
The Grand Mutants

In a world forever altered by the captivating dance of the Auroras, the very essence of the planet stirs, unleashing a long-dormant force known as mana. As this mystical energy surges through the Earth, a group of six ordinary 16-year-olds find themselves thrust into an extraordinary destiny. Richard, a rising soccer star known for his skill and determination; Sarah, blessed with beauty like a model and born into immense wealth; and Maxwell, a playboy with a physique that captures every woman's dream. Little do they know, their fates are intertwined with three others. As the planet's chosen protectors, these teenagers must shoulder the immense burden of becoming its pillars and shield against enigmatic extraterrestrial beings that threaten humanity's very existence. Alongside their newfound powers linked to the awakened mana, they also grapple with personal struggles, doubts, and fears that come with the responsibility they've been given. United by a shared sense of destiny, they embark on a heart-pounding journey filled with epic battles, unexpected alliances, and profound self-discovery. Each must learn to harness their unique strengths and work together as a team, forming unbreakable bonds that will shape their lives forever. As the threat from beyond the stars intensifies, the world looks to these six extraordinary teenagers for hope. Will they rise to the challenge, embracing their destinies as protectors of humanity? Or will the weight of this monumental task crush their spirits and fracture their unity? Brimming with magic, courage, and the timeless struggle between good and evil, this gripping tale of cosmic awakening and personal transformation will leave readers spellbound. Join Richard, Sarah, Maxwell and the team as they navigate the challenges of adolescence while being thrust into an adventure that will change them, and the world, forever. Prepare to be enthralled by this coming-of-age story, where ordinary teenagers become extraordinary heroes and discover the true power that lies within themselves.

Praiz_Official · Romance
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16 Chs

Race Against Time

"Nebulus, how are we doing?" a man draped in a silver robe at the helm of an escaping space ship asked as the ship shook violently on receiving impact from a strike of the ships in pursuit: "Sir, we have gotten rid of the Omnicuts but the shadow guard is still hot on our tail" the man at the center of the ship displaying a hologram of the entire structure:

"Integrity 50 percent" the monotonic voice of the super computer rang out "damn it, Jennifer I know that" the man responded again "Nebulus, how long before we can make the next hyper jump?" the man asked again, "Sir, I would say two minutes or three" he responded as he dialed away some digits on the electronic hologram of a keyboard;

"Then make that a minute,," the man said as he stood up and activated his bracelet as he put on his battle outfit;

"But sir" Nebulus tried to interfere as he knew it was extremely dangerous but was interrupted,

"I don't care, just do it,," the man said in a very serious voice "Jennifer, re-route eighty percent of the remaining power to attack mode and connect it to my suit"

"Sir I would highly advice against such desperate maneuvers" the monotonic voice rang out again;

"Thank you for the advice, but do as I say. Looks like I would need to remind them that I am still Lord Raiden of Org" he said as he walked to the front of the ship, wires came and connected to parts of his battle suits as he became one with the ship, and and the ship became his body as his mind became the mind of the ship. "Even though I hate doing this but I need us to escaAuroAurora must not get to their possession ever" he said as he started to maneuver the ship as though it were his body, destroying two as he diverted the ship expertly. He fired off lasers of various colors as they rained down damage, but that didn't stop him from taking damage, as thirty seconds into the battle he coughed up blood, that didn't seem to stop flowing. Seeing his master, Raiden, gritting his teeth in pain he knew it might lead to damage that would take a long time to heal Nebulus began typing away faster,

"Integrity, 10 percent, entering emergency mode", Jennifer said as the whole ship began beeping with bright red light as the alarms blared.

"Jennifer, don't do anything stupid"


Raiden struggled to say as he spat out a handful of blood once more;

"But sir, using more of this would disrupt your core, and that isn't even curable across the galaxies" Jennifer responded.

"Hyper Jump in t minus 20 seconds brace yourselves" Nebulus announced grandly as he ran to the side of Raiden to hold him as the wires disconnected "Jennifer, shift all the power to our escape," Raiden said as he leaned on Nebulus on the floor. The ship turned into a streak of light as it powered through space but theships chasing was not done as they kept up;

"Hyperjump in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, hyper jump initiated" the monotonic voice of Jennifer rang out again as the ship went into a hyper jump, space seemed to bend as they traveled millions of light years in an instant.


The ship appeared with a shock as it ended its hyper jump. Nebulus quickly looked to the window as he saw debris and space rocks floating around. Everywhere seemed as calm as a lake as he didn't cite any of the people pursuing them behind any more "phew, looks like this last hyper jump got rid of the last ones, but we aren't without our damage" he said as he looked at the hologram that showed broken engines and deformed faces of metal on the body. Shaking his head, he placed Raiden on the stretcher bed that enclosed him with a golden light;

"Cough, Jennifer where are we" Raiden said as he spat out some more blood;

"Sir you need to rest, we are far enough to gain a few days of rest, in that period you should be healed completely" Nebulus said as he cleaned Raiden;

"You don't understand, every moment we waste is a moment they would use to catch up and locate us" Raiden said with conviction;

"But sir your life" Nebulus tried to convince his stubborn boss once more;

"Isn't as important as the Auroras" Raiden said;

"Sirs, we are at the outer perimeter of a primitive galaxy, the Milky way galaxy. The most evolved and developed planet here is called Earth whose highest intelligent beings are homo sapiens. It is a relatively young planet as its closet star is barely some million years old" Jennifer answered to the relief of Raiden.

"If that's the case, it would be a third-rate planet who are not even privileged to travel and explore space. This would be the ideal planet for the council to easily conquer but it would help us to hide away better" Raiden said as Nebulus went to look at the planet rotating in a hologram format as he spun the globe around "Nebulus prepare Jennifer to disperse the Auroras, even though it would be violent it can't be helped" Raiden said as a box rose an opened revealing six colored balls laid in two rows;

"But sir, it is expected that we go down to pick the candidate host as if it gets attached to a wrong host then it would be calamitous, we do not even have a way to track them once they merge unless they utilize their power and if they do that everyone would know as well. That aside, due to the energies, how sure are we that the planet can hold the entry surge of the Auroras" Nebulus said.

"Hahaha, Nebulus you are so perfect in everything but your only flaw is that you are too logical, sometimes you just have to have a little faith and leave it up to fate. Besides the wills of the Auroras should be strong enough by now to pick suitable hosts, so just relax, it would be fine" Raiden said as he closed his eyes to rest.

Hearing this speech, Nebulus pulled out the balls with care as he placed them in a spherical container "Jennifer, use as much accuracy to the nearest hundred as possible to shoot these Auroras that they do not even shift a degree off the mark" he said

"Of course, sir" she replied as a tube-like container encase the balls and the force within causing it to spin round at high speeds as it was shut out in a whit beam of light to the planet, Earth.


On Earth, there was a loud explosion heard all round as in some places tremors were felt, the balls entered the atmosphere and the six colors dispersed with the lives of six distinct people change forever.

I began this book sometime ago as the first two volumes has been completed, I want you to join me on this ride.


After chapter 10 the next chapters would only be released after 5 reviews, you know, to help the book grow.

Praiz_Officialcreators' thoughts