
The Gods Of All People: Starting From The Establishment Of The Reincar

Traveling through the era of the gods of the whole people, everyone can support followers, ignite the fire of the gods, and achieve the status of gods. Li Fan did not take the usual path, he is still a traditional deity no matter what age. "How much fighting power can a guy who has lost himself for a while and only knows fanatical belief in gods have?" He incarnated the great Lord God and created the reincarnation space. Those who continue to invest in trials will burst out with great potential on the edge of life and death. [The first level of gene lock: 100% control of the body, incarnate a peerless genius, learn any martial arts, and reach the peak of human skills] [The first level of spiritual lock: the spiritual soul comprehends the world, can't be seen with a glance, has a far-reaching strategy, and reaches the peak of human intelligence] There are also [will lock], [dream lock] and so on.... When others are still working hard to expand their kingdom of God step by step. Li Fan has brought a large number of reincarnations and started to invade the heavens and worlds. In front of him, countless powerful gods were all overshadowed. "I am the Lord God, and I shall be the Lord of the Gods!" "Which one of you has an opinion?" ps: Non-traditional unlimited stream setting

Fernrir_Zero999 · Fantaisie
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311 Chs

Chapter 187 Devour, Void Dust! The Unrivaled Power Of The Void

Then, taking advantage of the mutual attraction between voids,Attract more void dust from the void outside the field,Devour the opponent completely.One is the supreme law with only a touch of charm,And the other is the supreme law that connects the entire void.Which is strong and which is weak, you can tell at a glance.Of course, the above is only in the sea of ​​void,Real combat performance.If in this simulated battle,Simulated not so real words.may not be able to summon void dust at all,And attract endless void.Zhang Yuan's avatar released by Li Fan,He descended in front of the opponent with a blank expression.Then raised his hand,The talent of the Void Dust Manipulator suddenly activated.In front of the thirty warriors of Emperor Chen Gou,A black spot like a sesame seed appeared on all of them.This is the void dust he summoned,I saw that this empty dust was only as big as a sesame seed at first,Then slowly suspended in mid-air,Attracted by the void,Open the channel between this world and the void.and then keep growing,only 27 only a short while later,It changed from the size of a sesame seed to the size of a soybean grain.Seeing this, Li Fan finally nodded."The college system is really powerful. In this virtual space, even the void can be simulated."This one should be considered stable!"With such a powerful lineup of Emperor Chen Gou,It was actually broken by him in this way,Li Fan also felt a little excited.The most important thing is that he is not a rascal,Take the number of people abruptly to consume other people's bodies and ministers.but aboveboard,smashed with force from the front,Fight the Supreme Law with the Supreme Law.You can comprehend the supreme law of the way unearthed,And in my kingdom of God, there are also void dust manipulators who can be called bug levels.This is no coincidence, nor is it luck.It's because of Li Fan's strength in all aspects of the Kingdom of God,No matter what kind of enemy you face,He can come up with a set of effective methods to target them.This is a manifestation of the powerful heritage of the kingdom of God,It also represents the kingdom of Li Fan,No matter from any angle, he was stronger than Emperor Chen Gou.The dust of the void connects the sea of ​​void,Perhaps the power at the beginning was only a little bit.Not worth mentioning in front of the other party,But the constantly attracted void dust gathers together,Formed a more powerful force of the void.continuously scours the surrounding space,The void can clean everything, and it can also purify everything.Soon the clearing range of void dust,Then touched the supreme law of the Dao of Earth,Two supreme powers of the same level confront each other,Basically, one point for yourself can offset one point for the opponent.The fight was very anxious, evenly matched.But the supreme power of the other party is completely untouched,But the power of the void is connected to the entire ocean.Under the ebb and flow,The specific external manifestations are.The pale yellow film covering every warrior,Gradually become dim.In its place is the deep black of the void,Gradually eroding their bodies.But because of the pressure of using the Supreme Law,Make these fighters unable to move at all.Can only silently endure the two supreme forces fighting around the body,It's not even when the power of the void has the upper hand.These fighters who only have the third rank of Huang Rank,It was already unbearable and reached the limit.The body split into countless pieces and collapsed directly.Look carefully into those fragments,half tinged with pale yellow,The other half was corroded by the pitch-black void.Boom~The sound of the crash is not loud,Chihi whoosh.Like age-old statues,Under the erosion of time,Nature disintegrated into countless small stones.It would have been a terrifying battle,Didn't expect it to end like this.In the big classroom, all the onlookers.In deep doubt at the moment,Emperor Chen Gou's invincible defensive formation,So vulnerable!?Didn't even make much noise,Silently defeating this kind of dark power.Is this still the 30 people who are invincible in their impression!?Obviously in his many challenges in the past,The fight was called a dark place,It can be said that the big movement of the world collapsed is not an exaggeration.Now it's so simple, it's been hastily cracked!!?Has Li Fan found a new way to "steal chicken"?It's anyone's guess what's going on here.Fortunately, there is no shortage of high-level earth gods among the onlookers,These are far beyond the level of gods,The vision of the god king and god emperor level is so sophisticated.They could tell at a glance that this was also a Supreme Power Emperor!"Yes! It's the void!""This pure black is the power of the void!""So it's the power of the void! No wonder it can counter the supreme law comprehended by Emperor Chen Gou!""The power of the void can be said to be the most basic thing that constitutes the 750 world seas of the void, and the position of the wheel grid may be higher than the origin of the five elements."I just said that the defense is as fragile as paper. In the face of the power of the void, isn't it just like a piece of thin paper?""The power of the void is a bit too perverted. You only need to summon a little bit, and if you don't limit it, it can continue to expand until the void swallows up the entire world."Of course, the power of the void is originally used to clean up the residue..."The lower-level gods of the earth,I can only listen to those big guys talking about it.For them, what is the power of the void, the origin of the five elements, etc.,Still completely untouchable.This supreme level of power,They are still one hundred and eight thousand miles away from their current state.Only like Emperor Chen Gou,Or the proud son of an era like Li Fan.It can be said that in the stage of gods,To be exposed to this level of power,And use it.Seeing this, Ancient Emperor Tianzun smiled for the first time."Good boy, you really didn't disappoint me.""Can you summon the subordinates of the void...""This individual creature alone is much more powerful than that old bastard Chen Gou at the level of a god."