
The Golden Sins of a Giant

Math, someone who has been friends with both the Saint and the Hero since elementary school is painfully weak, completely incapable of getting stronger, can't use magic... is nothing compared to these two. One day though he realizes that he had been blacking out at random times leading him into madness itself as his pursuit to become strong tears him apart from the inside.

CynicalPepper · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Second Stage - Math Arnottir

After pushing myself as far as I could, I finally did it, I managed to lower the number of circles that are needed for the traps, bringing me straight into the second stage.

I have to do mana breathing exercises a lot more now but by the time I'm finished, I'll finally have enough to be at least a D-Rank, especially if we're including the physical progress I'd be making.

For now, I've done it -- I managed to reduce the originally 7-circle spell down to a 5-circle spell, and I'll tell you now that - that is a massive feat.

If I keep pushing this further I might be able to reach the Third Stage in no time.

I attempted to lower the number of circles needed for my pistol but it was an unsuccessful attempt due to the possibility that I could damage the weapon, because just like actual coding, as you know from my other attempts as well, you always need to troubleshoot, except here, something could be permanently damaged and I can't exactly afford to damage the pistol.

Unless... "Do I keep my stages if I die?"


So simple... I should've just asked that first.

I'm guessing it because I've already been enlightened so it'd be redundant if that progress is gone for good, but I wonder how it'd feel to suddenly go into the Second Stage, or whatever stage I reach before death when I reset and start back from the beginning again. I'm assuming it'd be painful to some degree.

But... I finally got here.

After a week of training my mana and hunting, I somehow haven't reached D-Rank yet, but my assumption is that it's probably because my physical body is lacking behind my mana body... or maybe I'm misunderstanding something.

I think I'm might be a misunderstanding because I'm pretty sure D-Rankers, especially magicians, are those who are in the Third Stage or higher which would mean that I have a Mage's body currently rather than a Martial one... which is inconvenient.

The big positive is that my pistol shots reload faster now, which makes it easier to blow Goblin's brains out every once in a while.

Just my luck, my opportunity to kill the Blind Hobgoblin has returned once more since he's repeating events that happened last time.

Helping a girl, wandering the outside, which is something I've figured out that it normally doesn't do.

All I have to do is wait for it to return the girl to the normal world and go on the attack.


I made multiple traps go dormant for a period of time as he entered the gave then removed the time limit and set it to pressure before retreating.

I waited quietly a few feet away, hidden behind a collection of bushes, watching the cave entrance closely, pistol in hand.

My senses suddenly went blitz, jumping out from the bush, narrowly dodging out of the way of an attack, it was the Blind Hobgoblin, swinging at me with a wild smile on his face, moving around as if in a drunken stupor before lunging at me.

I fire a shot at him and miss as he fell to the ground before hitting me with a handstand kick.

My head flew back as well as the rest of my body, falling to the ground, stunned.

The Hobgoblin stood up properly again and cackled before reeling one arm back and throwing it toward me.

I managed to regain my composure in time and jumped out of the way, trying to run away from the Blind Hobgoblin, looking over my shoulder periodically. I watched as it began counting down with its fingers as it slowly lowered itself to the ground and at some point, I managed to get a sizable distance away from it.

I prep my pistol again as I watch as it sprinted at me at an insane speed on all fours before transitioning into a proper sprint.

I fired and almost hit it in the head, only grazing it, blood spraying out from its forehead as its legs buckle and the back of its body falls back.

The momentum of its own movements brought itself forward significantly as its entire back was practically touching the ground at the point, one of its legs whipping out and smacking me in the face.

I managed to move away some as its foot grazed across me taking a tiny chunk of my cheek with it, the muscle still there having blood slowly seep out from within and drip down my face.

I reeled back and began hoping in between the trees, making sure to use them as cover.

The Hobgoblin began doing a handstand again before proceeding to do multiple flips towards my direction before launching itself into the air and grabbing onto a tree.

The tree shook as it held onto it before quickly jumping off from it and falling right behind me.

