
Verarean Academy

Tigris headed out of the dorm and began entering the school which was flooded with students entering despite the classes starting shortly.

"Ugh, over the break I had from school I forgot how horrible it was coming to school so early in the morning..."

Tigris expresses a frown

"Whatcha talking about Tigris?"

Tigris turns around surprised to see his friend Hestia, a beautiful elven girl with long white hair and blue eyes that looked like diamonds. He hadn't seen her in about a year due to her living far away and students only recently moving in dorms he hadn't had any time to go see her.

"Ah, Hestia.."

Tigris said slightly embarrassed

"I was just mumbling to myself, anyways... lets change topics what class are you headed?

Hestia brushes her hair onto her shoulder and looks at him with a slightly embarrassed face

"B-battle class."

Tigris laughs

"I didn't expect such a beautiful girl like you to be aspiring to beat a knight."

Hestia changes her expression to a slightly angry face, before running off, Hestia hated when people made fun of her dreams always calling her a fragile little girl.

Tigris didn't understand why she ran off.

Tigris chuckles a little

"I'll see her again, since we have the same class."

He turns and looks at the door to his class, takes a breath, then enters.

Next chapter might come later, or tomorrow. Ill see you guys later.

canilickyourhandcreators' thoughts