
Those were the days

The world of esstes, a simple world where magic and monsters exsist. It is also a somewhat crossroads like world, where every world in the multiverse at one point will align with esstes and open up a portal between the two worlds.

And so as you can tell this has become an inconvinience to many, creatures from all over have either, fallen, gone in, flushed, thrown into, pushed, pulled in, and the best one is when.you try to look for the sweet release of death only to enter a portal, mid air as you jumped off the tall building, and you find yourself in the middle of an epic battle between weird snake like eagle with glowing green fangs and a guy named chad with his butt naked self and his roughly made spear looking sword, and you ask yourself, I think I know that guy, hey its chad!

For 3rd dimensional beings such as humans it can be easily comprehended, as they have thousands of literature dedicated to these kinds of worlds, but to 3rd dimensional beings such as this gold fish, well he's just happy he got a bigger bowl.

Esstes, in one word, is weird.

life in esstos is like any other fantasy world you probably have read, watched, played, thought of one day in class, dreamed off, jerked off to, and have wrote semi-erotica fan fiction of. You have your dragons, gorgons, elves, elvis, santa the barbarian, beast girls, fish boys, and of course humans.

oddly enough, there are always humans in everything if you think about it.

lets look at a daily life of an essterosian shall we. Here we see chad as he is waking up for his morning meal, he gets his meal like everybody else, from the bossom of an arborean centipillar, a friendly creature that like to stay in one place and serve its nutrition to other creatures, in actuality it gets very aroused woth this and it gives it so much pleasure. Next we see as chad puts on his war paint made from his own excriments of course because if its your own excriment its usually more potent. Now chad is ready to face the world with a smile, and off he goes, as fast as a jackrabbit in mating season, and just as turned on our boy chad sees his prey, a nesseled back tree hugger. as chad pounds on the tree hugger with his mighty mallet, the tree hugger ignores her pain and keeps it bottled down, as her fur becomes bloodied green, the tree hugger waits paitently to strike back. Stamina drained and arms get weak and heavy he remembers his moms spaghetti and then he's back to reality as our boy chad stopps his attack and sits down in shame. Now the tree hugger sees her opportunity and strikes! she swings her massive arms towards chad and pummels the ground infront of him, as the dust settles chad sees a pile of leaves shaped into a ball chad looks at the tree hugger in shame and the tree hugger looks back with a smirk, a kind smirk, but you can see her pride, ashamed of himself chad takes the offering of the tree hugger and walks back to his home tired, sad, and bule balled. As chad walks away we see the tree hugger standing tall and proud for she has bested man and also have provided for man.

so ends an everday, day of our essterosians in this wonderful world where its only eighty percent trying to shame you.