

Stardew City - 18:00

*Crack Crack*

" It's starting! Guys, shut the f*ck up! "

Yeah. That's mom.

My mother, Maria, Sophia, and I are currently in front of Orange's bed, looking at the two Pokemon eggs that have just gotten fished out of the incubation machines half an hour ago.

We were still talking until mom heard the eggs crack.


Our eyes were glued on the eggs, looking in anticipation.

I'm so nervous, and my hands are shaking. What if it comes out ugly?

The cracks on both eggs started to stretch out, letting some light seep out of them.

It is unscientific.

*Pam Pam*

With a pang, eggshell fragments scattered in the air before disintegrating.

How? Where did it go?

Two palm-sized Pokemons got out under the light.

One was a beautiful fox-like creature with shiny white fur and cute big blue eyes. Its six fluffy tails rolled out from underneath. It was sitting on the bed while staring at Orange and making weird noises.

"Eep, Eep"

The other was so disgusting my mom almost barfed. It looks like a dead brown fish with purple fins. It was floating a centimeter above the bed, looking at me with sunken eyes.

That's right, floating. Aquatic Pokemons with no proper appendages can levitate in the air at a low altitude, usually about ten centimeters.

I, on the other hand, was happy with what I got.

" Ew, Elijah, why is your Pokemon so ugly. "

Said the mom while preventing herself from throwing up onto it.

" Mom, mom, look, it's so cute! "

" Awww, you're so lucky, Sophia. Look at Elijah's... "

When they all finished looking carefully at the abomination that is my Pokemon, they started distancing themselves from it with Orange's.

She got lucky today. Her Pokemon is an Alolan-Vulpix, which is not that great by itself, having a unique Ice-type and poor stats, going for a two hundred and ninety-nine in total.

But its evolution, Alolan-Ninetales, is considered above average, with a total base stats of five hundred and five, one of its abilities being okay, and a double type of Ice and Fairy, granting it immunity to the Dragon-type.

While it naturally learns a few good moves when growing up. It can learn better moves through practice.

This kind of Pokemon is sufficient for the average trainer, but it usually won't go too far unless given proper training and nutrition, like Pokeblocks.

On my side, It's a Feebas, one of the most repulsive Pokemon to look at in the entire catalog. Its sunken eyes make me scared.

Despite having overwhelming Speed compared to its total base stats of two hundred, It ranks among the weakest with the likes of Magikarp, both of them having a unique Water-type.

" Elijah, I'm starting to regret giving you a choice. Why didn't you let me buy some good Pokemon? Now you got this. "

Said my mom while pointing her shaking finger at the bubbling fish.

" Hey, I like it, alright? You told me to take good care of it, and you're already setting a bad example for my baby. "

I said while walking forward and meticulously taking it into my palm. Well, floating on my palm, but it's the same.

" Shhh, don't worry, kid. Grandma is feeling a bit down today. She didn't mean what she said. "

I began to caress it and tried comforting it from my mom's hurtful words. It looked into my eyes and pounded my stomach with its head to show

affection. Or rub, I don't know, it's a fish.

Feebas may seem worthless, but its evolution is said to be the most beautiful Pokemon to have existed. Climbing to five hundred and forty for its total base stats, it specializes in Special-Defense and has a good Special-Attack.

Unfortunately, Feebas loses its great ability -Adaptability- upon evolving and gets a new one. While not as good as its predecessor, -Cute Charm- is still great, especially in real life.

The game version makes the Pokemon on the opposite side get charmed once touched by Milotic's attack, with a success rate of thirty percent.

Now though, while I'm still not sure how it works, it should be able to be trained and attain a higher success rate.

While I was holding my child, Orange and Maria were fawning over the Alolan-Vulpix while giggling and playing with it. The Pokemon was lying on the bed, like a cat wiggling its limbs in the air.

" Hehehe, it's so cute. Elijah, are you jealous? "

She said after turning her head towards my Pokemon.

" What jealousy? You'll see how great my Pokemon is after evolving. "

I was a bit peeved. After all, these guys are underestimating my future Milotic.

Orange was puzzled this time. She slanted her eyes and said.

" What evolution are you talking about, Elijah? Everyone knows that Feebas doesn't evolve. "

What? People here don't even know this? Feebas's evolving conditions may be somewhat weird and unlikely to happen, but it's been twenty years already. Are they so incompetent that they never tried to groom a Feebas until the end? Is it because it looks so weak they think it is not worth anything?

The people here seem to know even less than I thought, or they are hiding it for some reason.

There are two ways to make a Feebas evolve. You either give it a Prism Scale, Which I got by luck. Or you try to make it as beautiful as possible, and it'll evolve in the middle of a fight. Merely making it wear accessories and make-up doesn't work. It has to be natural.

" It doesn't matter. You'll see how beautiful my child will be after some training... "

I was about to continue when mom suddenly slapped the back of my head and dragged me close to her.

" Why are you two arguing? You should help each other. Otherwise, I won't see my grandkids anytime soon. "

Her suddenness made Orange blush. Hmmm, cute, it's such a rare sight. I should thank mom later.

" Anyways, kids, since Elijah already brought the Miltank milk over, you should go feed your Pokemons. Emily and I will make dinner. "

Having talked, the two mothers left, leaving us in the room holding our respective Pokemon in our arms.

