

Earth year 2040 - A poisonous wasteland population dwindled down to less than one billion worldwide. Many believed global warming was a myth, that the human race could never destroy its own planet. By 2030, that myth became a reality. Plainly referred to as the Second Great Depression, the 30's became an important turning point for man kind. As each day passed by, each of Earth's retaliation methods grew in strength. Fires burned across the planet, killing all precious resources in its path. Even as far North as Alaska, these flames burned on for years. Trees and most other plant life quickly became a rarity, something you would include in a child's bedtime story. As the planet grew hotter, all coastline cities, states, and even entire countries were now underwater. So many refused to leave their homes, millions died within a year. By 2035 the planet turned into a pressure cooker. Temperatures at the equator never fell below 160 degrees Fahrenheit, somedays rising all the way up to a toasty 200 degrees. All people and wildlife in these regions quickly died off. Only those in the most Northern regions could survive. Countries around the world enforced a strict curfew during the Spring and Summer months, absolutely no one was permitted to leave their homes during the day. Even on the cloudiest of days, the heat was too much to handle, too much of a risk. There was no longer any snow, even Antarctica quickly melted back into the Oceans, all bare land now completely underwater. In 2038, Earth's survivors experienced their last day of rain. By 2040 Carbon dioxide levels were too high, only a small percentage of the air around them was Oxygen. It was no longer safe to leave the house without a mask, a gas mask in which many simply could not afford. The air was toxic, burning the skin of those willing to take the risk, and killing off the rest of the worlds mammals and birds. With absolutely no livestock or vegetation, most of the world began to starve to death while others were willing to fight to the death for a simple can of beans.

Governments around the world fell, they could no longer control the situation. With laws becoming a thing of the past, the world was now a free for all. Crime rates rose drastically, people were willing to do anything to survive. Some killed for food, a select few fully prepared for such a situation went into hiding protecting their resources at all costs, and a select few began resorting to cannibalism. No one wanted to die, but most began to lose hope. With the world spun out of order, there was no way to fix this. The planet was dying and dragging the human race down with it. The few scientists left on the planet scrambled to find a solution. Anything was better than dying, even if only a select few were able to survive. After a year of pure anarchy, a new virus began to spread from person to person. Some believed it was created by the planet, punishing them for the destruction they've caused. Others believed the governments planned to use it as a bioweapon, releasing it before they fell.

There was no official name for the virus, it was referred to as the Red Death. Spread by blood or saliva, the virus began to kill off the rest of the survivors one by one, turning the infected into blood thirsty mutant creatures. They were completely blind, eyes a ghostly white, skin bright red as if it were chemically burnt off. The used the faintest of sounds and vibrations to hunt and kill their prey. Millions were killed and brought back by the infection within a week. By the beginning of 2041, the world population was entirely unknown. The few survivors left believed they were the only ones left on Earth. All hope was lost, until a new transmission was broadcast introducing a new organization known as The Government.

The group was a complete mystery, only revealing a few vague details about themselves. Claiming to be consisted of the last of the worlds scientists, doctors, and respected world leaders, their message was to hold onto hope. Hope would be the key to surviving long enough to be welcomed into the new world. A new world with no infection, no crime, clean air and water, and plenty of food and resources. The planet was dead, it was hard to believe such claims. The few survivors left refused to trust it, believing in a false prophet would get them all killed.

Nothing could save them now. Making it to another day was an accomplishment in itself. The goal was to survive each day until the planet would eventually kill them all, leaving a lifeless rock floating in space. With conditions growing more toxic and the infected running free, it wouldn't be long before the end of everything.

In this new world, survival was the only goal. There was no love, no compassion, or something as foolish as family. It was too late to hold onto regret, and much too late to put anyone before yourself. This is the end of everything.


We are THE GOVERNMENT - Leading the last of mankind into the race for survival. We are able and willing to offer these select few a safe haven, free of infection and pollutants. There is not much trust left in this world, but if you can trust us, you will be rewarded greatly. Follow our wishes and you will be one of the chosen. This last quest will not be easy. Prove to us that you are willing, and it will be more than worth the fight. Be ready for our next transmission, make it through alive and we will be waiting.