mentioned his name is so annoying," Asnee said.

Santichai said, "I was surprised because I finally understood why Frank's brother tricked me into signing the contract. He did it to help KK."

After so many years, Asnee clearly knows that Santichai is not attractive to anyone else but him, but he still doesn't like Santichai to say good things about others in front of him. "I'm hungry," he said suddenly. "I haven't eaten since yesterday."

Santichai said, "I don't have anything at home. I'm preparing to move. Let's go downstairs to eat at Pi Mai's vendor stall. I also need to tell her that I will not be working for her anymore."

Asnee said, "After dinner, let's go home." He stood up, grabbed the bigger duffel bag, and put it on his shoulders. "You took the box and the little duffel bag."

Santichai smiled. "I can take both."

Asnee said, "It's too heavy."

Santichai said, "If it's too heavy, I can do two trips."

Asnee said, "There's no need for two trips."

Santichai smiled and said, "Okay... I'll get the box." He grabbed the smaller duffel bag, carried it on his shoulder, and grabbed the box. "Let's go."

Santichai walked to the door and turned to look at the small room. He turned to look at Asnee overjoyed. He always wanted to leave here with Asnee, but back then, Asnee left him here alone for several months, and even after they reconciled, Asnee hired a moving company to move his stuff to Asnee's condor without showing up.

Asnee asked, "Why are you smiling so brightly?"

Santichai walked out the door and Asnee closed the door behind them. "At that time, I always wanted to leave here with you."

Asnee asked, "Why?"

Santichai said, "Because when we first moved in, it was the happiest day of my life. In this small place, we shared our sufferings, dreams, laughter and sorrows together."

Asnee smiled and said, "Let's go."

Santichai smiled and walked in front of Asnee while Asnee walked slowly behind. "Sorry to keep you waiting for this day," he said to himself.

Santichai turned around and asked, "Huh? Did you say something?"

Asnee laughed, "I just said, I'm going to miss this place."