
The Grand Heist

Jason was just an ordinary everyday construction site worker, he had no goals in life and had no expectations. He just planned to live a simple life with his mother, until one day something unexpected happened. He doesn't know if it was fate or if it was just a coincidence, but one thing he knew for sure was that it changed his life completely. Join him as he goes through the trials of his life and unmask the mysterys surrounding him. Watch as he carried out one of the greatest heists ever recorded in history. NB: This is my first time writing a book, so the wording might not be good at the start but will progress as time goes by.

larry_prince · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs


I woke up feeling dizzy, my head felt so light that it felt as though I was floating on clouds.

After stabilizing my self, I realized I was in room were everywhere was white, and I was laying on the floor and by my side was chuck, who was still probably unconscious. It looks like he was dreaming about something from his murmuring.

I moved closer to get what he was saying only to discover him murmuring.

"Burgers, mmhh so delicious ".

I pulled back speechless

"This guy can still dream about food at a time like this" I thought amused.

Even chuck was poor, he still ate a lot, he doesn't miss out in eating any of the meals of the day. He eats so much that sometimes I worry about him, and that's what gave him his round shape. So I wasn't really surprised that he was dreaming about food right now.

"Hey chuck, Get up".

I said tugging him, trying to wake him up.

"N..o, mor..e sle..ep".

I sighed thinking ' I'm sure this idiot can sleep through an earthquake'.

"Hey chuck!!! Get up there's a spider on your face".

I yelled as loud as I could in his ear.

"Ahhhhhh!!!. Where? get it off, get it off".

He sprang from the floor screaming like a baby who had been deprived of his milk.

"Hahahaha, dude relax I was just playing with you".

He stopped screaming  and turned to look at me confused, he seemed to surprised to see me.

"Hey Jason, what are you doing here".

He said clearly confused about my sudden appearance, then he looked around the room and frowned.

"And more importantly, what am I doing here".

I face palmed myself and looked at him helplessly. It looked like he doesn't remember what happened to us. This guy just keeps on surprising me.

Just as I was about to explain what happened, he looked as though he was struck by lightning. Spreading his eyes wide open, he screamed.

"Ahhh!!, Jason, they're going to kill us, it's all my fault I shouldn't have taken the money".

And all of a sudden he jumped on me started sobbing on my shirt. Speechless, I stared at him thinking of what to do with this grown baby. Sometimes I wonder if he is really a man or a woman.

I Pat his back trying to console him and get him off my shirt before he starts wiping his nose with it.

"Hey, hey, it isn't your fault okay, no one knew the owners of the money were going to come for the money with guns. Instead of crying, just calm and let's think of a way out of this okay. We can just tell them that even though we saw the money and took it, we never intended to use it. Maybe they might let us go if we promise to keep quiet about the whole incident".

I said remembering the conversation the owners of the money had in the car.

That seemed to have consoled him. He lifted his head and said while sniffling.

"Your right, let's just pray they listen to what we say".

Just as he was talking, we heard the sound of the doors opening and in came two people. It was hard to tell their gender from the way they were dressed. From head to toe they wore black tights fitting soldier clothes and boots. They had masks covering their whole faces. And they had stitched to their right pocket BMO. The part that scared me the most was the fact that they were both a carrying guns, and Even though I don't know much about guns, from how big they looked I knew all it will take to send me to heaven was a single shot.

They walked in wordlessly and  moved towards us, picked us up  by the arm and pulled us out as though they were lifeless creatures being controlled by someone .

They draged us out of the room and into a brightly lit corridor which was unsurprisingly white as well. I glanced at chuck and he looked really scared. I just smiled at him to reassure him that everything is going to be fine, but who was going to reassure me, because I was scared shitless as well.

We kept walking forward the seemingly endless corridor until we finally arrived at a door which I supposed was an elevator. We got into it and it just started moving automatically as though feeling our presence.

After moving for awhile, we got off the elevator and we entered into what looks like a receptionist area of a company, which was thankfully not in white this time. We kept on walking until we reached an enormous double sided door and On it was written the letters BMO.

I already felt the heavy pressure coming from behind those doors. I knew our fate were going to be decided behind those doors.

When we arrived at the door, the two people stopped moving and just stood by the door. Chuck and I exchange glances wondering what's going on. Just when I thought something was wrong the doors 'magically' opened slowly.

We were pushed inside the room, and what came to view made me confused.The Inside of the room just looked like those modern office I saw on TV sometimes. It had a big round table at the center and chairs surrounding it.

And from what I could see every single one of the chairs had someone in it, and There should be about thirty chairs in total.

When we stepped into the room no one paid attention to us. It looked like they were in the middle of an argument.

"I'm telling you guys this, if we don't take action now we're not going to get another opportunity".

The man who spoke was a short bald man who looked really mad right now. he reminded me of the penguin from the Batman movie.

"Mr Vincent is right, we can't waste time any longer. our enemies are already on the move".

Supported another member.

And a few more people voiced out their own speeches of acceptance.

"Please everyone calm down. I know your desperate for results, but we can't just act rashly and face the consequences later".

The one who spoke this time was an old man who looked calm and collected. His chair was a little different from the others, so I guessed he must be the head of the meeting.

"The President is right, we can't just act rashly. We need to stay low for a while, the FBI are already on to us so It wouldn't be wise to show ourselves out in the open again".

Said a young man with glasses. He seems to be the only young one at the table.

"Nonsense!!! stay low for a while my foot. since when did we, the BLUE MOON ORGANIZATION start staying low. So what if the FBI are on to us what can they do, they have guns so do we, so I don't get why we have to be scared of them. Look if you people are not willing to take action, I will."

Barked the 'Mr Vincent' before storming out of the room in anger not even paying any attention to chuck and I.

A few persons also followed him out Clearly in support of him.

Whe almost half of the room was empty, the man with glasses said.

" Mr President, we need to stop them before they do something silly. Mr Vincent doesn't even listen to you anymore, this is disrespecting you as the president. We've got to put an end to this".

The man addressed as president just sighed and shook his head.

"Let them be for now, I'll try talking to Vincent when he's temper has gone down".

Then out of nowhere he turned, looked at me and smiled.

I was caught off guard and just stood there motionlessly even forgetting to breath.

After starring at me for a while he said in a playful tone.

"Mr Alexander Jason prince it's finally nice to meet you".

Jason: (•  •)

I just stood there petrified

"How in the world does this man know my name".

If you find any errors, please notify me

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