I attempted to move my head out of the way of its attack as its elbow almost touched my face before it quickly spun its body around, hitting me with the back of its fist.

I almost lost my footing and fell to the ground as I felt my head get rocked around, feeling the back of its knuckle smack across my jaw, my eyes rolling to the back of my skull for a split second before quickly recollecting myself and firing into it.

I finally got a shot off, taking a chunk of skin and muscle that protected its ribs.

The Hobgoblin was startled, jumping back and hiding behind a tree, holding onto its exposed rib, blood spilling from its body and staining the ground.

"I got you fucker!" I yelled out as it stood on one of my traps, blowing up it and the tree it stood behind, causing the tree to collapse onto the creature.

The tree bent over its body as it ate the explosion.

The Blind Hobgoblin rose up slowly, bringing the tree up with it, panting softly, "H-human..." it mumbled, "N-nice..." Its smile grew wide as I stood there in shock at it communicating with me properly.

The Hobgoblin quickly grabbed onto the tree, still on its shoulders -- swinging it around like a sword, taking down a few trees with it.

I ducked out of the way, watching in shock as the tree that fell on it turned into but a splinter compared to its larger form before due to him using its large size as a temporary weapon, it taking out other trees reducing its size significantly.

The Hobgoblin threw the splinter like a knife, getting me in the leg as I curse out loud, it jumps into my direction, making a full flip in the air, holding onto the tree I was near upside down, quickly hopping down and getting me with a kick to the ribs.

I gasp for air, falling to the ground, tears welling up in my eyes.

The Hobgoblin was proud of this fight, laughing wildly as he heard me writhe.


I shouted, firing at the Hobgoblin who quickly dodged out of the way.

"How the fuck are you dodging you blind fuck!"

I felt like a child having a tantrum as it kept making fun of me from afar.

I charged up a shot one more time, firing at the Hobgoblin.

He dodged out of the way again and I used that opportunity to throw a knife at it.

It dodged again, weaving under the thrown knife before having its chest blown out with a shot from my pistol.

The Hobgoblin was visibly shocked, blood spilling from its mouth as it held its chest desperately.

Three baits, one hit.

Blood began dripping out of my nose as my mana began running out a bit ago, and this being my last opportunity, I've never been happier than a plan of mine had worked.

"Got you!" I yelled at it, a smile on my face.

It also began laughing, giving me a thumbs up and nodding, "You got me good... human." It was its last words before dying.

/Would you like to eat his soul?\


/Would you?\

"What do I get from that?"

/You get two options, Summon: Blind Hobgoblin Guard, or gain a Hobgoblin ability. And also, through eating his would, you get a bit of its mana.\

"I can summon things?"

/Yes, but it costs a lot of mana summoning something for the first time.\

"I'll eat him."

As I said that an odd glowing object appeared in front of me. It was as if it was calling for me to eat it, so I did.

/Would you like to summon it, or take an ability.\

"What happens if I take an ability?"

/You will never have an opportunity to take an ability from that race again.\

"I have another question."


"Why am I just getting this option now?"

/You have defeated an enemy significantly stronger than you.\

"I see... I'd like to summon him."

/What would you like to name him?\

"Uh... Captain. He kind of reminded me of a pirate."

/Would you like to summon him now?\

"Do I have stats?"


"Can I see them?"

/Showing Stats...\

/Level: 2 (2 Unallocated Points Remaining), Mana: 8/20-\

"That's enough, that's all I need to know."

/Is this all you want in the future?\

"First... 'Unallocated Points?"

/What would you like to put your unallocated points into?\

I sighed, "What are the options?"

/Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity.\

"Only three?"

/They go over the broad strokes of the human condition, it is unneeded to list anything else.\

"Alright..." I paused, looking at what was there, "What do I make of this?"

/Strength: F-Rank, Intelligence: D-Rank, Dexterity: B-Rank\

"What does dex do?"

/Senses, reflexes, speed.\

"How good are my senses?"

/A-Rank with S-Rank potential.\

"I'm amazing."