
The Golden Sins of a Giant

Math, someone who has been friends with both the Saint and the Hero since elementary school is painfully weak, completely incapable of getting stronger, can't use magic... is nothing compared to these two. One day though he realizes that he had been blacking out at random times leading him into madness itself as his pursuit to become strong tears him apart from the inside.

CynicalPepper · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Share the Mind Killer - Math Arnottir

"The hair of a Giant typically is the color red.

The hair of a [ ] is typically white.

The hair of a god... I don't know what the hair of a god is like.

What was the name of the second one?

I can't remember it.

The ancestry... I feel it is so close yet so far."

This is a thought I had in a dream. I don't know what it means but there isn't much of a point in mulling over it if I can't understand it.

I want to though... but it's locked, completely locked in my brain for whatever reason.

On an unrelated note, the more I eat the stronger I seem to become, specifically I feel a spike in my growth, specifically - specifically, my mana is growing each time I eat and then that mana supports and expands other muscles and organs and the like.

I feel abilities growing within me as well.

I've found myself being liked by the wildlife more for some odd reason and my general strength, specifically my armament and strengthening has gotten stronger as of late and the light element has been slightly easier for me to use, specifically, lightning and electricity. It gives off a greenish-blue color and is pretty useful sometimes since I can use it to stun an animal before eating it.

Maybe I got this from eating Lagneia and Reithi, they had their own abilities too, but... I don't truly understand what they are.

"You've grown..."

I couldn't hear it, I couldn't see it, but Kasal somehow snuck up on me.

My head whipped around, eyes glaring into his.

For some reason, a sense of relaxation came over me. His eyes shocked me.

I had never gotten a good look at any of their eyes except Stolt's... but now I'm looking at Kasal's. It was an amber galaxy, bright in its allure. His pupils looked like a black hole that sat in the middle of this spiraling galaxy.

He showed the back of his hand, "Nine days... the round is almost over."

"O-okay... what do you want?"

He shook his head, "Nothing," He sat in front of him, a drowsy look in his eyes, "I just felt like it was necessary to actually meet you."

"Okay... well... we already know each other... uh..."

"I'll tell you our abilities."

"W-what? Why?"

He shrugged, "I don't care about winning or losing... I also just think it's necessary for you to know."

"I... O-okay..."

"We are all sins... you, are Gluttony."

"Wait...? What?"

"The Seven Deadly Sins. That is what we all are..." He pointed to his head, "In your head. The separated extreme emotions in your that lay dormant which became their own personalities... in a way."


He pointed at me, "Gluttony... though we are all able to eat anything and everything like a typical Giant would, you, in particular, are ravenous and always seek out food to consume. Encouraged by the World Serpent."

"I... O-okay..."

"I," He pointed to himself, "Am Sloth."

"What is your power then?"

"Each power represents ourselves and we get stronger on abusing said emotion or feeling. If you abuse your appetite, you get stronger, but a couple of us are different."

"What do you mean?"

"I... do... no, I can get stronger by abusing my base instinct... but that isn't my power. My base feeling supports the power, as does yours as well... technically."


He nodded, "Me... I can see the future. Whenever I sleep... I can see it. The more I sleep, the more I can see and the more tired I inevitably become," He paused, "Well... at least I won't become dysfunctional... I hope."

"You? You can see the future?"

"Before that... Reithi, who represents Wrath, can become stronger through anger, in which he utilizes red lighting that only the Beast Dragon can use. This is called the Beast Dragon's Rage. Lagneia's power relies on her gaining more and more subjects to become stronger... it is referred to as the Mother's Lustful Tone. It is most effective on beasts and is said to be a power that comes from the wife of the Trickster Angel."

"What about Stolt?"

"I don't know... we all don't really understand his ability. One this is for sure though... it is connected to the one said to be the Immortal Forgemaster, Protector and Gazer of Light... long name." Kasal stuck his tongue out and made a "Blah" noise.

"Codicia... what about him?"

"The more he steals... it's a simple ability. But the ones who are truly different are..." He pointed to me, "You... and me..." He pointed back to himself.

"What makes us so different?"

"Versatility... our abilities shouldn't feed into whatever it is we have like they do. My ability shows the future to me and I can train and become stronger around that... you... you eat and get stronger but can also utilize what you have eaten. The epitome of Gluttony... making whatever you eat to be your own... fuzing and evolving. That is what makes you unique... plus... you have a deep connection to what came before the Giants." Kasal looked content before worry struck his face, "This future... it is a burden though... I don't want to be alone anymore."

He looked crazed, approaching me slowly before being only a few inches away from me.

"Ah... I really hate it... I hate seeing this... is the only one who can... but you... you have the potential... that is why I come to you now."

"I... I don't... Oh! You forgot Jidu!" I tried to change the subject but he ignored me, placing both of his hands on my eyes.

"Please see it... see it... share my burden."


It felt nonsensical...

I truly had no clue what this was.

I stood, water beneath my feet, hair as white as snow, my eyes glowing not of dull amber, but clear, bright, vibrant. Why did I look like this? Why did this happen?

My head looks across the waterbed, looking for anything around me, a corpse floating towards me.

Multiple... there are multiple corpses.

Mikael... Beatrice...

My heart sank to my stomach, running to them. Their eyes were wide, bloodshot... they didn't look like themselves. I thought it impossible... there was no way this would ever happen. I refuse to believe it. I refuse to believe that this is really them... god... Beatrice... why...

The water moved, and what stood in the middle of all those corpses was a being clad in black.

The armor was jagged, small lines of gold making the form clear, pieces of cloth set like a cape under the shoulder plates. The belt holding the sheath of a knife on its waist brandished like a seafarer. the plate mail around the pants area was small, the pants themselves being hardened leather tightened by the metal boots it wore. The helmet had a visor that would completely obstruct its vision, red hair spilling out from the back, gums, and teeth visibly, and surrounded by a metal jawline. Metal did not protect its neck..., no it was more like hardened leather, like the gullet of a dragon, only a small bit of metal attached to its chest plate protecting its neck.

What is that...? Did it kill them...?

Should I...? Should I kill it?

I... if it...

I'll fucking kill it.