
The Spirits Grieve

Liu Feng turned around to look at Leon. He was standing over him, grinning.

"You can stop this? Can you actually stop this explosion from taking place? Or are you going to take me away before I die?" Liu Feng asked.

"No one can stop that mana crystal from exploding, dear child. But I can always take you and escape. All if you agree to give me that method of preparation. Just lean in to the other side that will eventually win. The demon king is one of the most powerful beings in the whole world, and no one will be able to stop his decent into this continent. Not that puny resistance force, and not you. So accept this offer. How much longer do you think you have?" Leon laughed.

"You said that no one can stop this from exploding?" Liu Feng asked.

"No. Don't do it. Do not betray this continent. You are a person that all four spirits trusted, and became your contractor. Do not break this trust. Please." Pyrus suddenly whimpered in his ears.