
The Golden Sins of a Giant

Math, someone who has been friends with both the Saint and the Hero since elementary school is painfully weak, completely incapable of getting stronger, can't use magic... is nothing compared to these two. One day though he realizes that he had been blacking out at random times leading him into madness itself as his pursuit to become strong tears him apart from the inside.

CynicalPepper · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

On Sight - Math Arnottir

I think it's been more than a week by now and I'm sure that I'm in the higher E-Rank range compared to before since I'm able to overpower the Goblins in a one on one now.

I've been stuck within the cave systems for a while now, just making sure to take out the Goblins systematically every once and a while since it appears they don't even notice when a small amount of them appear missing so I just assume its due to high birth rates or something.

I haven't been able to kill a Hobgoblin yet but I've managed to injure one in a trap. The problem was that it managed to push me back before I could do any real damage.

It seems this has alerted the Goblins a bit since it was a Hobgoblin rather than a regular Goblin, especially since the Hobgoblin itself wasn't even dead.

After inspecting them for a while, I noticed that the Goblins seem to have their own language or something.

I expected it to be similar to the High Goblins but it isn't similar in the slightest, more like just a collection of sounds and clicks instead of anything actually comprehensible.

My physique has improved considerably over these past few days.

It's still a little straining to do physical activities out of my wheelhouse but it's become significantly easier.

I've decided to actually take a shot at a Hobgoblin for real this time.

I set myself up on a higher tree point, strapped up by multiple sets of rope latched onto a makeshift belt I made, hidden by the leaves and branches surrounding me, a Hobgoblin accompanying a group of regular Goblins.

This isn't exactly an odd sight but it's been becoming more frequent lately to see a Hobgoblin accompanying the smaller guys.

I loosened the belt a bit, sliding down the tree and firing into the Hobgoblin.

The Hobgoblin's arm reeled back, attempting to hide itself behind a tree as the other Goblins look around in confusion before one of them is startled by my quick descent, landing on its shoulders and stabbing it multiple times in the neck.

I stage dive towards the side of a tree, gripping onto some loose bark at had planted to drag myself behind the tree.

One of the Goblins attempted to stab me with a spear but instead got it stuck within the wood of the tree that I hid behind, using that opportunity to break the spear with my shovel, backstepping as the other two Goblins approached.

I parried one of their attacks and used a small knife in my off-hand to cut one of their faces.

The one I had just cut retreated, another one jumped in and I tackled it, immediately getting back up and sprinting past them, the Hobgoblin suddenly coming at me from my side.

I spun around as it attempted to tackle me, kneeing its face, blood spilling out onto the ground from its nose.

I watched as it reeled on the ground in pain, grasping desperately at its broken nose.

I switched my main hand weapon with my offhand, shovel now in my right and knife in my left.

My main and off hands change frequently, so don't get too confused.

I used my shovel to parry another attack from the other Goblins, tossing my knife away and gabbing the thickest stick I could find in my vicinity, breaking it over its head.

A piece of the stick flew into the air -- I followed it with my eyes backing up as it spun towards my direction, grabbing it by the blunt end and lunging at the Goblin with the sharp end, stabbing it in the lower part of its chest, just under its heart and lungs, digging upwards as I lowered myself to the ground.

Blood spilled out from its mouth as its eyes grew wide -- throwing it to the side as the other Goblins began charging at me again, the Hobgoblin slowly recovering.

My pistol had charged at this point but I needed an opportunity to pull it back out in the middle of the fight, and that time was not now.

I began sprinting in the opposite direction to the rest of the Goblins, quickly catching up to me.

I scramble for my pistol, almost dropping it and falling to the ground, quickly rolling and firing into one of their legs. The Goblin falls to the ground, its leg being blown off, and the other Goblin next to him got scared and started running away.

The Hobgoblin recovered completely, running at me at full speed, hopping off of the roots of trees, and pushing himself off to give himself more speed.

I cursed under my breath right before getting hit by one of its hooks, knocking me over with only one punch.

Pain surged through my arms, tears welling up in my eyes from the pain as it prepared itself for a soccer kick, slamming it into my stomach.

I rolled over in pain, the Hobgoblin grabbing me by my collar, chucking me into a tree, taking the wind out of me.

I almost passed out when slammed into the tree, adjusting its grip and slamming me to the ground.

The Hobgoblin started cackling, watching me as I struggle to put myself back together, eyes red, whole body in pain.

The Hobgoblin's cackle turned into a faint chuckle as it crossed over to my legs, grabbing one of them and dragging me across the ground, the bumps and grooves interrupting my recovery time.

The taste of blood filled my mouth, a hot wet feeling trailing across my face from my nose to the back of my head.

I wipe one hand across my face, staining my sleeve as my consciousness faded in and out.

I wheezed as I attempted to raise my upper body to look at the back of the Hobgoblin that dragged me, pain coming across my back as multiple scrapes and bruises appeared more and more due to my shirt being lifted up from the constant dragging.

It took more mana than needed since the breathing technique wasn't exactly available at the moment -- charging the pistol and firing into the back of its head.

The back of the Hobgoblin's skull lifted, blood pouring out from behind and staining its green back.

The Hobgoblin fell to the ground, still gripping my angle.

I took a while to process my surroundings, but after a bit of recollection, I checked my arm, realizing that it had been fractured.

I cursed at myself, pulling a spare knife out from the back of my belt, effectively lifting myself to my own leg and the Hobgoblin's hand.

I attempted to pry the handoff with my only available arm to no avail, then attempted to pry the hand open with the knife which almost bent it.

I pulled my leg in closer and propped myself onto a tree, placing the knife carefully on top of the bones of its fingers.

I slowly shifted the knife back and forth, cutting through the fingers, blood pooling at the edge of the knife as I carved further and further into the bone.

Out of habit I attempted to use my other arm but winced in pain as I strained my fingers to touch the tips of the Hobgoblin's fingers.

I throw my offhand over the arm, resting it there as I got closer to my ankle.

I cut my ankle a bit in the process but I managed to get that eagle gripped bitch off me.

It took a while to find a clean pool of water but I managed to get there, admiring the waterfall all the while as I cleaned myself off, weapons included.

Doing it all with one arm was inconvenient, to say the least.

After an hour of effort, I managed to set my arm up in a harness, resting it near my stomach and attempting to put everything back together through magic.

The first attempt was successful overall... will hope that I don't break something again.