" Let's feed them. The babies are probably hungry. "

Said Orange, reaching out to the Miltank milk I bought.

" Wait a bit. I made some great supplements yesterday. "

With the same puzzled face as earlier, Orange said.

" What? Are you some hidden Pokemon professor? Why don't I know you could do that? Is it even safe?

" Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. "

I proceeded to take out the plastic container from the backpack and open it, revealing the shiny rainbow Pokeblocks.

Orange took a good look for a few seconds.

" I admit, it looks damn good, but it doesn't mean anything. "

I looked at her with confidence and said.

" I told you there is no reason to be worried. I recently found some blueprints in the nearby forest's public ruins. I have to thank my luck for it. Otherwise, I would have never unearthed them. "

That's a lie, of course. The ruins exist, and I went there a few months ago, but I didn't find anything noteworthy.

While we're at it, I might as well explain what ruins are.

After the Pokemon universe collided with our world, they merged. However, no humans came with it, only Pokemons, with scattered ruins and restricted zones too dangerous for humans to venture in.

About half of the Earth's surface is a restricted area. Without any powerful Pokemon, it is impossible to even think about entering.

Fortunately, whatever Pokemons are in the zones aren't willing to come out.

Researchers have been trying to find ways to prevent a possible invasion. No matter how unlikely it is to happen.

The alliance's men have already looked through the safe ruins outside the restricted areas. One of them contained the Pokeball's blueprints. They had dug out records of god-like Pokemons, and traces of human life are present everywhere, making them wonder about what happened.

" Isn't your luck only good for finding lost money? "

Her face warped into shock. I don't know if she is faking it. My eyebrows started twitching either way.

" Are you insulting me? In case you didn't know, my luck is legendary. I can find anything I need at the right moment. "

It is somewhat true, I did manage to find a Prism Scale a while ago, and now I have a Feebas.

Orange ignored what I said and started talking.

" How are they going to eat it? These cubes are too big, and their teeth have not developed enough. "

She said with doubt written on her face.

" My Pokeblocks are dissolvable. I intend to melt them into the milk before making them drink it. "

" Let's get started then. "

With that said, we quickly got to work.

We each took a bottle of Miltank milk and dissolved bits of the cubes until the solution reached saturation.

" Elijah, how is that possible? It's unscientific. Are you sure you're not trying to poison my Pokemon? "

Orange said with concern. She seems to be very expressive today.

Her reaction is somewhat justified. The milk lost its characteristic milky color and became rainbow and translucent, just like a liquid version of the rainbow Pokecube itself.

" Stop talking nonsense and feed your Vulpix. "

Regional versions of certain pokemons have the same name as their first counterpart variant here. An Alolan-Vulpix is just called Vulpix.

When people want to make the distinction between the two versions, they add the Pokemon's element as a prefix. For instance, Orange's Vulpix is an Ice-Vulpix, and the Kanto variant is a Fire-Vulpix.

Orange then shook the bottle and poured the rainbow Miltank milk into a bowl I didn't know was there.

" Orange, your Vulpix is an hour old, and you want it to eat by itself? "

" What's wrong? My baby is strong enough to get by alone. "

Orange said with confidence, and the cub proved her right. The Pokemon stumbled towards the bowl and put his forelegs inside, dipping them in milk.

The sight was funny. Half of its body was outside, and the other inside the bowl. Anyways, Vulpix started drinking and making noises of joy, probably because it tasted great.

Orange turned towards me and said with overwhelming pride.

" Did you see that? My Pokemon is the best. What can yours do? Hurry up. I want to see it. "

She is provoking me there.

I lifted my chin and looked down at her.

" Heh, don't close your eyes. You'll see magic. "

I took a transparent bowl, poured the whole bottle in, and threw my Feebas into it.


The Feebas started swimming joyfully in the rainbow milk.

" How is it? Yours only put its forelegs in while mine is fully inside. "

Orange was speechless.

" Elijah, that's not what we're comparing... "

Did someone talk? It's weird.

" Anyways, let them eat. I need to start training my Feebas as soon as I get home. "

" By the way, do you want to compare our Pokemons in a duel after the training? "

Hmmm, she is getting confident. Unfortunately for her, Feebas is easy to evolve, and Milotic is better than Ninetales.

Water-type is resistant against Ice-type. If I lose, I should probably kill myself.

Where is she going to find an Ice-Stone anyways?

" When? "

" It's Saturday now, so next Sunday. "

" Train your Vulpix well. I don't want an easy win. "

" Whatever, Feebas can't beat my cute Vulpix. "

With that said, we left the Vulpix sleeping, and I caught Feebas in my Luxuryball. It can't float while asleep, and there is no aquarium here.

We went to eat, and I soon left her house with mom. Of course, only after leaving the carefully made rainbow Pokeblock box.

We went to the department store to buy an aquarium before heading home.

Saying goodnight to mom, I quickly installed the aquarium on my desk and dissolved a Pokeblock in the just poured water. Feebas seem to like swimming in it.

I threw the Feebas in it and climbed to bed, then slept.

If there is any mistake to correct or upgrade I can make, tell me in the comments.

2025 Words

2blob2creators' thoughts